Podcasts by Kee Reid Podcast

Kee Reid Podcast

Welcome to Kee's, Please Podcast! This podcast was designed to provoke positive change in others through my life lessons! On this podcast, we will discuss everything under the sun, from being married, being a mother, mental health awareness, and the importance of self-care. Kee's Please Podcast airs every Thursday. Connect with me on social media: Twitter/ IG: mrsk_reid and Facebook: Kee Reid.
I appreciate everyone who comes across this podcast, and please don't forget to drop a comment, subscribe, and share, share, share!!

Further podcasts by Kee Reid

Podcast on the topic Selbstverwirklichung

All episodes

Kee Reid Podcast
Ep 15: This mouth of mine...watch what you say!!!!! from 2020-04-03T03:32:44

These few weeks so far have been some very challenging weeks. You know what, we are strong, and we can withstand adversity when it comes our way, if we choose too. The thing we must remember is,...

Kee Reid Podcast
Ep 14: Process. Everything's Changing. from 2020-03-27T02:32:49

Happy Thursday!! Change, and process, process and change. Can't have one without the other. This coronavirus has everybody's lives completely changed. For many of us our "new normal" consist of us ...

Kee Reid Podcast
Ep 13: I'm Overwhelmed!!! from 2020-03-21T14:31:19

Hey Y'all...I apologize about the late episode. When I tell you, your girl has been busy, I have been busy, busy!! The COVID-19 has  everything changing from me working from home, and my ki...

Kee Reid Podcast
Ep 12: Birthday Edition; What I have learned!! from 2020-03-13T03:17:48

Happy Thursday!

This episode is a "back down memory lane" episode. This is my year in review. From March, 2019, to March, 2020, and also celebrating my birthday. It's always a good thing ...

Kee Reid Podcast
Ep11: Who? Me?? I have self-control!!..You don't know what you're talking about!!! from 2020-03-05T09:00

Happy Thursday!!

Self-Control- 'the ability to control oneself, in particular, ones emotions and desires or the expression of them in ones behavior especially in difficult situations."-Go...

Kee Reid Podcast
Ep10: Be Your Own Gentle Reminder from 2020-02-27T09:00

Happy Thursday!!!  This episode, I am discussing many different topics. What are your self-expectations?, Do you have goals you want to see met?, Do you see yourself a certain way which pro...

Kee Reid Podcast
Ep:9 What's Up With You? We friends or naw?? from 2020-02-20T23:34:14

Happy Thursday!!! 

Man listen, people can be weird, hands down!! However, where  I am in life right now, I need friends who have something going for themselves,  loyal, and...

Kee Reid Podcast
Ep8: Love and Marriage. Happy Valentine's Day!! from 2020-02-13T09:00

Happy Valentine's Day. The day of love. Welp, everyday should be a day of love, but nevertheless, I have a special guest on the show this week...my husband!!! We are discussing our point of view...

Kee Reid Podcast
Ep7: What's Ya Why? from 2020-02-06T09:00

Hey y'all hey!!! So many times we forget why we are doing something. Why are we so invested in things that we don't have a meaning behind why we are invested? We could be wasting our time partic...

Kee Reid Podcast
Ep6 Stop & Think; What's your intention? from 2020-01-30T09:00

Every now and again we need to just stop and think. There is nothing wrong with taking a moment to think before we make a move. I personally believe when we move with intention, we make our live...

Kee Reid Podcast
Ep5: Not Biologically Yours?...Soo What!!! (Blended Family) from 2020-01-23T09:00

The responsibility of raising kids can be unbareable as a single parent. Could you imagine meeting someone, marrying that person, and he/she is now helping you raise kids that they never gave bi...

Kee Reid Podcast
Ep4: Get Back to It! from 2020-01-17T00:19:31

Hey Y'all Hey!!

There are times in life where we start something and then leave it alone, but let someone else ask us to do something for them,  we get it done, and get it done quick...

Kee Reid Podcast
Ep3: Celebrate, Celebrate, Celebrate from 2020-01-09T16:19:40

Life is too hard and harsh at times. We need to remember to celebrate every chance we get. There's no need to sit around feeling bad about what we're going through. Find a babysitter, get dresse...

Kee Reid Podcast
Ep2: Happy New Year 2020 from 2020-01-02T11:46:36

Happy New Year!! We made it to 2020! This is a time to get your journal, tea, coffee, and your fancy pen and start reflecting over every month of last year. We have come a long way and the only ...

Kee Reid Podcast
Ep1: Who Am I? from 2019-12-27T01:03:53

Welcome to Kee's, Please Podcast! This podcast was designed to provoke positive change in others through my life lessons! On this podcast, we will discuss everything under the sun, from being ma...
