Podcasts by KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy

From accountant to author to English teacher to ???. A documentation of a young man's journey on how to create a legacy.

Further podcasts by Kingston S. Lim

Podcast on the topic Selbstverwirklichung

All episodes

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Going Where You're Treated Best (Kingmaker's Audiobites #50) from 2020-11-10T09:00

If you never try, how can you ever know?

About Kingston's Journey Series: Kingston's Journey is one "inspiration video/motivational video" of a lifelong series. This is the tr...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Be Less Desperate (Kingmaker's Audiobites #49) from 2020-11-09T09:00

A brief reflection on the why of documenting your thoughts and the reasoning behind going impractical.

About Kingston's Journey Series: Kingston's Journey is one "inspiration ...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Why Document Your Life? (Kingmaker's Audiobites #48) from 2020-11-08T09:00

A brief reflection on the why of documenting your thoughts and the reasoning behind going impractical.

About Kingston's Journey Series: Kingston's Journey is one "inspiration ...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
My Problem With FIRE (Plus Alternatives) Kingmaker's Audiobites #47 from 2020-11-07T08:00

Discussing a few flaws and alternatives to Financial Independence Retire Early 

About Kingston's Journey Series: Kingston's Journey is one "inspiration video/motivational...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
"Why I Choose Africa" (Kingmaker's Audiobites #46) from 2020-11-06T08:00

About Kingston's Journey Series: Kingston's Journey is one "inspiration video/motivational video" of a lifelong series. This is the travel journal I take with me. Whether you have questions such...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Smuggling Guitars Onto Planes A Comprehensive Guide (Kingmaker Audiobites #45) from 2020-11-05T07:10:22

About Kingston's Journey Series: Kingston's Journey is one "inspiration video/motivational video" of a lifelong series. This is the travel journal I take with me. Whether you have questions such...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Asian American Perspective on Latin America (Kingmaker Audiobites #44) from 2020-09-23T18:00

About Kingston's Journey Series: Kingston's Journey is one "inspiration video/motivational video" of a lifelong series. This is the travel journal I take with me. Whether you have questions such...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
5 Big Questions (Kingmaker Audiobites #43) from 2020-09-21T18:00

Before the end of every section of this global odyssey, I like to ask myself 5 big questions. I did the same after finishing the SE Asia section, now I will do so with this (shortened) Latin Ame...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Cutting People Out (Series Wrap Up) Adventures in TEFL #9. from 2020-09-20T17:09:59

Sometimes when you make the hard choice to cut people out of your life, there is nothing wrong with them. Many times they are good, decent folk. But you can sense it in your heart that they will...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
There is No Right Answer (Kingstons Short Story #15 [Age 23]) from 2020-09-14T14:23:12

I've found that some of the simplest things to do often is the hardest because we make it so. They are all mental barriers.  Article: https://kingstonlim.com/2020/09/09/there-is-no-right-answer-k...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
On Kindness and Weakness (Kingmaker Audiobites #42 from 2020-09-13T15:22:49

It is better to start out as being harder and firmer then you would like to be and gradually soften up a bit to show that you can be kind as well, but only after establishing a solid first impressi...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
On Being Feared and Loved Adventures in TEFL #8 from 2020-09-12T14:22:26

Life does not need to be a zero sum game though. So I  will say, being feared is a priority (willing to throw someone out of a group) and being loved (having those under you have a positive impress...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Getting What You're Worth (Kingmaker Audiobites #41) from 2020-09-11T12:13:41

There's a difference therefore, between knowing what your worth and getting what you're worth. And that difference makes all the difference in the world. From the Michael Jordans to everyone els...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Fear is The Gatekeeper Adventures in TEFL #7 from 2020-08-30T22:04:02

Fear is like a clogged funnel. With said clog, the water (your time & energy) are redirected elsewhere. But once that clog (fear) is removed, the water is not only able to flow into that funnel...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Arrogant Ignorance & Humble Knowledge (Kingmaker's Audiobites #40) from 2020-08-29T22:03:45

When I was taken out of my element (and still am) is when I had not only learned the most paradoxically, but have had the most fulfilling experiences. About Kingston's Journey Series: Kingston's J...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Live Your Truth (Kingstons Short Story #14 [Age 22]) from 2020-08-28T22:03:28

From commanding a higher salary to getting what we want for dinner. Its more then just a matter of asking or telling people what to do, its a matter of demonstrating why they should do it by taking...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Straight Arrows Become Broken Arrows (Kingmaker's Audiobites #39) from 2020-08-26T23:03:51

As the world is not black and white. Being rigid and inflexible serves only to hurt and disappoint those who follow this path.

