34. The Tongue is an Excellent Aid in CPR (Feat. Chloe Tempest) - a podcast by Sequoia Simone and Kim Harris

from 2018-10-29T04:00

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Welcome to Fanatical Fics and Where to Find Them! We cannot wait for the predictions on this one… remember you need to tweet them at us!! This episode is featuring Sequoia’s very own sister, Chloe Tempest. Watch out for the V.A.S.T podcast, coming to a podcast aggregator near you soon!

Find a link to the "The Tongue is an Excellent Aid in CPR" original text here:

Recommendation: Crossword Puzzles



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Further episodes of Fanatical Fics and Where to Find Them: A Harry Potter Fanfiction Podcast

Further podcasts by Sequoia Simone and Kim Harris

Website of Sequoia Simone and Kim Harris