Realtors Selling $100 Million+ Per Year As A Husband&Wife Team (LAUGHTON TEAM FLASHBACK) - a podcast by Joshua Smith

from 2020-04-10T06:00

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Meet the husband & wife real estate team that sells over $100 Million Per Year, Jennifer & George Laughton! Based in Phoenix, Arizona, their team continually closes over $100 Million in sales and continue to grow year by year. Any real estate agents that might be worried that an impending market shift could potentially disrupt their business NEED to watch this interview from back in June of 2017. George and Jennifer didn’t just survive the market crash in 2007-08, they absolutely thrived, and inside this interview they go into detail about how they built their team, what they were doing inside their business when the market crashed and how they were able to come out of it stronger, how to create a successful real estate team while also maintaining a successful and happy marriage, as well as just casually dropping some awesome tips and strategies that they use inside their real estate business. Even if you’ve seen this one from 2017 before, there is no better time to check it out again and look at it in a slightly different light, as a market shift and/or crash has more potential of happening now more than ever!



0:01 - Introduction

2:00 - How did you get started in entrepreneurship/real estate

5:00 - George signed Jennifer up for real estate school

7:30 - How did you transition into the REO space of real estate?

12:00 - How much work went into your business during the real estate crash?

14:00 - How did you transition back into traditional real estate again?

17:50 - Where did you start during your transition?

22:40 - How long did you take investing until you got a decent ROI?

25:30 - How did you know when to expand inside your real estate business?

27:30 - How is your business structured employee wise?

33:20 - How does someone prove themselves to get hired by you?

36:50 - Does being transparent with your numbers in your business drive culture around the office?

40:30 - How do you structure who gets to use your ISA to get leads?

45:30 - Where do you see yourselves taking your business?

49:00 - How do you make sure you don’t drop the ball in other areas of your life outside of business?

55:00 - Advice to other couple’s that are a real estate team or looking to be a real estate team

58:00 - What are some things you plan to do differently once the market crashes again?

1:01:10 - What would you say some of the biggest learning experiences you’ve had in your entrepreneurship?

1:06:50 - How to get in touch with the Laughtons

1:07:40 - Last words of advice and inspiration for aspiring agents and entrepreneurs





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