Podcasts by Let’s Bri Honest

Let’s Bri Honest

Candid conversations where we discuss all
things self help and healing one podcast at a time

Further podcasts by Brittany

Podcast on the topic Selbstverwirklichung

All episodes

Let’s Bri Honest
Rejuvenating Your Nervous System from 2023-12-06T06:00

This week we discuss ways to slow down during the hectic holiday season

Let’s Bri Honest
The Answer Is You from 2023-11-08T06:00

This week I make a small surprise and discuss ways to affirm how everything you are looking for is within you

Let’s Bri Honest
The Delusional Good Woman from 2023-07-19T05:00

This week we discuss ways that women fail at accountability, lack of understanding plus more!

Let’s Bri Honest
Realigning from 2023-07-12T05:00

This week episode we speak on realigning in your hardest challenges from day to day

Let’s Bri Honest
The “Delusional” Good Man from 2023-05-17T05:00

This week we discuss other ways in being a good man outside of being a provider

Let’s Bri Honest
People Pleasing from 2022-10-19T05:00

This week we speak about different of ways of how we under-handily people please others

Let’s Bri Honest
Celebration Of Life from 2022-10-05T05:00

This week we discuss my happy moments currently in my life and how to embrace the storm before the rainbows

Let’s Bri Honest
Do Nice Guys Finish Last? from 2022-09-07T05:00

This week we discuss the elements as to why nice guys may finish last in romantic relationships

Let’s Bri Honest
Discernment from 2022-08-24T07:44:01

This week we discuss being mindful and using our discernment throughout life

Let’s Bri Honest
Body Count from 2022-08-10T05:00

This week we discuss the the double standards on body counts and how to look at things in the future and not the past

Let’s Bri Honest
Making Peace With Death from 2022-08-03T05:00

This week we discuss the journey of me making peace with death and giving solutions to others in accepting, mourning, and making peace with death

Let’s Bri Honest
The 80/20 Rules from 2022-07-20T14:27:39

This week we discuss balancing and truly understanding the 80/20 rules when in romantic relationships

Let’s Bri Honest
Roe V Wade Abortion Law from 2022-07-13T05:00

Ladies, it’s our turn to speak. This weed I discuss the real reasons why the Roe V Wade Law was passed and the true effects it will have on the lower class and black women alone

Let’s Bri Honest
Expiration Dates from 2022-06-15T05:00

This weeks episode we discuss the importance of expiring situations in your life

Let’s Bri Honest
Submissiveness from 2022-05-25T05:00

This week I speak on both sides of the spectrum of what it takes to be submissive

Let’s Bri Honest
Mental Health Checks from 2022-05-18T05:00

Another week and another episode where we check on your mental

Let’s Bri Honest
Time is an Illusion from 2022-04-20T11:00

On this weeks episode I encourage you go against time and understand we suffer when expect for time to be on our side.

Let’s Bri Honest
The Victim Mentality from 2022-04-13T05:00

On this weeks episode we discuss our lack of accountability and having a victim mentality when it comes to others around us

Let’s Bri Honest
It’s Ok To Not Be Ok from 2022-03-30T05:00

In this weeks episode we speak on coping mechanism to actually feel your emotions and acknowledge that it is ok to not be ok

Let’s Bri Honest
Don’t Let Society Ruin You from 2022-02-11T12:06:57

On this weeks episode we speak on the effects that society has tricked us into second guessing our own morals and values

Let’s Bri Honest
Build A Bear from 2022-01-26T06:00

In this weeks episode, I speak on the energy of having to build up others and how it effects those on the other side of the build up

Let’s Bri Honest
Who are you? from 2022-01-12T06:00

This week on season the first episode of the season, we touch on finding out who you really are. Finding out who you are involves being aware of different aspects of the self including traits, beha...

