Podcasts by LifeDoneDifferent.ly


Do you wonder whether there’s another way?
Another, more creative, more meaningful approach to living your life. Well there is and there’s a growing movement of people from all kinds of walks of life who are proving that the way we end up doing what we do in life is often a side effect of external forces. Rather than a deliberate, conscious and authentic set of choices that have come from you and your unique needs. What are you chasing? Success? Safety? Fame? Fortune? Recognition?

Further podcasts by Neil Witten & Ray Richards

Podcast on the topic Selbstverwirklichung

All episodes

Derek Sivers - The usefulness of opposites from 2022-12-22T07:00

Derek Sivers is a man with his own mind. To describe him as a musician, circus clown, entrepreneur, programmer, author, speaker, philosopher and Dad might whet your appetite but it would only be...

Steve Chapman (@stevexoh) - exploring the counter-intuitive from 2022-08-29T06:45

This is a conversation with Steve Chapman. Steve worked for Glaxo Smith Kline for 20 years, he started packing boxes and ended up in a senior management role - and then he became an artist. It s...

A Sneak Peek of a Project Neil has been working on from 2022-06-29T16:15:28

Better Business On Purpose is a book that Neil has recently co-authored.

It's a practical guide for leaders who want to grow profit and have a positive impact on the world.

Included ...

Pieter Levels - Thinking and doing for yourself from 2022-05-16T07:05

Hello and welcome to our conversation with Pieter Levels. Peter is the man behind NomadList.com, remoteOK.com, Listen

Steph Smith - Life done differently for the risk adverse from 2022-04-29T07:05

Until she went to Sweden as part of a student exchange programme, Steph didn't really question the trajectory she was on. She was going with the flow. A spell in Sweden, a different culture with...

Rosie Sherry - Reckless Mother from 2022-04-14T22:00

Hi All - in this episode we talk to Rosie Sherry. Rosie is a self-declared introvert and community builder extraordinaire. She is best known for the Ministry of Testing, Indie Hackers, Rosie.lan...

Mills - Finding Myself from 2021-03-30T23:13

Mills founded ustwo with Sinx, his mate from school. Ustwo has become a digital product studio, a games company and an investment business. They have always worked with the biggest brands in the...

Emile Bennett - Letting Go from 2021-03-03T00:00

Hi all - welcome to our conversation with Emile Bennett, Emile is a 37-year-old knife-maker and bladesmith but it’s taken him a while to feel comfortable with those descriptions. Previously his ...

Charles Wookey - Reinvent Yourself from 2021-01-28T17:00

Hi everyone. I hope you're doing okay given the circumstances. Welcome to our conversation with Charles Wookey. Charles is the CEO of A Blueprint for Better Business, a charity that helps organi...

Junior Smart OBE - Leader - Part 2 from 2020-11-13T11:00

Hello hello - welcome to Part 2 of our conversation with Junior Smart. If you haven't listened to Part 1 I suggest you do that first. Part One takes us to the point where Junior is just about to...

Junior Smart - Getting comfortable with uncomfortable - Part 1 from 2020-10-16T07:00

Junior Smart is a youth leader, an ex-offender, an academic and a couple of months ago he added father to this list. 

If you don't believe people can change, listen to this. This is a stor...

Matt&Lucia Long - I'm actually an opera singer from 2020-10-05T19:00

Hi everyone. Hope you're all okay, coping, surviving, learning, growing - it's hard to know what to say these days - we're all experiencing the same thing and whilst the experience is so shared ...

Ben Ivey - When did you feel most loved? from 2020-10-02T19:00

Hi All - welcome to our conversation with Ben Ivey. Ben is a coach to Entrepreneurs but what makes Ben interesting is that he's interested in the Entrepreneur as a person, the whole person not j...

Tom Libelt - The Reluctant Adventurer from 2020-09-25T06:00

This episode is a conversation with Tom Libelt, salesman, musician and DJ, coffee shop owner, publisher and most recently digital nomad.

Thank you to Tom for a thoroughly enjoyable convers...

Ray&Neil | Change Uninvited Kick-Off from 2020-08-07T05:00

  • The benefits of being forced to do something we said we'd never do  
  • Responding to change
  • The difference between hearing a story and experiencing it
  • The need for...

Clare Farrell - Rebellion from 2020-07-10T07:00

She tried mainstream fashion but didn't fit in. Clare doesn't fit in - in so many ways! Clare's a rebel. She suggests that rebellion became a part of her when she moved schools and studied the s...

Katey Wiseman | Why we all need a support team from 2020-07-01T03:15

We met up a few weeks later and Katey told me more. More about: 

  • The wasted years of her life and how she started to doubt people were good
  • Noticing she was angry with herse...

Damian Keyes - F**k Plan B from 2020-03-06T11:00

We have a big old natter about:

  • Growing up in Swansea
  • The problem of doing what you want on your wedding day - when others want you to go with the flow (one week after this ...