About Kingston's Journey Series: Kingston's Jour...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Salt on Wounds (Adventures in TEFL #6) from 2020-08-22T20:49:26

Any highly emotional reaction indicates they've found a pressure point. And any less savory elements of society would be tempted to put pressure. As such, often times it is wise to maintain a "p...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
How to Find Out Kingmaker Audiobites #38 from 2020-08-17T23:28:13

Theories and prior wisdom from others is great, but in order to ride a bike as a manner of speaking, it involves you doing your own peddling. 

About Kingston's Journey Se...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Homeless in New York (Kingstons Short Story #13 [Age 21]) from 2020-08-16T23:35:47

When I was 20 and an exchange student in China, I discovered my love of solo trekking. During my trek to NYC at 21, I learned that you can't do it all by yourself. There are just too many factor...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
(Reupload) Don't Be Autistic (Adventures in TEFL #5) from 2020-08-07T03:45:45

The truth is what it is, but often times we don't want to hear it. We may know it's true, but we don't like it when people call us short/fat/bald. Therefore, oft times, the truth turns people ag...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
The Two Types of Patience (Kingmaker's Audiobites #37) from 2020-07-31T01:29:17

Having that skill or achievement you want, whether food on the table or learning something new, now its a matter of how do you go about achieving it. What tools are needed? And as it will take t...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
The Value of Capturing Memories (Kingstons Short Story #12 [Age 20]) from 2020-07-29T00:28:32

Snapshots in time are there more for the long term. When your old and flipping through old albums and see a picture or piece of film from 50 years ago, that is when a picture is priceless. ...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Teaching Voiceless (Adventures in TEFL #4) from 2020-07-27T02:45:20

There are going to be followers that take advantage of you when you are weak, but when you have known people for a while and have been leading them competently, when you show a weakness, (not in...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Smelling The Desperation (Kingmaker Audiobites #36) from 2020-07-26T18:16:55

Take the career advice if never applying for just one job and direct it towards any interaction. Spread out your social currency so you can create options. About Kingston's Journey Series: Kingsto...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Hunger From Guilt (Kingston's Short Story #11 [Age 19]) from 2020-07-23T22:27:08

No one got to where they are in one big leap. Whenever learning anything, it's all a process. This is especially true when you are in a new environment. From different cities, to different state...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
“Humble Service: You Need To Care First” (Adventures in TEFL #3) from 2020-07-21T03:57:59

In the Adventures in TEFL series, I will be recounting stories from my year in Thailand Teaching English As A Foreign Language (TEFL) to students age 11-16. Applied philosophy is used to take th...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Being In A Rut is Sunk Cost Fallacy (Kingmaker Audiobites #35) from 2020-07-19T02:45:01

So often we get caught up in how we do things that we forget there are so many avenues to get to where we want to go. 

About Kingston's Journey Series: Kingston's Journey...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Rebel Without A Cause(Kingston's Short Story #10 [Age 18]) from 2020-07-16T02:35:56

The culture shock thing is just something you need to embrace. It's like getting used to cold showers, there is no way to learn it easily, you can mentally prepare, but you need to do the work t...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
The Dangers of Unfairness (Adventures in TEFL #2) from 2020-07-15T05:41:40

With any group, there is going to be an objective, trying to move from point A to point B. But you don't reach that objective by going as hard as you can.

In the Adventures in...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Fulfilling Responsibilities Vs. Chasing Dreams (Kingmaker Audiobites #34) from 2020-07-14T05:01:35

Weights are heavy, therefore it takes time for you to build the muscles needed to carry bigger ones. Based on that logic, the responsibilities you carry when you are young are pebbles compared t...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Figuring It Out On My Own. (Kingston's Short Story #9 [Age 17]) from 2020-07-13T04:53:43

As a high school senior, I was just about to head off to college next year and in retrospect I felt so unprepared. From not knowing how to cook, to laundry, how to talk to girls and other young ...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Dear Young Person Why You Need To Be An English Teacher In Thailand (Adventures in TEFL #1) from 2020-07-07T03:02:28

Time hack and make leaps and bounds ahead of the traditional path you by doing what few are willing. It is an investment that will pay dividends years, even decades into the future. 

