GKP S5/E5 - Smart Meters, Weather Vaccines&Qld Gov ’Not Aware’ of Geo-engineering - a podcast by Lee Maddox

from 2023-01-24T17:27:16

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G'day Folks,


On this episode Andy joins me to go over the latest developments.


The General is under attack! It's battle stations folks. My energy company has decided they want to upgrade my electric meter to a SMART/Digital meter. Why is this a big deal? Well basically it's like having a WiFi router on the side of the house that's transmitting continuously and you can't turn it off. The health effects can be devastating. That's among the other concerns we have such as having access to our energy usage and privacy concerns as well as control concerns. 


So we are taking measures to not let this happen. My son just so happens to sleep right against the wall where this SMART meter would be installed. So we're definitely taking a stand.


We switch gears to highlight just how ridiculous the COVID narrative is getting where excess deaths due to heart attacks and other serious issues is now being blamed on the weather! That's right, Melbourne's ever changing weather is apparently altering the DNA and gene expression of people living in that region of the country! 


Of course they completely ignore the fact that the majority of the people living there received a gene altering vaccine! That of course must have nothing to do with it (Can you feel my eyes rolling?)


And speaking of weather... remember when we spoke to weathermodificationhistory.com & climateviewer.com's Jim Lee from South Carolina on the season finale episode of season 4? If you recall he mentioned something called 'Marine Cloud Brightening' which is occurring on the Great Barrier Reef right now. Well, our wonderful leaders in the Queensland Government have no knowledge of this. 


Ethan's latest article “Not Aware”: QLD MP comments on current geoengineering programs highlights how even our Minister for the Environment & Great Barrier Reef declared, in writing, that no geo-engineering has taken place in Queensland since 2012. 


It this a blatant lie? Or is it sheer ignorance? Andy and I go over it to discuss what's going on in Ethan's absence.

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