Podcasts by From the Nth POWER

From the Nth POWER


You have the power to love what you do, which starts by creating professional and personal growth alignment which will propel your life forward. NOT creating this correlation leads to being stuck and unhappy--no matter how much you achieve.

FROM THE Nth POWER podcast is a new business foundation around your power and values. With a focus on self-actualization, Nicole will help you enhance your career or grow your business in order to find the vocation that gives you the confidence and leadership to become whoever/whatever you desire.

Further podcasts by Nicole Devlin

Podcast on the topic Selbstverwirklichung

All episodes

From the Nth POWER
Find Your Most Powerful Brand Using Visioning from 2023-11-16T14:01

If you don't have a vision, it's hard to establish a goal. This is so simply because without imagination, your end result has no spark...no capacity to magnify the world or people.

Your b...

From the Nth POWER
From Powerless to Powerful - Transforming Your Professional Experience from 2023-11-03T15:25

You could be missing out on great vocational purpose and fulfilling work because you think of work as a four-letter word. The conundrum with this is that you'll spend way too many hours trying t...

From the Nth POWER
Broken Open...For Good from 2023-10-23T03:06

Learning to BE with life will help you balance your energy for proper and most maximum effect. If brokenness happens to you, if you feel darkness and despair, your over-intellectual mind will le...

From the Nth POWER
Why "Hoping For The Best" Should No Longer Be Your Strategy from 2023-10-13T23:49

Hope is highly useful for keeping us going emotionally and mentally. Hoping for the Best is a great attitude. But hope, in and of itself, is nothing but a feeling going...

From the Nth POWER
How Your Inner Demons Lie To You from 2023-10-05T23:25

We all have darkness inside. That's never been the problem. The real problem is the mis-use and misunderstanding of darkness...of how and why it can be beneficial.

Along with that, when y...

From the Nth POWER
Live&Remember... from 2023-09-27T19:16

When you're older and you cannot remember your own innocence, you'll suffer more from your unhappiness. 

If you've learned to be unforgiving and believe the world is out to get you, inste...

From the Nth POWER
One Small Step to More Powerful Leaps from 2023-09-21T01:39

When confronted with how to change, most people become overwhelmed before they even begin.

Such questions as: How do I change? Where do I start? and What should I do? - being vague in nat...

From the Nth POWER
LOVE IS _________________________ from 2023-09-14T12:26

You think you know what love is? Of course you do because it's what it is to you - what it feels like, looks like, sounds like, smells like.

But what IS it REALLY? 

Is it a feeling...

From the Nth POWER
Cause&Effect - Kharma Doesn't Judge from 2023-09-06T20:03

If you're like me you might have learned that kharma is about some big-bad God waiting to get back on you for everything from a minor fault to an egregioius mistake. Realistically, universally a...

From the Nth POWER
POWER, Purpose Realization&Shared Experience from 2023-08-31T01:58

Your work life is never far away from who you are. Many people want to bring more of themselves to their work but don't understand why they don't feel fulfilled. It's probably because fulfillmen...

From the Nth POWER
The Power of Shifting From Fear to Love from 2023-08-16T20:04

Getting your entire life into LOVE mode takes the kind of work that's about practice. And that practice can last a lifetime.

Because even though we were born to love, we have had TOO much...

From the Nth POWER
Empowerment Through Magical Spirituality from 2023-08-09T10:55

If you've ever enjoyed a good magic show as a child, you know how fun, mysterious and enlightening it can be.

As adults, we've been looking at our lives as way too pragmatic, not enviable...

From the Nth POWER
A Good Powerful System from 2023-08-02T13:12

Many people feel they need more guidance than ever...but the people, places and systems they used to be guided by in the past (media, ...

From the Nth POWER
Winning&Power--What People Who Want to be Successful Must Learn from 2023-07-26T21:08

Everyone wants to win or - at the very least - not feel like a loser. Despite all types of money and successes, deep inside a lot of people is the "not enough/loser" feeling. If you hav...

From the Nth POWER
Counting, Consciousness&Emotional Well-Being from 2023-07-17T09:30

When you're angry,  have you ever tried Counting to 10...before you do or say anything? Or, when learning a new sport or a musical instrument, using some form of counting brings your mind to the...

From the Nth POWER
Human Training&The Sticky Gum from 2023-07-11T16:23

If you've ever sought to change another, you know it's not as simple as having ONE conversation and expecting them to change. Progress and the process take a lot of time. Nature is of the highes...

