Season 5 Episode 10: Everyday NLP Bites... What Are You Saying? Who Specifically? - a podcast by Florence Madden

from 2021-02-13T02:00

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“ʺThey are all the same!ʺ Is the cruelest

gallows humankind ever built.” ― Lamine Pearlheart, Author

How often to we talk about groups of people with the implication that they are all the same and think the same ?  ‘They’ ‘The government’ ‘Management’ ‘ the Council’ or more vaguely still ‘some people’. 

In the NLP Meta Model these are referred to as an Unspecified Referential Index.

They are commonplace ways of speaking ,but what’s the effect on the point we want to make, our credibility or even the impact on our own thinking? How more effective or happier might we be by being clear who we are referring to?

Want to find out more about personal effectiveness and NLP ? My books are available on Amazon: 

'The Intention Impact Conundrum' Click HERE 

 'Everyday NLP' Click HERE

Further episodes of Everyday NLP Bites

Further podcasts by Florence Madden

Website of Florence Madden