Let’s Bri Honest
femininity & Masculinity from 2021-11-03T05:00

This week I am discussing the different variants of femininity and masculinity

Let’s Bri Honest
Advice Ain’t For Everybody from 2021-10-06T05:00

This week we discuss that all advice isn’t good advice and how to decipher between what’s for you and what is not for you

Let’s Bri Honest
Double Standards from 2021-09-22T05:00

This week I discuss the double standards between men and women

Let’s Bri Honest
Choosing Not To Be Confused from 2021-09-15T05:00

On this weeks episode we discuss options in regards to shutting out the noise and choosing not to be confused

Let’s Bri Honest
You Are So Worthy from 2021-08-18T13:33

In this weeks episode I am reminding you of your worth if you can’t seem to find it

Let’s Bri Honest
Come To Jesus Moment from 2021-08-11T05:00

This week we discuss the small moments of clarity and having things make sense full circle

Let’s Bri Honest
I caught Covid 😳 from 2021-08-06T16:18:52

This week i discuss my experience with Covid and being in the hospital

Let’s Bri Honest
Owning our Sh*t from 2021-07-21T05:00

This week myself and my guest Legend from Anythangoes podcast discuss how has women we need start taking more accountability for ourself and our actions

Let’s Bri Honest
Unlearning and Relearning from 2021-07-14T05:00

This week we are discussing ways to start to unlearn bad habits and relearn things to better help us elevate

Let’s Bri Honest
Doing The Work from 2021-06-30T05:00

On this weeks episode we discuss how we lack at doing the work on things that we want to be done instantly

Let’s Bri Honest
Loyalty, Loyalty, Loyalty from 2021-06-23T12:20:29

This week we discuss what it really means to be loyal and taking the time to be more loyal to yourself

Let’s Bri Honest
Forgiving Yourself from 2021-06-16T05:00

This week we speak on pointers on how to forgive yourself during the tough times

Let’s Bri Honest
Toleration At It’s Finest from 2021-06-02T05:00

This week I discuss how easy it is for us to just tolerate people. Whether we are lonely, have a fear of being lonely or just afraid of how society may see you

Let’s Bri Honest
The Audacity Of It All from 2021-05-26T05:00

This week alone we discuss the ways of people having you f**cked up when it’s really you who allowed them to take you there

Let’s Bri Honest
Where Is Your Integrity from 2021-05-19T05:00

In this weeks episode we break down the components of integrity and your morals vs ethics

Let’s Bri Honest
Trauma Bonding/Triggers from 2021-05-12T12:11:51

This week we discuss the foundation of trauma and getting to the root cause of our triggers

Let’s Bri Honest
Co parenting 101 from 2021-04-14T10:17:59

This week we discuss the basic dynamics of co parenting with the other party

Let’s Bri Honest
Body Positivty from 2021-03-31T07:00

This week we discuss ways to think and feel more positive about our own bodies

Let’s Bri Honest
Body Positivity from 2021-03-31T05:00

This week we discuss ways to think and feel more positive about our own bodies

Let’s Bri Honest
Self Analysis from 2021-03-17T11:14:27

This week we discuss being able to look inward within ourselves and discover our own power within

Let’s Bri Honest
Ghosting from 2021-03-03T06:11:29

This week we discuss the break down of being ghosted and the top reasons as to why you may have been ghosted or the other persons reason for ghosting you

Let’s Bri Honest
Forgiving from 2021-02-17T06:00

This week is story time. I speak on my ways of forgiving others and establish ways we can start to learn how to forgive ourselves

Let’s Bri Honest
You Gotta Find Peace Of Mind from 2021-02-01T18:31:29

I am back with another episode strictly speaking on how to keep your peace of mind when things feel disarray

Let’s Bri Honest
Attachment Styles from 2021-01-13T14:37:20

This week we discuss the four main attachment styles of adults and what to do with them now

Let’s Bri Honest
Platonic friendships plus more from 2021-01-06T06:00

This week I sit down with model, actor, and personal trainer G.Brown and we discuss platonic friendships with the opposite sex plus more

Let’s Bri Honest
New Year No Goals from 2020-12-30T06:00

In this weeks episode we speak on releasing the “new year, new me” thought process at the beginning of each year

Let’s Bri Honest
Toxic Traits from 2020-12-16T06:00

This week we discuss my own toxic traits plus the difference between a toxic person and just having toxic traits

Let’s Bri Honest
Void Filling from 2020-12-10T11:33:56

On this weeks episode wee we discuss the three top ways that we tend to void fill allowing us to truly be distracted by what is