From the Nth POWER
Mental Manipulation at the Edge of the Minefield from 2023-07-06T16:00

Are you sitting comfortably surrounded by people who talk and think like you do? Do you see/spend time only with people who agree with, or relate to,  everything you say? Have you also taken it ...

From the Nth POWER
The Mind: A Lock, Block or Bridge? from 2023-06-27T16:14

Your mind is capable of higher thinking - MUCH higher than you can imagine. But your thoughts have to get out of the way. Sounds like opposite ideas, but your mind isn't just about your thinking...

From the Nth POWER
A Reality Check in Isolation from 2023-06-20T09:45

Reality is not necessarily REAL. How do you define reality? How do you know that you know realityI...

From the Nth POWER
Passing on the Full Mantle of Soul Sickness from 2023-06-12T10:00

You pass on SO much inforation that you don't question. As a matter of fact, you have layers upon layers of beliefs that are cemented and are making/keeping your soul sick. Then, because of prol...

From the Nth POWER
What Will You Do When the Bubble Bursts? from 2023-06-05T09:45

Our lives are full of a lot of emotion these days. The way you feel can be validated by finding like people and communities who provide security, belonging or comfort. This is GOOD. Yet, these s...

From the Nth POWER
A Public Service Announcement on Spiritual Health from 2023-05-29T15:00

Awareness, awareness, awareness. It's key and it's also not about you being aware of me, but me being aware of myself. What is it that awareness is supposed to do? Do we need more aware...

From the Nth POWER
Human Spiritual Satiation from 2023-05-22T09:48

Your fulfillment of deep spiritual human needs can be compared to eating. We eat in gluttony and don't think about whether or not we're getting what we need. We "fill up" our well, but with thin...

From the Nth POWER
The Bottom of the Barrel - Known as YOU from 2023-05-16T01:50

Why are you struggling so much? Your barrel/well that you keep trying to fill up with "stuff" has a hole in the bottom and you keep scraping for more of what you can't reach. The container that ...

From the Nth POWER
Complacency + Weakness = Death from 2023-05-08T09:45

Sometimes I feel disappointed in what I see as weakness, and I'm not talking about expressing feelings, nor about strength. Sensitivity is human and far from weak. What makes me weak is what I d...

From the Nth POWER
The Grace of Your Greatness from 2023-05-01T10:00

Limiting beliefs and excuses put up roadblocks to your dreams. And our society reinforces these falsehoods all the time. Just look around at those living their dreams. They refuse to believe wha...

From the Nth POWER
A Therapy of Words from 2023-04-24T09:00

How do you find answers? Do you automatically, when struggling or seeking, go within and negatively over-examine or do you quickly seek answers from others before any self-introspection...

From the Nth POWER
The Questions You're Not Asking Yourself from 2023-04-17T09:43

When situations present themselves and you don't like what you see, you probably want the easy way out - which is usually just to listen to others and follow along with the predominant messaging...

From the Nth POWER
Catharsis&Metamorphosis from 2023-04-10T09:30

Catharsis is the purging of emotions or the alleviation of emotional tensions. Metamorphosis is change of form or substance. Catharsis should lead to metamorphosis if the alleviation of emotions...

From the Nth POWER
Happiness Is Being Broken from 2023-04-03T09:30

What is true happiness to you? Is it an excited feeling or the presence of calm? When you're happy does it mean things are going your way and life is good? Or is there more to it...such as the i...

From the Nth POWER
The Creation of Greater Femininity from 2023-03-27T11:00

Are you a confused modern woman like me? What type of energy do you as a woman express in your life? Do you doubt your femininity because you don't fit a mold of the traditional woman - but you ...

From the Nth POWER
Manipulating, Mitigating and Mastering Mediocrity from 2023-03-20T10:00

Manipulation takes many forms, but why would we be trying so hard to manipulate our reality to be mediocre or stuck? There is a great force moving through the world to be yourself...express your...

From the Nth POWER
What You Don't Know WILL Hurt You from 2023-03-13T09:55

We all know about "What You DON'T Know Won't Hurt You", which means don't ask or seek to find out what other people are saying about you that may not feel good, because the aggravation isn't nec...

From the Nth POWER
The Deconstruction of Beliefs from 2023-03-06T11:00

So many of us are looking more closely at our beliefs - especially around culture and race. While we're looking for "answers", personal experience is causing many to feel defensive in their lack...

From the Nth POWER
The ISMs&Me from 2023-02-27T21:54

The ISMs that I'm talking about here are those of sexism and racism. What I'd like to talk about here is how those structures in the world that create imbalance and powerlessness, but also how I...

