Podcasts by L2S2


Sharing is a form of pay it forward. Everyone could inspire anyone by their story, performance, perception or even their energy. So, be the container. Absorbing everything and give back the best to surround you. Everything is started from YOU #SelfLove.

Since i believe that energy is a movement , you are welcome to join my charity program #CFC (Counseling for coffee), text me for further information or you can see my highlight in instagram @La2gig about the program

In the end,
I wish you a good heart to live your big life


Further podcasts by Lala Gig

Podcast on the topic Selbstverwirklichung

All episodes

Stop Thinking Start DOING from 2020-05-09T02:45:30

Cemas selama COVID-19? You are not alone. Banyak yang sedang berlomba-lomba untuk memiliki pikiran yang positif dan ini adalah hal yang baik. Namun akan lebih optimal jika Body-Mind-Soul berada pad...