Let’s Bri Honest
Enjoying The Experience from 2020-12-02T06:00

This week we discuss being able to enjoy the experiences of life and people that enter and exit our lives

Let’s Bri Honest
Expectations from 2020-11-11T06:00

Season three has started and this week we jump right into expectations of ourselves along with expectations of others

Let’s Bri Honest
I Lied from 2020-10-06T15:00

This week we talk about me Lying.. Enjoy

Let’s Bri Honest
Back Tracking In Season 2 from 2020-09-30T05:00:57

This week we are revisiting previous topics from season two

Let’s Bri Honest
Unpacking your baggage from 2020-09-09T05:00:52

This week we discuss ways to unpack your emotional baggage in your life

Let’s Bri Honest
Belief, Truth & Fact Interview with LetsBriHonest from 2020-09-02T05:00:53

LetsBriHonest and K.lew and Leo Rich converse on today’s dealings. Life, racial injustice, and even relationships

Let’s Bri Honest
Taking time for oneself from 2020-08-21T15:00:13

We are inhaling and exhaling together on this episode! We are taking time for us with no excuses

Let’s Bri Honest
Interracial Relationships from 2020-07-29T05:00:12

This week we explore being in a interracial relationship

Let’s Bri Honest
Singleness/Relationships/ Situationships & Entanglements from 2020-07-15T16:29:34

This week we discuss all types of relationships, pretty much a part two to open relationships

Let’s Bri Honest
Open Relationships ? from 2020-07-08T07:00:48

This week I discuss Jada Pinkett and August Alsina - We indulge on true Open relationships and different types of relationships

Let’s Bri Honest
Independent Women from 2020-07-01T05:00:04

This week we discuss how being an Independent woman can over power the males in our life

Let’s Bri Honest
Accountability from 2020-06-17T17:43

This week we discuss ways to start taking accountability in the black community as well within ourselves as individuals

Let’s Bri Honest
Black Lives Will Always Matter from 2020-06-03T16:00:43

This episode I vent about the culture and what we are experiencing in 2020 with the #BlackLivesMatter movement

Let’s Bri Honest
White privilege from 2020-05-13T05:00:24

In this weeks episode I speak strictly on ones white privilege and living in 2020

Let’s Bri Honest
Lessons and Blessings from 2020-05-06T05:00:23

Can you distinguish between the two?

Let’s Bri Honest
Stay ready so you don’t have to get ready from 2020-04-29T12:39:21

In this weeks episode we come up with ways to stay prepared always

Let’s Bri Honest
Maintaining In This Pandemic from 2020-04-22T05:00:29

In this weeks episode we speak on ways to maintain and encourage ourselves during this trying time

Let’s Bri Honest
Social Media Etiquette While In A Relationship from 2020-04-01T17:00:13

Today’s episode is strictly geared towards how we deal with social media while in a committed relationship

Let’s Bri Honest
Do Women Cheat More from 2020-03-21T00:11:47

In this weeks episode of LetsBriHonest we discuss if men or women cheat more

Let’s Bri Honest
Knocking Out Your Fear from 2020-03-15T22:23:34

On this weeks episode I’m speaking on the Corona virus quick fast and how to lower your fear and anxiety during this time

Let’s Bri Honest
Financial Gain from 2020-02-26T06:00:06

On our one year anniversary of LetsBriHonest Podcast we discuss numerous ways to having that financial gain in life

Let’s Bri Honest
Motivate Yourself from 2020-02-19T06:00:03

Today’s episode is strictly dedicated to motivating yourself, finding the space and the motivation to get things moving in your life

Let’s Bri Honest
Daddy issues from 2020-02-12T06:00:20

In today’s episode we speak on absent fathers and even the fathers in the households

Let’s Bri Honest
Effective Communication from 2020-01-29T06:00:38

On today’s episode we speak on how to effectively communicate and what’s stopping us from being able to communicate properly

Let’s Bri Honest
It’s The Ego Talking from 2020-01-23T01:32:09

This episode we discuss different ways of how our egos can effect our daily lives and also how to check your ego

Let’s Bri Honest
What about your friends from 2020-01-15T16:00:45

This episode we speak directly about friendships. Are you a good friend?