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
I'd Rather Be Wrong And Know, Then Right And Never Know (Kingmaker Audiobites #33) from 2020-07-06T03:51:13

Operating on imperfect information means there's only one way to know something for certain. Hint: "The further you can look into the past, the farther you can see into the future." 

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
There's A Sucker Born Every Minute (Kingston's Short Story #8 [Age 16]) from 2020-06-29T18:52:30

Life ain't fair, you play with the hand you're dealt. And once you focus on the tools you do have at your disposal, that is when you find how to utilize it at its highest potential. 

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Why We Have Crabs In Our Society (Kingmaker Audiobites #32) from 2020-06-26T16:23:07

There will always be elements in a society where they'll pull people down rather then lift them up. They despise those among us that strive after what we want and metaphorically break your legs ...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
The Heart of Loneliness (From Accountancy to TEFL #7 [2020]) from 2020-06-25T19:56:35

When those whom you've come to really on suddenly aren't there, it's as though you've lost a limb.

Note: This is the last entry in the ACC to TEFL series. 


KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Life Hands Out A Badge (Kingston's Short Story #7 [Age 15]) from 2020-06-22T18:23:29

For all the stupid  things you did in the past. Be grateful you came out as unscathed as you did.

About Kingston's Short Stories: In this series, I'll be sharing one stor...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Milk Your Privileges (Kingmaker Audiobites #31) from 2020-06-20T17:00

It's unfortunate that sometimes others are less prepared, but before you can be selfless and give, you need to be selfish and know.

About Kingston's Journey Series: Kingston's...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Travel Hacking How I Live Without An Income (From Accountancy to TEFL #6 [2020]) from 2020-06-19T16:32:26

I can live 3 years without an income while I work on making something happen, this is how I did it. 

About ACC to TEFL: In this series, I recount my journey, logic and re...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Show Them Your Claws (Kingston's Short Stories #6 [Age 14]) from 2020-06-15T16:29:36

Humans at their core are ruled by their survival mechanism. If they think there's a chance they can get hurt and lower their chances of survival most will have second thoughts.


KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Premortem: Preventing Regret (Kingmaker Audiobites #30) from 2020-06-12T20:08:23

While differentiating between regret and hindsight bias requires the use of empathy in looking back retrospectively, preventing regret is forward looking using a concept called premortem. Life Upd...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Are You Part of the Cargo or Member of the Crew (From Accountancy to TEFL #5) from 2020-06-10T16:58:13

Those deemed essential will always stay on while those seen as disposable are tossed overboard.

About ACC to TEFL: In this series, I recount my journey, logic and reasoning be...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
A Clash of Cultures (Kingston's Short Stories #4 Age 13) from 2020-06-08T15:57:18

A son of immigrants tale and the struggle of balancing identity between the two. 

About Kingston's Short Stories: In this series, I'll be sharing one story from every yea...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Regret vs. Hindsight Bias (Kingmaker Audiobites #29) from 2020-06-05T17:41:13

Regret is easily confused with it's close cousin, hindsight bias. They both have to do with painful recounts of the past, so what is the difference between the two.

About King...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
A Wrong Does Not Right A Wrong (Accountancy to TEFL #4 [2020]) from 2020-06-03T15:47:27

If you are pursuing something and begin to think, "this ain't me" on the other side of your shoulder there'll be a voice whispering, "but you've already put so much time into this." That's sunk ...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
The Worlds No Mind Reader (Kingston's Short Stories #4 Age 12) from 2020-06-01T16:42:53

You gotta draw your line in the sand. And once others know where you stand, That's when you can draw up connections, that is that's when you begin building relationships.


KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Why Continue When So Few Care Focus on the Macro (Kingmaker Audiobites #28) from 2020-05-29T16:31:21

It's not that no one cares, its a matter of working through the process of being discovered.  I need to be like the North Vietnamese (all politics aside). Because I believe I'm building som...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
''Plan ,But Leave Room For Adjustment'' (Accountancy to TEFL #3 [2020]) from 2020-05-27T16:34:39

That last summer as a college boy, I worked as an accounting intern. I was working a day job and living on my own. I was set. But I failed to leave room for adjustment.

About ...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
By The Stats Lightning Don't Strike Twice (Kingston's Short Stories #3 Age 11) from 2020-05-25T17:56:32

When I was 11, I always stared at my feet. I was looking for that $20 bill y mom picked up but I missed. I've since learned that lightning don't strike twice.