From the Nth POWER
Why Is It So Important to Feel Stupid? from 2023-02-20T11:00

When you debate - especially the more contentious modern day subjects - it is hard for anyone, once emotional, to hold their own. Debate, if you can be met, can be exhilirating, informing and co...

From the Nth POWER
Love As An Infinity Pool from 2023-02-13T10:29

Your awakenings - when they first happen - are like new relationships. You're learning about yourself and expanding your capacity for gratitude and love. You're life feels exciting. Then things ...

From the Nth POWER
Breaking Away from "Normalcy" from 2023-02-06T11:00

Normalcy, often correlated with tradition, can be an expectation. You go along, you fit in a box, you do what others did or are doing because...why wouldn't you? But if you wake up one ...

From the Nth POWER
The Greatest Prick of All Time from 2023-01-30T10:05

A prick of the heart can change your life without someone trying to change YOU. As a Boston friend said, "I'm gonna prick their haaahts" - which was a way to nudge or prod his children to take a...

From the Nth POWER
How Experience Gives You Permission from 2023-01-23T10:52

When you came to realize who you are, you may or may not have accepted or liked what you realized. You asked if it reflected your ideals or values, which is when you also started to question you...

From the Nth POWER
Being Free Of The Bondage Of Others from 2023-01-16T11:52

The bondage of others is when someone says something - or poses a question - that makes you disturbed or propels you into over-thinking. In other words, you personalized their response to someth...

From the Nth POWER
The Mechanism of Our Madness from 2023-01-09T13:55

Madness, in our modern world, is doing things to each other that are disconnected and even harmful - with intellectual justification. We also insanely over-protect people from their own conseque...

From the Nth POWER
The Same But Different from 2023-01-03T01:55

Understanding sameness means you find or connect with the things in you that you share with another. Being different means no matter how similar you are - in values, upbringing, etc. - there wil...

From the Nth POWER
The Mountain of Most Resistance from 2022-12-28T10:30

The world is plagued by mediocrity - people living to die in a state of absolute contemplation of nothing. The path of least resistance is a well-worn road, rife with depression, anxiety, stress...

From the Nth POWER
The Biggest Decision Of Your Life from 2022-12-19T01:15

Nope, it ain't to take a new job, get married (or divorced), move or have children. It's TO LOVE. What makes it the most major decision is because the decision or choice to love creates the most...

From the Nth POWER
What It All Boils Down To Is--It Doesn't from 2022-12-12T10:02

"What it all boils down to is __________" refers to extracting things down to their essential elements. Can this be done with people? Are we all similar when it comes to something like our value...

From the Nth POWER
The Sword of Security Consciousness from 2022-12-05T10:00

What is "security consciousness" and why is it a sword? We all know people who have no money but who are abundant and confident. On the flip side, there are wealthy people who live an emotionall...

From the Nth POWER
The LOVE Scorekeeping Game from 2022-11-28T15:43

Let's be honest, love is - and never should be - about keeping score. But let's play with that anyway because sometimes we don't know what we know (or don't) about love. For me, consciously, LOV...

From the Nth POWER
When Your Experience Catches UP... from 2022-11-21T10:00

Opinions these days are rampant. Even as I watch highly intelligent, sought-after speakers, authors and experts voice what is meant to be open-minded and tolerant, I hear the voice of opinion. W...

From the Nth POWER
The WTF of What's Happening from 2022-11-14T10:00

You're on the precipice of change and the fear and discomfort you're experiencing will prompt questions that you don't know how to answer. It's when WTF will be in your face that you'll have to ...

From the Nth POWER
Aching for Autonomy from 2022-11-07T14:17

It's been said that Autonomy is a $$million-dollar$$ word. More clearly, it's invaluable to your self-esteem and overall well-being. If you weren't taught - or aren't c...

From the Nth POWER
Facts of a Fiery&Fun-Filled Faith from 2022-10-31T09:00

There is a distinction between religion and faith. In this episode, and this subjective explanation, I'm speaking of a faith from inside and with acknowledgment of the greatest powers of all tim...

From the Nth POWER
What, Exactly, Does Meaning Mean? from 2022-10-24T09:00

Many people would say they are searching for meaning. At the very least, most are asking questions having to do with superficial meaning, such as "What does that mean?" or "What...

From the Nth POWER
Why Ignoring Your Dreams Is Kicking Your Ass! from 2022-10-17T09:00

Your dreams never were about mediocrity, but if you've been ignoring them, then your life probably is. When you sit in stuckness, you'll blame others for your lack of energy. When you fear risk ...

