250: How Not to Die on Vacation + Our Best Travel Stories (Travel Series Part 1 of 3) - a podcast by Allison Melody

from 2019-03-26T07:02:59

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Who better to have on our healthy travel round table than three queens of the plant-based movement? Whitney Lauritsen is a vegan entrepreneur and coach, on a mission to help conscious brands grow. Melissa Glazewski is a private vegan chef, founder of ForkinPlants, and the organizational brain behind Food Heals. Erica Mandy is a journalist and founder of theNewsWorthy. Add a little vegan wine by Varietal group to the mix, and it’s not long before we’re sharing all sorts of secrets about our past!


Can you guess which travel story links to each guest?


She went trekking in a remote part of Arizona. But with only a compass and a map to guide her, she got lost and couldn’t find her way back.


She was skydiving in Australia. The moment the parachute opened, she knew something was wrong…


She traveled to Portland only to find she couldn’t poop for days. Her friends suggested an unusual (but delicious) relief for constipation.


She got scammed the second she stepped off the plane, and nearly didn’t make it out of Mexico. 


Basically, traveling can be lots of fun, but full of surprises! So, here’s the first round of healthy travel tips.


Travel Tip #1:

Protect yourself from scammers: Find out all the details of your trip so you don’t get taken advantage of. Wait for people to introduce themselves, ask them what hotel/car service they work for, and don’t give away your information. 


Travel Tip #2

Get a hotel with a fridge (not a mini-fridge!) and get some vegan basics. Even if you don’t have a car there might be a grocery delivery service like Instacart that can bring you everything you need for a small fee. When Alli was in Philadelphia for Podcast Movement, she got Instacart deliver organic vegan groceries. She stocked the fridge with tomatoes, hummus, avocado, Miyoko’s vegan cheese and grapes and would have people over for cheese and wine!


Travel Tip #3

Make sure you take your vitamins on holiday. An easy way to do this is to buy a travel pill dispenser, basically a little circular travel pill holder that you can store all your various vitamins in a compact way that is great for packing. Vitamins Alli never leaves home without are B12, vitamin C, pro-biotics, melatonin, and oxypowder (which you can only get from the Global Healing Center (don’t forget the discount code is foodheals17).


Travel Tip #4 

Travel with CBD. CBD combats anxiety while traveling, it helps with jet lag and it’s a natural alternative to sleeping pills. Suzy has the best stuff - find it at CBD Fountain. Foodheals for 20% off.


Travel Tip #5

Pack your greens. Did you know 92% of Americans have a vitamin deficiency? It’s important to boost your energy, cleanse your body and feel amazing any day, but even more so when you travel. Alli never leaves home without Organifi, the easiest way to eat your greens no matter where you are or what you’re doing.

When you wake up and drink a glass of Organifi Green Juice, you kick-start the body’s processes of daily detoxing, producing natural energy, and managing stress. It’s a great way to start the day with a smart choice. So, what is it? Organify is a green juice powder infused superfoods - Alli’s favorite is coconut and ashwagandha. Simply mix with water and boom: you’ve got all the nutrients you need to jumpstart your energy, curb that jetlag and power through your day. 


You can get 20% discount on your first order with the coupon code foodheals. 


Travel Tip #6

Choose your drinks wisely. Whether you’re traveling business or pleasure, you’re probably going to engage in a few cocktails while you’re out of town. So Alli’s best advice is to choose organic biodynamic wines whenever possible. My friends at www.scoutandcellar.com know what up. Y If you want to sample the best vegan products hassle-free, then reach out to Varietal group - everything they promote is organic, biodynamic and vegan, free of sulfites and added sugar. And it’s female-owned. A great way to support women entrepreneurs. 


Travel Tip #7

Increase Your Dose of Vitamin C. This helps boost your immune system while traveling. It also helps with jet lag and you can’t overdose on it!


Next time… we’ve got another guest joining the panel: vegan chef Leslie Durso. But you’ll have to wait until the next episode for her healthy travel tips!



What you’ll learn in Episode 250:

  • How to check your wine is vegan (and why you need to!)
  • Our secret truths revealed
  • Who went trekking in Arizona and got lost in the dessert for hours? 
  • Who got scammed at the airport and nearly didn’t make it out of Mexico? 
  • Who couldn’t poop in Portland? 
  • Who went skydiving over Australia? 
  • A delicious remedy for constipation 
  • How to get vegan groceries on holiday, hassle-free
  • One supplement that will tune out travel-anxiety



Our favorite moments:

@2:00 Back to the wine!

@9:23 Who’s the hip hop dancer?

@23:10 I love it when Melissa tells me stories

@32:46 Where horror movies happen



Available anywhere you listen to podcasts!

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Website of Allison Melody