Podcasts by Girl, You Got This

Girl, You Got This

Girl You Got This is a podcast created to remind all of us women of who we are and what we are capable of accomplishing. We all already have what it takes, and by being ourselves we will accomplish anything.

Further podcasts by Paola Hernandez

Podcast on the topic Selbstverwirklichung

All episodes

Girl, You Got This
Girl, This Is Not Just Anther Morning Routine. Become A Morning Person Following The 3-2-1 Rule And Other Holistic Remedies. from 2020-03-10T11:36:03

Ever wondering how you can become one of the people that can wake up at 5am with no issue? This podcast is about the morning's and how having a morning routine can set the tone for the day. But ...

Girl, You Got This
Girl, This Is Why You Keep Quitting And Giving Up On Your Goals. Everything Good Takes Time. from 2020-03-03T09:00

Do you ever wonder why you keep starting things and never finish them because you quit? I've done this for my entire life, and built a bad habit of just giving up when things get rough or take t...

Girl, You Got This
Girl, Don't Let Fear STOP YOU From Trying New Things. Feel The Fear And Do It ANYWAY. from 2020-02-25T09:00

We are plagued by fear, and we literally let fear get in the way of our deepest desires. We really hate our current job, but we are too scared to try something new, so we let ourselves die a lit...

Girl, You Got This
Girl, There is Enough Room for ALL of us to be SUCCESSFUL. from 2020-02-18T09:00

This is for my girls who don't beleive they can accomplish their goals because they are comparing themselves to someone else who is already out there doing it. Personally, for me, it was one of ...

Girl, You Got This
Girl, If You Want To Be Happy, Get F**king Real With Yourself. from 2020-02-11T09:00

Getting real with yourself is hard work, we live our lives telling ourselves lies and believing that we are too much or too little. In this episode we talk about the common lies we tell ourselve...

Girl, You Got This
Girl, it's okay to not be okay. from 2020-02-04T09:00

This episode is for my girls who had a rough start to 2020. January for me was LONG, and I fell straight on my face. But you know what? There are 11 more months and all that matters is that you ...

Girl, You Got This
Girl, Stop Distracting Yourself And Focus On Your Goals. from 2020-01-14T09:00

We all do it, when you know you should be doing something else but you continue watching that next episode on Netflix. You know the last thing you should be doing is comparing yourself to other ...

Girl, You Got This
Where To Get The ENERGY & MOTIVATION To Reach Your Goals! from 2020-01-07T11:00

Girl, I hear you. You have goals, aspirations and things to attain. However, you wake up in the morning just feeling like you never slept in the first place. You are exhausted, and you don't eve...

Girl, You Got This
Girl, Being Yourself Will Lead To Self-Confidence, And That Will Make You A Winner. from 2020-01-02T10:50:26

Something I noticed when I was comparing myself to others was that they were dong better than me. They had a bigger following, they were dong better financially too. I looked into it, and the be...

Girl, You Got This
Girl, Stop Comparing Yourself To Other Women On Social Media! from 2019-12-26T14:57:27

Today's episode is something that I struggle with even to this date. It's not just me, but as women we were practically born tearing ourselves apart comparing ourselves to other women. It starte...

Girl, You Got This
Girl, Just Get Started from 2019-12-12T14:49:29

Executing your ideas are hard, getting started is harder. Welcome to the Girl, You Got This Podcast. This first episode is about me, Paola Jane Hernandez, and the struggles I have been facing. I...