From the Nth POWER
The Stye In Your Mind's Eye from 2022-10-10T09:00

I equate blaming others and attacking things outside of you to "change the world" to trying to get rid of a stye. It has a process that is beyond what I think should be happening. Trying to forc...

From the Nth POWER
Opting-out of Discord from 2022-10-04T19:04

Some of you are so steeped in discord that it's become a way of life. Worse yet, you certainly cannot figure your own way out. Has it occurred to you that even though this state began with valid...

From the Nth POWER
Habits That Don't Die from 2022-09-26T13:08:39

There are things you've been struggling with that you want to work on. Maybe, though, you've been learning that even though this doesn't serve you, you can't seem to get rid of it. Some aspects ...

From the Nth POWER
The Perfect Marriage from 2022-09-19T09:00:57

People who have contentment of being are in touch with their minds and bodies at the same time. They LIVE from a knowing that is a marriage of all the nuances of being....

From the Nth POWER
The Ghetto of Scare-City from 2022-09-12T04:00:07

It seems amazing to me to continue - over many years - to hear the cries of unfairness and powerlessness again and again from women. There is much power to be gained by women participating in an...

From the Nth POWER
The Grace (or Balls) to Stand from 2022-09-05T13:49:59

What does it mean to "stand"? It doesn't mean to do nothing, it means you just don't have to fight everything. Change what you can (you have power over only yourself), and then create a new expe...

From the Nth POWER
If You Walk Away, I Will NOT Follow from 2022-08-29T13:54:57

What is it that makes one person like someone, and another NOT like that same person or thing? How much of our likes and dislikes - who or what we follow - is determined consciously in the momen...

From the Nth POWER
The Fantasy of Feelings from 2022-08-22T03:00:39

How do you know if your feelings are facts? I mean, if you "feel" them should you necessarily believe them? Is it possible that some of your feelings are attached to perceptions you've formed fr...

From the Nth POWER
How to Debate Like You're NOT in High School from 2022-08-15T01:59:16

Remember the debate team where teams argued sides and HAD to win... Some of us are still acting like conversations where we disagree are about winning. You don't need to be right and you don't n...

From the Nth POWER
Knowing When to _______________? from 2022-08-09T19:58:48

The search for deeper meaning will come...it's inevitable unless you fight it. If you trust the natural process of conscious creation you don't have to fight for anything. It's all already there...

From the Nth POWER
I'm Gonna Make that Light of Yours SHINE from 2022-07-31T23:10:10

Light is change that comes from your inner energy and belief in your own POWER. The lowest power is about your patterns of thinking and feeling that are prone to lack and ugliness. The highest p...

From the Nth POWER
You Can't Handle Peace from 2022-07-19T00:28:29

We say we want peace, but are we creating it? Are we building a peaceful life from within? Are we willing to forego argument and dissension for the sake of more calm? Peace can be hard to find s...

From the Nth POWER
Use Your Pain or Be Victimized by It from 2022-07-12T15:29:13

Pain cannot be avoided, so when you try to fight it, it becomes more painful. Happiness should be pursued, but happiness is elusive. The return of pain - due to life, to you, to others - is inev...

From the Nth POWER
Why I Keep My Finger on the Trigger from 2022-07-05T13:59:38

Simple daily interactions that provoke strong emotional reactions can be intimidating. It is, quite frankly, EASY to blame another person's actions or attitudes, for there is certainly lack of a...

From the Nth POWER
Self-Preservation, The Greatest Motivator from 2022-06-16T12:00:51

We all do things that we want - and make excuses as to why. This is not because one is being negligent, it is becuase people, even the best of them, are motivated by self. Self, in and of itself...

From the Nth POWER
The Secret Virus of Sexual Shame from 2022-05-30T16:42:41

Yep - THAT subject. Sex. So personal. So secretive. Or, worse yet, shunned or, these days capitalized with an openness that is being portrayed as ideal. But IS it? How can we be truly open and free...

From the Nth POWER
The Predominance of Lack from 2022-05-07T20:12:49

We've made such advances in our emotional and spiritual evolution and yet, when someone asked me during Women's History Month, what still concerned me for women, I said, "low self-esteem", which...

From the Nth POWER
Well...HOW Did I Get Here? from 2022-05-01T14:51:16

Feeling successful is about coming to terms with where you are, who you are and what's happened in your life to get you to this place - both good and bad. Without the necesary acceptance of life...

From the Nth POWER
Give Someone the Gift of Acknowledgment from 2022-04-24T13:35:17

"I can see why you would feel that way"... seems simple enough to say but that's not where a lot of conversations go naturally. Yes, we say we want to connect - to hear each other - but somethin...

