Podcasts by Friday Vox Pop

Friday Vox Pop

Further podcasts by Jess McCulloch

Podcast on the topic Kurse

All episodes

Friday Vox Pop
VP 17: Learning Goals from 2008-08-16T13:28:20

This week's question was 'What was one of your learning goals for this term and how are you going with it?'

Friday Vox Pop
VP 16: Rubbish Free Lunches from 2008-08-16T13:20:44

This week I asked the kids what they thought of our rubbish free lunches on Tuesday and Thursday.

Friday Vox Pop
VP 15: The Best Thing from 2008-07-26T00:50:13

This week's question was 'What is the best thing about being back at school for Term 3?'

Friday Vox Pop
VP 14: Travel and Career Plans from 2008-07-02T03:49:41

A chat with my Year 9 students about their future plans.

Friday Vox Pop
VP 13: Learning A Second Language from 2008-07-02T03:47:26

A chat with some of my Year 9 and 11 students about why they think it's important to learn another language.

Friday Vox Pop
VP 12: Favourite Subjects from 2008-07-02T03:45:23

This week's question was 'What is your favourite subject or thing to do at school?' The teachers even go in on this one!

Friday Vox Pop
VP 11: Skills For the Future from 2008-07-02T03:35:52

This week's question was 'What skills do you need to learn to be ready for your future?

Friday Vox Pop
VP 9: Principal for a Day from 2008-05-03T06:50:20

This week's question was"If you were Principal for a day what would you change to help improve the way students learn?"

Friday Vox Pop
VP 8: Good Students from 2008-05-03T06:25:49

This week's question was 'What makes a good student?'

Friday Vox Pop
VP 7: Favourite Classroom Activities from 2008-03-31T23:25:49

Talk about a tough audience - trying voxpopping students on the last day of term. The last thing they want to think about is what the best classroom activity the did was and why is was good. But, ...

Friday Vox Pop
VP 6: Rubbish from 2008-03-31T22:56:46

We have a bit of a problem at our school with too much rubbish being left in the yard, so I asked the students whether it was ok to leave their rubbish lying around. Not all of them said no...

Friday Vox Pop
VP 5: Good Teachers from 2008-03-31T22:00:38

This was recorded a while ago but is finally here! Listen to what my students think makes a good teacher. How do you shape up?

Friday Vox Pop
VP 4: The Important Stuff At School from 2008-02-22T08:07:33

This week's question was 'What is the most important thing you learn how to do at school?'

Friday Vox Pop
VP 3: Making School More Interesting from 2008-02-17T20:20:49

This week's question was 'What could teachers to do to help make school more interesting?'

Friday Vox Pop
VP 2: Teachers Knowing Their Learners from 2008-02-13T05:41:25

My initial question was"What do your teachers need to know about how you learn?"but I found that the kids thought this was a bit hard and weren't sure how to answer it. So to make it easier for the...

Friday Vox Pop
VP 1: Looking Forward from 2008-02-01T07:58:33

This week's question was 'What are you looking forward to this year?'