Let’s Bri Honest
Minding your business in 2020 from 2020-01-08T17:00:09

We are walking into 2020 minding our business. Mind the business that pays you

Let’s Bri Honest
The evolution of LetsBriHonest from 2019-11-06T16:00:10

On this weeks episode we rewind and speak on past topics of lestbrihonest

Let’s Bri Honest
Women’s Intuition from 2019-10-23T15:00:24

This weeks on LetsBriHonest.. Ladies we talk about that good ol womens Intuition

Let’s Bri Honest
Keep your focus from 2019-10-16T16:00

On this weeks episode of LetsBriHonestPodcast we tackle ways to keep your focus

Let’s Bri Honest
Self awareness from 2019-10-09T16:00:19

Today on LetsBriHonest podcast we discuss different ways to be self aware and how to work on your self awareness daily

Let’s Bri Honest
Let’s Be Transparent from 2019-09-25T17:47:18

This week on LetsBriHonest we discuss different ways to being transparent and we also discuss when you come across people who aren’t being transparent

Let’s Bri Honest
Let's Talk About Sex from 2019-09-18T17:00

This episode we discuss sexual energies with different people and how to avoid those sexual energies 

Let’s Bri Honest
Being tested from 2019-09-11T17:19

This week we discuss different ways to handle being tested by people and life in general

Let’s Bri Honest
Red Flags from 2019-09-04T15:59:39

This week we discuss red flags for men and women

Let’s Bri Honest
Grateful for my Ex from 2019-08-28T17:07:16

This week we discuss ways to be thankful for your ex

Let’s Bri Honest
Settling from 2019-08-21T14:04:59

Do you settle every day?! I’m sure you do it and don’t even realize it. This week we discuss different ways to avoid settling in our every day lives all the way up to making big decisions

Let’s Bri Honest
Hot Girl Summer from 2019-08-14T16:02:05

Were you a hot girl this summer?! If so... let’s bring you back to reality

Let’s Bri Honest
Evolving from 2019-08-07T17:35:04

This week we discuss the pain in evolving through life

Let’s Bri Honest
Insecurities from 2019-07-31T17:00

This weeks episode we discuss different insecurities and how to move into life of embracing those insecurities. 

Let’s Bri Honest
It’s ok to say NO from 2019-07-17T15:14:16

We touch on ways to say no to people and things that don’t make us happy, that doesn’t help us mentally, and also being ok with saying NO

Let’s Bri Honest
Choices from 2019-07-10T16:14:29

This episode we dive into our current decisions and discuss how it’s better to make choices for your future and not just your now

Let’s Bri Honest
The odds against black women from 2019-06-26T16:13:49

Today we pick apart the dynamics of how us as black women need to uplift each other instead of pulling each other down

Let’s Bri Honest
Boundaries from 2019-06-12T14:02:20

This episode we discuss those boundaries to put in place not only to help you but to help those around you

Let’s Bri Honest
Healing from 2019-06-05T15:13:32

Today we discuss steps to healing, the ins and the outs of getting to a better space

Let’s Bri Honest
Happiness from 2019-06-02T01:15

What does happiness mean to you?

Let’s Bri Honest
Mental Health awareness from 2019-05-01T17:21:56

This week we dive into Mental health

Let’s Bri Honest
“You Name It” this episode we are discussing life balance! from 2019-04-24T18:21:31

this episode we are discussing life balance, being disciplined, sleeping more, and also understanding what works for you

Let’s Bri Honest
Let’s Be In Love ?? from 2019-03-27T16:10:06

Being in love with another individual is always great, but this episode we will be diving into being in love with oneself

Let’s Bri Honest
Let’s not take it personal from 2019-03-20T22:42:40

This episode is strictly about letting things and people be. No longer will we as individuals be or get offended by everything that may occur in our life

Let’s Bri Honest
Positive vibes only in 2019 Part 2 from 2019-03-06T20:45:34

Three components to live by when it comes down to keeping positive energy

Let’s Bri Honest
A snippet y’all from 2019-02-27T23:40:41

Special opening

Let’s Bri Honest
Let’s Bri Honest (Trailer) from 2019-02-26T23:40:41