From the Nth POWER
Wave Goodbye to Blissful Ignorance from 2022-04-19T15:05:14

Ignorance used to be a way to avoid sometimes unpleasant things, or even just to stay on your own side of the street in an effort to be comfortable or compatible. Now, it's almost seen as somewh...

From the Nth POWER
The Foreign Language of I Don't Know from 2022-04-09T19:11:25

I KNOW, it's HARD to say "I don't know". It doesn't feel good. Maybe it doesn't promote the kind of conn...

From the Nth POWER
Why It Is SO Impossible to Focus on Ourselves from 2022-02-21T17:33:33

Let's face it, being responsible is not easy. It requires a perseverance and fortitude that is an enigma to many. Even with a desire to grow, a focus on anything else besides yourself may mean the ...

From the Nth POWER
Waiting for the Moment from 2022-01-30T16:52:09

While you sit in your feelings, the moment passes. When you judge others, the moment ceases to exist. As you passionately persist in your righteous thinking, the moment ends as your ego seeks re...

From the Nth POWER
The Original Sin in Righteousness from 2022-01-29T18:26:36

Sin gets a bad rap...people think it's a toxic tradition of some religions. To me, it's actually a measuring stick for how I can be more powerful. There is NO right in me trying to convince anyo...

From the Nth POWER
Bloated Isms That Blot Out Our Hope from 2022-01-22T19:16:14

There are way too many ISMs born of unequal power structures across the globe. We can recognize this because of the rising nature of those who have been powerless speaking up. This is GOOD because ...

From the Nth POWER
When You Don't Fit In, Go Within from 2022-01-19T01:37:16

There probably never was a time when fitting in was NOT an issue for most people. These days it's even worse. This is so because even though people are adaptable, the world has become a place of...

From the Nth POWER
Universal Reliance as a Gateway to Peace from 2022-01-14T17:50:56

It's become SO easy to rely on systems & ideas that are not tested and true, or are constantly changing. Despite the struggles we experience when thees systems or people fail us, we return only ...

From the Nth POWER
Truth - Beautiful&Complicated from 2022-01-11T16:09:15

From the Nth POWER
Sometimes the Answer is The Next Question from 2022-01-09T23:32:46

There are answers everywhere and for everything. People think they can change/re-arrange their lives in 1-2 days by asking one question. Yet answers from Mama Internet are often manifestations o...

From the Nth POWER
The Wake Up Call of Fear from 2022-01-08T15:31:34

While we wait for the next catastrophe, POWER also waits - behind all that is happening - to show us more. We only need get out of the way to see and use it. The belief necessary to overcome the...

From the Nth POWER
I Teach People How to Be Themselves from 2022-01-07T14:54:29

"Who ARE You?" I ask, and you provide your status, position in family or the world. But are you really touching upon what matters about you? Have you fearlessly explored who you were before your...

From the Nth POWER
In the Darkness of Our Apartness from 2022-01-04T15:27:22

Life can sometimes feel bleak. No one would deny a pervasive negative energy that just won't go away. We NEED this energy - because it's part of nature. It will show us the way to something bett...

From the Nth POWER
A New Dawn for the Not-Enough Neophyte from 2022-01-03T19:20:56

Everywhere I look, I see the re-birth of an insecurity-filled sense of not-enough. Not smart enough. Not beautiful enough. Not compassionate enough. It's full of vapid judgement rooted in the fe...

From the Nth POWER
The True North of Honesty from 2022-01-02T16:30:28

If I asked just about anyone if they thought themselves honest, they'd say "YES!" and they'd know they were lying. Because honest is not just "I don't lie" - a true north of honesty is that I do...

From the Nth POWER
Body Neutrality: The Path to Peace&Progress from 2021-10-25T09:00

Are you entering conversations trying to insure that you don't look stupid? Are you afraid you'll have nothing to say to defend yourself...when you don't HAVE to? Power in communication is in ne...

From the Nth POWER
The Cure of Pure Conviction from 2021-10-20T14:33:59

Conviction, is not against, but FOR the rightness of what you believe in. It may seem to be too fixed, but what I'm seeking, in truth, is a demonstration which can be a beacon for people to be w...

From the Nth POWER
Time to Change...Unconditionally and Powerfully from 2021-10-18T23:41:45

Everyone wants the world to change tomorrow. That task would be easy if you were willing to change yourself first. What that means is that each person takes it upon him/herself to find the place...

