243: Free Yourself From Cravings and Overeating with Radical Weight Loss Expert David Zappasodi - a podcast by Allison Melody

from 2019-02-08T11:30

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Diets don’t work. Neither do New Year’s resolutions. Just 3% of people who go on a diet successfully lose weight. Why? They’re based on the idea that if you lose weight, you’ll transform your life. In fact, you need to transform your life first, then the weight loss will happen.


Alli was a healthy plant-based holistic salad eater by day…. sugar junkie by night. Sugar addiction ruled her life. Nothing she tried ever worked. Until she met David Zappazodi. Now, her cravings for sugar have disappeared.


David Zappazodi has been a healthcare professional specializing in weight loss for over 20 years. He uses radical methods. Instead of coaching people to find their why, and motivating them to change their habits, he tells his clients to stop exercising and eat the junk foods they crave several times a day. It sounds nuts. But…. It works.


How do you transform your life first? You have to focus on the struggles that are preventing the weight loss, and then focus on the weight loss itself. To do this, David uses three brain flips that tackle cravings, overeating, and exercising.


Brain Flip Your Cravings

Cravings are like bullies. You have to stand up to them in a way that lets them know you’re not going to be pushed around. Trying to avoid bullies, or fight them, doesn't work long-term. It's the same with your cravings. You might try avoiding your cravings, but that doesn’t work. Eventually the cravings win. Then you indulge and feel guilty. The only way to free yourself is to eat the food you crave… but eat it in a different pattern.


Think about it. You’ve resisted for so long, then finally you give in. In that moment when you indulge, there is pleasure. This is the core point where things need to change. If you create pain in the moment of indulgence, then you begin to flip your brain to eradicate your desire for that particular food. How? By creating a pain tool. This is a recording of what could go wrong in your life if you don’t solve this issue, which you listen to while you eat the food. By inserting pain in that indulgence, you begin to make friends with your cravings. You stop associating indulging with pleasure, and the cravings subside.


Brain Flip Overeating:

The way David tackles overeating is to get his clients to split their usual portion into two plates. You eat the first one normally, but you eat the second portion while listening to another pain tool, so you learn to associate being overfull with being in pain. This creates another brain flip.


Brain Flip Exercise:

David calls this the body brain flip. Now that the cravings and overeating are dealt with, it’s time to reprogram your brain to look at exercise in a completely new way. David gets his clients to create a vision tool - the opposite to a pain tool. Imagine the best that could happen to you as you transform your health and lose the weight, and listen to that audio several times a day to really connect with the feeling of joy. This turns around your usual thinking about exercise being a chore, into something you’re excited about doing. And when you’re excited about doing something, it becomes effortless.


Want more? Check out Episode 233, where David delves deep into how the brain flip works to free you of chaotic or compulsive eating.



David’s tips to reduce your cravings:

  • If you’re really struggling - schedule a free call with David at www.brainflipweightloss.com/talk
  • Increase the enjoyment of healthy foods - for example listen to great music when you eat them - this will create a positive association
  • Don’t eat healthy foods while you’re stressed - it will create a negative association
  • Don’t allow indulging in the cravings to de-stress you. Relax first, and then indulge.
  • Disconnect indulging in your cravings with usual activity (like eating ice cream while watching tv) - indulge in a different environment
  • Don’t use junk food as a reward - ask yourself “how can I reward myself without eating junk food, in ways that would be even more enjoyable?”
  • Join David’s Facebook support group


Being hailed as “Sex and the City for Food,” The Food Heals Podcast brings together experts in the field of nutrition, health and healing to teach you the best-kept natural secrets to being a hotter, healthier, happier YOU!


The Food Heals Podcast is hosted by Allison Melody and Suzy Hardy – two self-proclaimed natural chicks who will rock your world and change your beliefs about health! This sexy, savvy duo provides eco-friendly advice on a variety of issues including the healing power of nutrition, living authentically, turning your passion into your career, choosing the best natural health and beauty products, the benefits of a plant-based diet and so much more!

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