Podcasts by INSIGHT by wewomen.id

INSIGHT by wewomen.id

Join wewomen.id team, as they discuss about different issues faced by woman on a daily basis.  If you're an aspiring young woman who wants to gather new insights, or always want to become a better version of yourself, this is the podcast for you!

Further podcasts by wewomen.id

Podcast on the topic Selbstverwirklichung

All episodes

INSIGHT by wewomen.id
S02E08 - Turn Your Business Idea into Action from 2022-05-31T04:58:29

Hampir setiap orang setidaknya pernah memiliki satu ide bisnis yang terlintas di pikirannya, namun tidak semua orang merealisasikannya. Banyak faktor yang menghambat realisasi ide-ide bisnis yang d...

INSIGHT by wewomen.id
EP 04- 2-MINUTE WIKI- WORK LIFE (IM)BALANCE? from 2021-11-14T18:00

2 minute wiki kali ini mengupas fenomena work life (im) balance yang identik dengan hustle culture. Udah pernah denger atau belum nih? Yuk disimak yaa 

INSIGHT by wewomen.id
[Underrated] EP. 06 - Generalist? Specialist? from 2021-10-03T16:42:46

Are you a generalist who tend to explore many things? Or are you a specialist who tend to focus on one thing? Or can we be both? Find out through this Underrated episode!

INSIGHT by wewomen.id
S02E07 - Confronting Sexual Harassment with KOMNAS Perempuan from 2021-10-02T17:00

Berkaca dari kasus pelecehan seksual baru-baru ini yang dialami oleh salah satu pegawai lembaga penyiaran nasional, kejadian itu telah bertahun-tahun lamanya, dan merupakan satu dari ribuan kasu...

INSIGHT by wewomen.id
S02E06 - Perempuan Setara, Perempuan Merdeka from 2021-09-04T10:53:38

Bagaimana memaknai kemerdekaan bagi perempuan. Bagaimana perempuan dapat tetap menjalankan perannya sebagai wanita namun tetap setara juga dihargai untuk terus meraih mimpinya. Perempuan harus seja...

INSIGHT by wewomen.id
2-Minute Wiki Ep. 03. Paralympic: Knowing Your Limit And Go Beyond! from 2021-08-15T14:46:35

Let's be closer with Paralympic event to celebrate our imperfection which is the path to our perfection as a human being!! Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet, however dif...

INSIGHT by wewomen.id
S02E05 - A Story from The Front(Last)line from 2021-07-31T07:26:20

In this episode we will unravel the healthcare workers' story, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Adinda Fauziah, works as a critical care nurse for COVID-19 cases, shared her story, her feel...

INSIGHT by wewomen.id
S02E04 - Women and Art: Freedom to Self-expression from 2021-05-27T10:00

Mari membicarakan tentang Seni dan Perempuan! Ternyata seni dekat sekali hubungannya dengan self-expression sehari-hari kita sebagai perempuan, dan siapapun bisa berkarya menjadi versi ...

INSIGHT by wewomen.id
2-Minute Wiki Ep.02. Potret Pendidikan Perempuan di Indonesia (Urban vs Rural) from 2021-05-25T04:31:48

Kamu tinggal di wilayah perkotaan di Indonesia? Bisa dibilang, kamu termasuk perempuan urban yang kenyataannya mendapat akses dan fasilitas yang oke dalam hal pendidikan. Banyak sekali pilihan s...

INSIGHT by wewomen.id
Nyala Wanita Untuk Generasi Penerus Bangsa from 2021-04-30T13:21:32

Special Edition- Hari Kartini with Kak Rona Mentari @mentarirona

Emansipasi wanita sudah mulai mengemuka atas sepak terjang salah satu pahlawan perempuan Indonesia, R...

INSIGHT by wewomen.id
S02E03 - Nyala Wanita Untuk Generasi Penerus Bangsa from 2021-04-30T13:21:32

Special Edition- Hari Kartini with Kak Rona Mentari @mentarirona

Emansipasi wanita sudah mulai mengemuka atas sepak terjang salah satu pahlawan perempuan Indonesia, Raden...

INSIGHT by wewomen.id
[Underrated] EP. 05 - A Little Step at A Time from 2021-04-20T10:27:16

Life is a long journey and sometimes we feel like we never do enough to achieve the life that we want to be. Often when we don't get what we want, we blame ourselves for not trying hard enough. In ...

INSIGHT by wewomen.id
S02E02 - Women in Public Space from 2021-03-28T12:09:09

Do you want to be more confident on your career in public space? 

Let's talk about women in public space, that we can make a lot of impacts in public space!

In this episode yo...

INSIGHT by wewomen.id
2-Minute Wiki EP.01 Statistics: The Gender Gap in Indonesia from 2021-03-15T04:41:21

Dilatarbelakangi oleh permasalahan kesetaraan gender di Indoneisa. Menurut Laporan The Global Gender Gap Index 2020 yang dirilis oleh World Economic Forum, mengungkapkan bahwa Indonesia berada di p...

INSIGHT by wewomen.id
S02E01 - Women Who Tell The World from 2021-02-27T04:02:07

Let's talk about women voicing out their voices about themselves and issues that happen around them. It includes all the process and why the results worth the struggles. Idealita Ismanto, a documen...

INSIGHT by wewomen.id
[Underrated] EP. 04 - Bouncing Back from a Heartbreak from 2021-02-14T03:11:18

Some heartbreaks may come from less romantic places; a job rejection, a friend going away to someplace far, or a loss of a relative. Heartbreaks are a normal part of our lives, just like work is...

INSIGHT by wewomen.id
Understanding Privilege with Ana Azzahra from 2020-09-04T13:00

Having privilege does not mean that an individual is immune to life’s hardships, but it does mean having an unearned benefit or advantage one receives by the nature of their identity. The proces...

INSIGHT by wewomen.id
[Underrated] EP. 03 - Happiness from 2020-08-09T13:00

In today’s society, happiness can seem like some elusive state of mind that only certain people can attain. However, anyone can cultivate a happy attitude, and keep it for the rest of their life...

INSIGHT by wewomen.id
[Underrated] EP. 02 - Do the Right Thing from 2020-07-26T13:00

What is the first thing you do when you slip up? What did you do when you're faced with multiple options? Do you think you've done the right thing?  

In this episode, we will talk ab...

INSIGHT by wewomen.id
[Underrated] EP. 01 - Comfort Zone from 2020-07-12T13:00

Welcome to the new mini series from WeWomen.id: Underrated. Each episode will discuss about underrated work advice that are often sugarcoated or ignored altogether, all in less ...

INSIGHT by wewomen.id
Special Episode - Social Distancing from 2020-03-27T13:00

Amid the COVID-19 situation, people around the world are required to practice social distancing. Social distancing, also called “physical distancing,” is a practice where you keep spaces between...

INSIGHT by wewomen.id
S01E03 - Personal Branding from 2020-03-13T13:00

Your personal brand is the unique combination of little things that make you, you. An effective personal branding will differentiate you from other people because others remember "Who you are".&...

INSIGHT by wewomen.id
S01E02 - Self-Love from 2020-02-28T13:00

Self-love is a popular concept these days, and it looks a little different for everyone. Practicing self-love can also be challenging for many of us, especially in times when we face serious cha...

INSIGHT by wewomen.id
S01E01 - Habit from 2020-02-14T13:31:19

Have you ever set out with a goal to form a new habit, only to find yourself not doing it at all one week later? Why is it so difficult to form a good habit and why is it so easy to stick with t...