From the Nth POWER
The Intolerable "Virtues" of Perfectionism, People-Pleasing and Placating from 2021-10-16T14:46:34

How peaceful IS your life...truly? Are you creating problems by trying to be perfect? Do you spend too much time thinking about what other people think of you? When we don't do what's needed to ...

From the Nth POWER
Let Freedom Fire Desire So Your Voice Can Soar from 2021-10-12T21:30:51

Without freedom there is no real autonomy to be able to do what makes one happy. Freedom cannot be obstructed without one's desire being affected negatively. Once you understand that you are ALW...

From the Nth POWER
Foundation+Expansion = GROWTH from 2021-10-08T09:00

Your dream is to be light years ahead of where you are. But you have no foundation and, worse, you can't even be in the moment, so when you get "there", you'll miss the achievement - and won't b...

From the Nth POWER
Bulls Charge Vegetarians Too! from 2021-10-06T23:44:30

Your diet is what you consume, not what you are made of. Why this clarification on what kind of matter you are? Because people tend to think if they change what they consume, or how they express...

From the Nth POWER
BOLD RESPONSIBILITY - A Declaration from 2021-10-04T09:00

We keep talking about responsibility because it's so fundamental to vision and growth. Without owning your life in a responsible way, you'll be limited - in overcoming adversity, in feeling joy ...

From the Nth POWER
Super-Calli-FRAGILE-Istic Beings from 2021-10-01T21:53:38

Super...Beautiful...Fragile? Fragility is superbly beautiful in its purest form, such as when we are vulnerable yet confident, when we are in touch with ourselves and can meet others. These days...

From the Nth POWER
The Boogeyman is in Your Belly from 2021-09-30T00:17:02

There is a gurgling that comes from the belly but is connected to a lack of consciousness. Our bodies and minds are fundamentally and forever attached to our experiences. The highway to freedom ...

From the Nth POWER
The Smokescreen of Self-Righteous Fear from 2021-09-27T09:00

There are issues rooted in self-centered fear that have been the root of many debates and rifts over the past few years. These "isms" have confounded many an intelligent person, including myself...

From the Nth POWER
Crisis Vs. Comfort - What Are YOU Choosing? from 2021-09-24T21:48:01

The world is chaotic, but you don't have to be. The difference between discomfort vs an all-out crisis is how much you empower other people to save you. People are embodied with the power to do ...

From the Nth POWER
POWER, Responsibility&Freedom from 2021-09-22T09:00

Don't those things sound GREAT? Who wouldn't want more of those? Well, I'm going to disappoint you by letting you know what people say they want vs what they act towards wanting or becoming, are...

From the Nth POWER
The Rudder of the Other from 2021-09-20T09:00

Do you have a good sense of how to make the best decisions or do you find yourself constantly seeking others' advice or approval? If you are a people-pleaser, you are likely not making the best ...

From the Nth POWER
I've Forfeited My Autonomy - And I Can't Get It Back! from 2021-09-17T23:51:22

Autonomy is your best and most conscious and heartfelt thinking. It keeps you connected to you and open to others. It is the wide open space where you wholly and freely make up your own mind - a...

From the Nth POWER
Leadership - The Booster Shot We REALLY Need from 2021-09-15T09:00

Lacking leadership is the order of the day - or decade. People seem to follow more than think for themselves. People often seek those who talk a big game but cannot, in fact, deliver the things ...

From the Nth POWER
Winning the Shame Game from 2021-09-13T09:00

What IS shame anyway? Why do we defend it so strongly when it's not ours to own? Do you know the difference between guilt - which can be great change motivation - and shame - which is baggage fr...

From the Nth POWER
How the Stories Have Turned into the Scars from 2021-09-08T09:00

Once upon a time...Our stories began like that, and they were fantasy-driven or narrow in scope. But now, instead, we're opening up wounds and reciting narratives beginning with "it's so hard to...

From the Nth POWER
The Slow Downhill of UN-Action from 2021-09-02T16:00:47

You read that right. It's not inaction, but UN-action - not just stalling but sabotaging your growth personally and professionally. Riding the wave of success is about learning to stand on that ...

From the Nth POWER
Reflections of the Living Way from 2021-08-30T09:30

Fear of death is such an in-our-face topics these days. How do we live more HOPE? Life is not just completing the dash between birth and death. This episode examines the beauty of life gained fr...

From the Nth POWER
We'll ALL Lose in the Competition for Virtue from 2021-08-26T10:00

Is virtue social or personal? As a principle, it has a sound foundation for building self-esteem. When your sense of virtue is based on what others think, or if you believe there is one definiti...