About Kingston's...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
The Best Don't Win Kingmaker Audiobites #27 from 2020-05-24T15:41:40

We grew up in school playing on a level playing field. Like so many things though, school rules don't apply in the real world. It takes more then being the best to get to the top. 


KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Stuck in a Rat Race (From Accountancy to TEFL #2 [2020]) from 2020-05-22T16:02:01

Work, school, work, school. That was my college life. I got blown off by my professor as being nothing special because I wasn't. I was in a premature rat race where I put in 100% of my efforts t...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Roots Lined With Gray (Growing Up & Manning Up #2 [2020]) from 2020-05-20T16:52:08

You're defining moments are often hidden away in mundane archives. So how can you instill change into the world without first examining yourself in the mirror?    

About Gr...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Get in Close and Cut Your Angles When Smart Isn't Smart Kingmaker Audiobites #26 from 2020-05-18T20:36:02

When you're always right, the expectation is that you'll continue being right. And that need to be the smart guy (gal) who's always right blinds you.   

The smart ones have a fe...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Prologue Going Practical (From Accountancy to TEFL #1 [2020]) from 2020-05-16T17:08:48

This is a new series, where I recount my journey, logic and reasoning behind making the shift from accountancy in Reno, NV to TEFL in Bangkok, Thailand.  

I loved history since early...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
A House Divided Can Not Stand (Growing Up & Manning Up #1 [2020]) from 2020-05-14T17:44:30

This is a new series I'm starting where I share one story about every year of my life starting at age 9. It will be something memorable that has an impact of some sort on my life. Hopefully you'...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
A Cry for Help Docta K Gets Schooled (MentorMentee Sessions #1 [2020]) from 2020-05-12T16:01:50

Kingston is frustrated that he is failing at earning a Youtube & Blog audience. Mark Alan Effinger, serial entreprenuer & founder of Web Nutrients, provides insights into the world of bu...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Continuous Hard Work is the Real Hard Work (Kingmaker Audiobites #25) from 2020-05-10T15:34:34

Continuous hard work is the long hard grind after gaining initial proficiency, not the initial easy gains. Real hard work is a marathon, not a sprint. Real hard work is when you hit the wall and...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Burnout, 4 Ways to Handle It (Kingmaker Audiobites #24) from 2020-05-08T03:00

Burnout Explained: It is a serious issue, whether it is burnout at school or burnout at work, what to do about it? Well it's a matter of not getting the returns you used to with the same amount ...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
A Heart Filled with Rage Thoughts on Anger (Kingmaker Audiobites #23) from 2020-05-07T03:00

Anger comes from a sense of helplessness. Someone or something has pinned you down. Just like how a child throws a tantrum when things don't go his way. So, what do you do instead?   <...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Uninsured Success Thoughts on Patience: Kingmaker Audiobites #22 from 2020-05-06T03:00

When you are exploring a venture that's more idiosyncratic (freelance/entrepreneurial) where there is no set reward nor a guarantee that there is a payout it requires patience.   


KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
'Being Right Vs. Finding Right' Kingmaker Audiobites #21 from 2020-05-05T03:00

Because we operate on imperfect information, getting that right answer for you, whatever it may be, is a matter of finding it.   

Blog Post:  https://kingstonlim.com/2020/0...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Beholden to the Opinions of Others Thoughts On Judgement Kingmaker Audiobites #20 from 2020-05-04T03:00

If you crave the compliments, you'll feel a proportional amount of criticism.   

Blog Post:  https://kingstonlim.com/2020/04/29/beholden-to-the-opinions-of-others-thoughts-...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
We Need Stupid People On Pride, Principles and Pioneering: Kingmaker Audiobites #19 from 2020-05-03T03:00

We often think things are stupid based on the available information not necessarily what is true.  

Blog Post:  https://kingstonlim.com/2020/04/25/the-world-needs-stupid-people-...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Responsibility Leads to More Prosperity: Kingmaker Audiobites #18 from 2020-05-02T03:00

To take responsibility or defer responsibility,  that is the question.  

Blog Post:  https://kingstonlim.com/2020/04/21/responsibility-leads-to-more-prosperity-kingstons-jo...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Crippled by What Ifs Thoughts on Regret: Kingmaker Audiobites #17 from 2020-05-01T03:00

Those that refuse to change lanes, that is, people that don't make adjustments as circumstances change, build their own prison.  

Blog Post:  https://kingstonlim.com/2020/04/18/...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Carpe Diem: Kingmaker Audiobites #16 from 2020-04-30T01:00

Good memories are made from present actions.  

