Making the Choice: The Hero or Heroine's Journey Part Two - a podcast by Dr. JP Pawliw-Fry, Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence Expert

from 2020-05-20T00:00

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Do you sometimes wish you were more courageous when facing your most challenging moments? Are you interested in becoming more powerful in these moments? In Part Two of The Hero / Heroine’s Journey Week, we bring some awareness to a choice we can make. In this episode, we discuss that not recognizing this choice can cause us to become passive, rigid and unable to form our best response. Which of course doesn’t fit with being a Last 8%er!

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Each Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. on the Last 8% Project Facebook group, JP and his business partner Bill Benjamin go live to discuss resources and answer questions from the community. If you want to download the Last 8% Morning worksheet where you can build your Last 8% plan, visit

Music by @nop on CC Mixter,


Welcome to the Last 8% Morning. This is JP Pawliw-Fry. It's great to be with you today. In today's session, Do you sometimes wish you were more courageous when facing your more challenging moments? Are you interested in finding ways you can be more powerful in these moments? This is the second session of the hero's journey week where the heroines journey week, and today we're going to talk about bringing some awareness to a choice we each have and how not recognizing we have this choice can cause us to become passive and rigid Unable to form our best response, which of course doesn't fit with being a Last 8%er. Let's walk. 
So out and walking What a gorgeous day feeling their feet on the ground. Standing tall fueling our body as we walk, fueling our belly rise and fall. Walking around and feeling grateful for the day if you're new to Last 8% Morning. We integrate movement, mindfulness and mental training exercises. Why so we can build the skills necessary to be our best to transform through our most difficult moments, what we call last 8% moments. So we follow a big structure, we make our bed that's one of the B's and now we're just paying attention to our belly and our body. That's the next B's. That's the mindfulness of just being present with what is as we walk. So feel your feet on the ground. Belly rising, belly falling. Now just actually moved Head to toe. Let's do a full body scan using our two barometers. So parameter one is pleasant to neutral to unpleasant. So just scan your whole body sensing where you feel neutral, no real sensations and now too pleasant and now too unpleasant. In the Last 8% morning we work at being more in our body for so many reasons. Now let's move to the second barometer. Calm neutral to not calm again. Where do you feel just neutral, no real sense of calm or not calm. Now, where do you feel calm in your body. And now check in for any sensations that are not calm or worked up or what we would call high arousal. Again, importantly, we're not trying to change anything, we're just trying to be present. We're trying to build a wiser relationship with whatever it is that we experience. We're building a muscle to be with ever more uncomfortable ever more difficult situations because there is gold in our last 8% situations. So feeling our feet on the ground, walking, standing tall and moving from mindfulness of belly and body, the bees in our big structure to mindfulness of the idea of the day. As you face the big challenges in your life, the difficult decisions, difficult conversations, what we call last 8% situations. I'd like you to reflect for a moment on this question. Are you approaching these as a victim or as a hero or heroine? Today I want to mak

Further episodes of Last 8% Morning

Further podcasts by Dr. JP Pawliw-Fry, Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence Expert

Website of Dr. JP Pawliw-Fry, Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence Expert