From the Nth POWER
ENOUGH! from 2021-08-22T18:05:10

As we get closer, or further, from our own realizations of what life itself means these days, and many are frustrated by things out of our control, "I've had enough" comes to mind. Yet what does...

From the Nth POWER
Forgiving OUR Brokenness from 2021-08-19T17:58:02

In the current call-out, blame-game culture, it's quite accepted to think that changing the world will solve our problems. We forget that we share common experience and solution-based principles...

From the Nth POWER
The Modern Myths of Connection&Freedom from 2021-08-17T02:32:50

FREEDOM. CONNECTION. We're turned ON by these words and what the reality of living them can create. Freedom is autonomy to be of self but not arrogantly FOR self. Connection is a deeply rooted f...

From the Nth POWER
MIND the Gap ... [Between Us] from 2021-08-14T19:09:26

PEACE is a hard-earned word coming from common ground or safety. Many are having a hard time feeling calm as a result of divisions, strong feelings and fears. There is a gap BETWEEN US...in our ...

From the Nth POWER
The Epidemic of Self-Deception from 2021-08-13T18:22:02

These days, truth is quickly invalidated or irrelevant. Do we question what truth is? Are we examining our conscience against information? Lack of self-awareness is a thick layer of absence of s...

From the Nth POWER
Don't YOU Want Everyone to Think like YOU? from 2021-08-10T18:10:07

We could afford to be getting along better. Open-mindedness has been replaced with opinions & follows. "Expert" opinions are being followed without questioning. Our minds and emotions have given...

From the Nth POWER
Riding the Edge of the Bottom...with Training Wheels from 2021-08-06T10:00

Life is simple but secure...you have "enough". IS that true? Do you want more but are afraid to go after it? Many very  intelligent people play it safe and are suffering because their sense of f...

From the Nth POWER
The Thrill of Breathing, The Ecstasy of Moving from 2021-08-03T14:59:08

Breathing supports life and creates a foundation for everything we do, yet little attention is paid to how important it is...it's just there. There a lot to be learned from your breathing re: he...

From the Nth POWER
Once Upon A Time...In Your BODY from 2021-07-31T01:01:36

Your disconnection is not about world events. Yes, world unity and a perfect climate would certainly engender harmony and the Internet CAN create greater human depth. However, the necessary solu...

From the Nth POWER
The Days of Blame Are OVER from 2021-07-29T01:35:39

It's easy to cultivate blame when life has treated you wrong. Knowing how prohibiting to growth the blame game is...What can/will you do? How can you unleash your purest liberating emotions? Whe...

From the Nth POWER
Using the Body for Bliss from 2021-07-26T16:07:47

How little focused and centered attention we pay to our bodies...unlike our cars or phones. The result is often physical & mental breakdown, or vulnerability to illness. It's clearly a modern mi...

From the Nth POWER
Maneuvering Around Insanity from 2021-07-23T13:00

Do you feel like you're paying too much attention to how to circumvent people's erratic emotions? Does it seem like erratic emotions used to be in a here-and-there acquaintance but now they're i...

From the Nth POWER
Trudging Toward Exponential Certainty from 2021-07-19T20:15:38

Having a hard time feeling secure these days? Feelings of loneliness and isolation are prominent. The good news is that exponential certainty is POSSIBLE. Join Nicole as she explores why certain...

From the Nth POWER
Breathing In the POWER of Body Consciousness from 2021-07-17T23:13:38

Are you in your body now? Probably not. Distractions are numerous and the loudest and most disturbing are in your own head. That's right... your thinking keeps you from being happy. Don't get me...

From the Nth POWER
Striking Balance In Your Energies from 2021-07-13T03:47:28

Do we need to identify as masculine or feminine? Aren't you made up of emotions and feelings that are both? Have you lived your life trying to sort out what it means, or if it even matters? If s...

From the Nth POWER
Back Up Self Examine&Surrender from 2021-07-09T19:25:30

Are you having difficulty communicating around topics you feel passionately about? Do you want your conversations to have greater impact? Communication can be difficult; wanting to show people t...

From the Nth POWER
Don't Worry...They Still Don't Know What You're Thinking from 2021-07-03T20:42:02

How much are we stifling or censoring the things we think and say? Are we feeding a fear our ideas will be unacceptable, or there will be reprisal for expressing our thoughts - not as opinions -...

From the Nth POWER
The Bliss Beyond Anger from 2021-06-26T19:33:30

Is anger troubling you these days more than in the past? Do you find yourself being hyper-sensitive to things that used to roll off your back? Are you moving through the world a little more "tig...

