Why Defensiveness Stops The Conversation: Part Two of Finding Our Voice Week - a podcast by Dr. JP Pawliw-Fry, Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence Expert

from 2020-06-10T00:00

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In today's session, we talk about why some of us become reactive and defensive in the face of tough conversations around race, shutting down our emotional intelligence and mindfulness skills, and what it means to have tough conversations with ourselves - especially the conversations where we become defensive, reactive or avoidant.

We recommend Robin DiAngelo's book, White Fragility, which informs much of this podcast, and Ibram X Kendi's book, How to Be Anti-Racist.

We’re going to do something different this week. In Finding Our Voice Week, we will use these three podcasts to reflect and pause on our response to the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis by police, and the long history of systemic racial oppression.

It may seem strange for a morning routine to venture into what follows but know: our mission is founded on the belief that we are all capable of personal transformation. Indeed it is only by facing the difficult that we can transform, and it is only personal transformation that can help us see clearly and make change happen in society.

Moving from education to action, we look to Justice in June, an amazing guide put together by Autumn Gupta with Bryanna Wallace: https://docs.google.com/document/u/2/d/1H-Vxs6jEUByXylMS2BjGH1kQ7mEuZnHpPSs1Bpaqmw0/mobilebasic?fbclid=IwAR27Hbl0fWAHrWQVo1JFSmeN-7InRVgH8Ljm1YRATGj-9mMgQ-o3o_RZ5j0

If you are new to the Last 8% Morning, over the course of 15 minutes we integrate movement, mindfulness, and mental training exercises. Why? So we can build the skills necessary to be our best in our more difficult moments, what we call the Last 8%. What are these skills? These are skills of emotional intelligence. Why? We do this because it is emotion that get in our way.

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We'd love to hear from you: here's a link to our listener survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CDVG53J.

If you liked today’s session, review us on Apple podcasts!
Each Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. on the Last 8% Project Facebook group, JP and his business partner Bill Benjamin go live to discuss resources and answer questions from the community. If you want to download the Last 8% Morning worksheet where you can build your Last 8% plan, visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/thelast8project/

Music by @nop on CC Mixter, http://beta.ccmixter.org/people/Lancefield

# Emotional Intelligence 
# Strategies 
# Get Disciplined 
# Get Motivated 
# Mindfulness 
# Self-Help 

Further episodes of Last 8% Morning

Further podcasts by Dr. JP Pawliw-Fry, Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence Expert

Website of Dr. JP Pawliw-Fry, Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence Expert