Blog Post:  https://kingstonlim.com/2020/04/16/carpe-diem-kingstons-journal-43/  

Youtube: https://youtu.be/5_EGuf4J0z...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Man Plans & God Laughs: Kingmaker Audiobites #15 from 2020-04-29T01:00

Sometimes you get blindsided by life, disrupting your action steps. Hence the saying, Man plans & God Laughs. Pivot to adjust to the changing environment.   

Blog Post: &nbs...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
You Don't Become a Man Until Your Father has Died Kingmaker Audiobites #14 from 2020-04-28T01:00

When you're not the leader, you always have someone to lean on when things get heavy. Once that leader is gone though, you've got big boots to fill. The process of filling them changes you. &nbs...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
There's Always a Price to be Paid Thoughts on Goals Kingmaker Audiobites #13 from 2020-04-27T01:00

With goal in heart, look to someone doing something similar but further along. Ask, is what they have and what it cost what I want.  

Blog Post:  https://kingstonlim.com/2020/04...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Be Frugal and Generous Kingmaker Audiobites #12 from 2020-04-26T01:00

With the coronavirus spreading throughout the world, many have been negatively impacted. Many also have fallen on hard economic times. During such phases, it's important to cut out the inessenti...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
8 Things I Learned in Thailand Kingmaker Audiobites #11 from 2020-04-25T01:00

I spent almost a year in Thailand as an English Teacher. This is a reflection on some of the things I learned.  

Blog Post:  https://kingstonlim.com/2020/03/21/8-things-i-learne...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
It's You Against You On Comparisons Kingmaker Audiobites #10 from 2020-04-24T01:00

Teddy Roosevelt once said, "Comparison is the theif of joy." Once basic needs are met, we all have our own aspirations that can't be compared to others.  

Blog Post:  https://ki...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Smash the Average On the Controllable and Uncontrollable Kingmaker Audiobites #9 from 2020-04-23T01:00

If you're in a place that's just "okay" it's easy to settle for average. But achievement means leaving things behind that don't meet high expectations.   Smash, Learn, Rebuild, Repeat ...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
J On the Controllable and Uncontrollable Kingmaker Audiobites #8 from 2020-04-22T01:00

Rough definition of White Privilege: A belief that Caucasians intentionally receive preferential treatment in political, economic and social situations.   

This is a story about...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Don't Desire What You've Decided Not to Have On Happiness Kingmaker Audiobites #7 from 2020-04-21T01:00

Happiness is no longer desiring what you've decided not to have. For me, I've decided to no longer hold a traditional job. To wonder about the things I could have for keeping a job or compare my...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
Last Boot on the Ground Thoughts on Being a Leader Kingmaker Audiobites #6 from 2020-04-20T01:00

I made a promise to teach these Thai kids for a year, I've honored that commitment. Being a leader means keeping promises and showing by example.  

Blog Post:  https://kingstonl...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
What Turns a Heart Bitter On Love and Indifference: Kingmaker Audiobites #5 from 2020-04-19T01:00

Dwelling on one way love does no one good. Turn it into a conscious indifference.  

Blog Post: https://kingstonlim.com/2020/02/21/what-turns-a-heart-bitter-on-love-and-indifference/ ...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
"Rudy" Work Hard in a Thoughtful Place: Kingmaker's Audiobites #4 from 2020-04-18T01:00

Rudy was a short guy that wanted to play college football. After many years of toil, he got a few minutes of playing time. Having put in so much work, was it worth it?   

Blog P...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
What is Love, Thoughts on Love: Kingmaker Audiobites #3 from 2020-04-17T02:45:57

I teased a lot of my students about loving them throughout the year. Many said that they love me on the end of survey they completed, now I had some thoughts to share about love. 


KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
A Man's Burden, On Taking Responsibility for Everything: Kingmaker Audiobites #2 from 2020-04-15T21:22:01

I've failed. Failed to make my students better students. Failed to inspire change. And failed to live up to my expectations. That's the burden I take with me in the classroom I'm sitting in.&nbs...

KingMaker Audibles: Bite Sized Philosophy
"It's About Being Remembered" Thoughts on Leaving a Legacy: Kingmaker Audibles #1 from 2020-04-15T04:01:24

I was an English teacher in Thailand for a year using my youthful energy to try and make the biggest impact on my students. I tried my best to show these kids I care. And now it feels as though ...