From the Nth POWER
Sh*#t - DAMN! - Okay from 2021-06-19T21:52:26

In dealing with communications, especially when emotional flare-ups occur, it takes some time and practice to see where and how one loses power by becoming a victim to another's actions. In this...

From the Nth POWER
Making Counterproductive Work Relationships WORK from 2021-05-16T19:11:21

Why is it that communication can be so difficult at work...especially for women? Is it important to cater to, or try to understand our work relationships like we do our personal relationships? A...

From the Nth POWER
The Devil's In Not Doing It Right from 2021-05-12T02:23:10

Do you sometimes feel like you could be doing better, knowing you're doing the best you can? Or maybe you're not...who's to decide? Is there some sort of ideal person who "handles" things that y...

From the Nth POWER
Being Emotionally Intelligent in a World of Experts from 2021-05-01T15:49:48

What do you do when you "know that you know" but you're surrounded by experts and opinions that oppose that knowing? Is your knowing always leading you down the right path, or are you sometimes ...

From the Nth POWER
Love&Baggage from 2021-04-28T14:25

We've all heard (and many/most believe) LOVE believes, hope and conquers all things. It wins. But what about when people bring their "baggage" (defined as unresolved feelings we are/are not work...

From the Nth POWER
Your Vocation as a Foundation for Work from 2021-03-24T23:04:23

Most serve money as the "there" place to get to. Once one has enough, one is "successful." Yet we've all seen the emptiness of many who have plenty of stuff. Instead of starting from the outside...

From the Nth POWER
Pain Is NOT a Prize from 2021-03-14T16:32:45

Why do we covet pain? What's the best thing to DO with it? How can we best handle it so that it becomes a better part of us, rather than something that holds us back? These are fundamental quest...

From the Nth POWER
The Three-Legged Stool from 2021-01-27T20:11:41

In this episode, I'm turning away from interviewing other people and moving into exploring a foundation of wisdom from experience. Life has brought many challenges which have been overcome and I...

From the Nth POWER
It's Power Beyond Science Fiction from 2020-11-24T06:12:30

Liz sees her life as working much more fluidly when she's tied to a real source of abundance and love. 

Power is agency over herself, rather than the idea that she was helpless to command...

From the Nth POWER
Power Is Me When I Do Simple Things from 2020-11-15T23:50

Mike understands that his brain can be connection or unhappiness, dependent on what his choices are. His release from destructive thinking--and behavior--comes from the power that his practice c...

From the Nth POWER
Just Get in the Batter's Box from 2020-11-09T01:58:36

Ann talks about the power of getting and staying in the game by accepting herself, owning what she CAN control and allowing a power greater than herself to pave the way to better understanding a...

From the Nth POWER
One Step is Easiest for People (and Puppies) from 2020-10-17T00:37:29

Ryan believes in the power of words. Ryan believes in choice. He sees the best life experience as showing up for what you wish to accomplish--doing what you say and having to take one step. This...

From the Nth POWER
Step Away...You Have Your OWN from 2020-10-10T01:41:06

Calm Claire has a magical way of seeing life as service. She has found the way, through connecting to others, to use her life experience to allow others the freedom to find their own answers. Listen

From the Nth POWER
Power From The Neighborhood Guy from 2020-10-03T18:59:25

Bob calls himself "just a neighborhood guy". Yet, like most regular people, when asked, Bob has as clear of a perception of power as anyone else with more or less "status". 

Like his frie...

From the Nth POWER
If I Just Walk Through It, I Might Be The One Who Sings from 2020-09-26T03:05:15

Sharon Allen, a self-declared introvert, has more energy than many and a heart of gold. Sharon outright declares that without opening herself up, moving through her shyness and those things that...

From the Nth POWER
Starting Small and Keeping It Simple from 2020-09-10T03:03:20

Today's interview is with Suzanne Goodson, a woman who I know to be authentic, clear and in her body as a way of life. She has a wonderful presence of sacred energy. I hope you feel an enjoy o...

From the Nth POWER
Power Is In The Next Step Forward from 2020-09-02T19:50:46

Through a simple daily practice--whilst not always knowing specifically what to do--Wheeler believes in taking a step out anyway.

Through him we see that acceptance is simple gratitude an...

From the Nth POWER
I Am Who I Wanted To Be from 2020-08-27T02:03:49

This very first episode features the most everyday atypical/typical but unique and funny person I know...My Mother. 

Sometimes the good life is very simple. 