Dave Cornthwaite - Say Yes More from 2019-11-29T07:00

In this episode, we talk to Dave about:

  • the importance of articulating a vision when you're working in a team
  • the move from graphic designer to Adventurer
  • the move ...

Kim Slade - Licking the Lid of Life from 2019-11-18T07:00

We talked to Kim about

  • Studying the stoner's degree that is music technology
  • Not feeling he could focus enough to become a professional singer-songwriter
  • Swapping m...

Neil and Ray at the Cottage from 2019-10-21T01:00

We recorded this episode at Port Moor Cottage, a shack on stilts sitting on an island in Essex. It would be an understatement to say we've learned from our conversations with guests. They have b...

Mike Dicks - Who's saying you can't do what you want to do? from 2019-09-13T05:00

In this conversation we explored:

  • Why people often apologise for the work they do
  • The stories we tell ourselves and how they can limit our development
  • The inevitabl...

Pablo Woodward - What would you do if you only had one life? from 2019-07-19T10:30

This conversation in the Bunny Bus covered many moments in the life of Pablo Woodward. This includes the arrival of his 3 children and the Disco Bunny plus:

  • Realising he didn't have ...

Rik Turner and Henrietta Jayden - What would you notice, if you slowed down? from 2019-07-05T10:30

We talked to Rik and Hen about the new life they've created and how. They talk to us about:

  • The productivity benefits of slowing down
  • The importance of taking ownership of h...

Liam McGough - From big trees to Big Brother and back again - Part 2 from 2019-06-21T11:30

These show notes are a duplicate of those found in Part 1.

 Our conversation with Liam covered many topics. He talked openly about:

  • Growing up thinking he was the dumb one
  • ...

Liam McGough - From big trees to Big Brother and back again - Part 1 from 2019-06-21T10:00

Our conversation with Liam covered many topics. He talked openly about:

  • Growing up thinking he was the dumb one
  • Failing all his GCSE's 
  • Thinking he has undiagnosed ...

Alastair Humphreys - Fear is an adventure from 2019-06-07T10:30

We chatted to Alastair at the British Library. He talked to us about:

  • His natural personality of nervousness, stress and hate of late 
  • Coaxing himself to become more curious...

Hamish McKenzie - How to recycle yourself out of the system from 2019-04-29T14:00

It would be fair to say Hamish is not a conventional man.  Check out The Bizarre Houseboats of Britain to see what I mean. He thinks and...

Laurence McCahill - Chipping away at the rock until the image reveals itself from 2019-04-29T13:00

Laurence and Carlos are designers of events and an online community that make entrepreneurs happy. In this conversation, Laurence talked to us about:

  • Growing up in London pubs
  • <...

Bruce Daisley - How 'Cartoon Boy' finds the fast lane from 2019-03-20T14:00

We wished we'd had longer with Bruce.  He's a brilliant demonstration of what you can achieve if you truly understand your strengths. He seems very able in many areas but what sets him apart is ...

Fiona Oakes - Searching for pain in pursuit of purpose from 2019-02-14T11:00

Fiona is the antidote to any 'get rich quick' or 'instagram' society. Her philosophy on life is simple; if there's a problem that needs fixing, fix it yourself. Don't talk about the problem, pap...

Oliver Dall - Wrap Up Episode from 2019-01-07T16:00

Is this a useful format?  Please tell us what you think over on twitter https://twitter.com/lifedonediff

Oliver Dall - How your weirdness can be your most valuable asset from 2019-01-07T14:00

Oliver was our first ever guest. Neil happened to go into Oliver's store and was so enamoured with both the store and proprietor, he asked if we could meet. LifeDoneDifferent.ly was born. Oliver...

Tom Hall - A life of risk and a heart attack at the ballet from 2019-01-05T13:00

We met Tom at his very nice house in London. It's really nice! He shared his experiences in business and in life. He shared how he's changed and how his motivations have changed. What I like mos...

Mark Williamson - Confessions of a recovering people pleaser from 2018-12-19T14:00

We've known Mark and Action for Happiness for many years but this conversation was different. Here we learned about Mark's sometimes painful journey into the world of social entrepreneurship. It...

Monty Munford - Take it to the edge or don't take it at all from 2018-11-30T17:00

"Those who tell stories rule society" so said, Plato. Monty Munford collects and tells very good stories. He doesn’t run society yet, but we’ll have more fun when he does.


Alan Phillips - When work is life from 2018-10-24T15:00

Alan says "creativity is intelligence having fun”. He balances some very rigid and carefully designed routines with architectural anarchy.  He joined us in The Walrus pub where he shared his tho...

Gina Lyons - When you have nothing to lose, you have everything to gain from 2018-10-18T13:00

“I want one moment in time. When I'm more than I thought I could be”, so sang Gina Lyons and Whitney Houston every morning for two weeks as Gina’s dreamed of becoming Britain’s first reality TV ...

Neil and Ray - Introducing a Life Done Different.ly from 2018-10-01T15:00

We recorded this episode in Ray's cellar having just recorded the ninth episode. We provide a bit of background which explains who we are, how we met and what we're interested in. Our plan is to...
