Podcasts by Lets Try New Things

Let's Try New Things

Have you ever wanted to try something new? Join Kyle and Zack, two friends who want to inspire you with their antics of trying new things.

We'd love to hear from you! Reach out to us at letstrynewthingspodcast@gmail.com with thoughts, suggestions, and feedback.

Further podcasts by Let's Try New Things

Podcast on the topic Selbstverwirklichung

All episodes

Let's Try New Things
Vault Ep 2: Let's Try Hunting from 2020-10-19T08:00

Today we go back to the Vault to see how it was for Zack growing up hunting! Join Zack for his first solo episode while Kyle is away on vacation.

Let's Try New Things
Ep 16: Let's Try Acupuncture from 2020-09-28T08:00

Acupuncture, someone people swear by it, others think its fake but how does it actually feel to get it done? This week Kyle and Zack find out what being jabbed with a bunch of needles is like......

Let's Try New Things
Ep 15: Let's Try 100 Push Ups A Day from 2020-09-21T08:00

100 Push-Ups a day for a week? Join Kyle and Zack as they try just that and see what they (and their arms) have to say about how it went!

Let's Try New Things
Vault Ep 1: Let's Try Scuba Diving from 2020-09-08T09:00

Welcome to the Vault!

Over the years we have tried so many different things. Some are just too good that we thought we should talk about them here. This time around we are discussing Scub...

Let's Try New Things
Ep 13: Let's Try Language Learning from 2020-08-31T08:00

Learning a new language has tons of perks! Join Zack and Kyle as they explore the joys and struggles of learning a new language for a month!

Let's Try New Things
Ep 12: Let's Try Parenting from 2020-08-24T09:00

Here is a big one! Let's talk about our experience so far being fathers, along with some of the challenges we've encountered.  Enjoy.

Let's Try New Things
Ep 11: Let's Try a New Book Genre from 2020-08-10T09:00

What is your favorite book genre? One of us reads a lot and the other not so much! Join us and see how we did reading a different book genre than we are used to. 

Let's Try New Things
Ep 10: Let's Try Understanding A New Sport from 2020-08-03T08:00

Have you ever wanted to understand a new sport? Join Kyle and Zack as they try to do just that!

Let's Try New Things
Ep 9: Let's Try Running a 10K! from 2020-07-27T08:00

In this episode Zack and Kyle take on their next monthly challenge - training for and running a 10K without stopping or walking. Listen in to see if they managed to pull it off successfully!

Let's Try New Things
Ep 8: Let's Try Cooking For Our Wives from 2020-07-20T08:00

This week Kyle and Zack take on the responsibility of providing meals for their families. Join them in finding out just how difficult it is to plan every meal every day on your own!

Let's Try New Things
Ep 7: Let's Try Cold Showers from 2020-07-13T08:00

Cold Showers, you either love them or hate them. In this episode, Kyle and Zack try to get over their dread of cold showers for a week!

Let's Try New Things
Ep 6: Let's Try Movie Suggestions (and Suggesting!) from 2020-07-06T08:00

This week Zack and Kyle try suggesting movies for each other. Turn's out there can be a lot of thought put into picking a movie to suggest for friends!

Let's Try New Things
Ep 5: Let's Try Handstands from 2020-06-29T08:00

A handstand is pretty simple, right? Join Kyle and Zack as they try to take on doing proper Handstands!

Let's Try New Things
Ep 4: Let's Try Making Kombucha from 2020-06-22T08:00

Have you ever wanted to dive into the world of Kombucha? Whether you love it or think it's just a fad that's just not for you, join Kyle and Zack as they try their best to make their first batch...

Let's Try New Things
Ep 3: Let's Try Waking Up Earlier from 2020-06-15T08:00

Zack and Kyle try throwing "waking up earlier" into their normal routines! Join them as they discuss how it went and the pros/cons that come with it.

Let's Try New Things
Ep 2: Let's Try Social Media Fasting from 2020-06-08T08:00

This week Kyle and Zack try to abstain from Social Media completely. Check out the challenges and benefits they noticed from taking a break from Social Media.

Let's Try New Things
Ep 1: Let's Try Podcasting from 2020-06-01T08:00

Join Kyle and Zack as they talk about how they started a podcast and some of the challenges and fun that come with jumping into this new experience.

Let's Try New Things
Ep. 0: Welcome and Hello! from 2020-05-12T19:15:34

Welcome to Let's Try New Things! We hope you'll enjoy going on this journey with us as we explore the world around us and try to add exciting experiences into our lives.
