Podcasts by Epidemiological Podcasts

Epidemiological Podcasts

Podcasts about the life and times of an epidemiologist. I talk to you about everything that goes on in the world and most of what goes on in my life. All from the point of view of someone whose job it is to hear hoof beats and think zebras.

Further podcasts by Rene "Epi Ren" Najera

Podcast on the topic Tagebücher

All episodes

Epidemiological Podcasts
Back From The Sickness from 2023-11-26T00:02:56

A quick 5-minute update about my recent illness, and how -- yet again -- I am promising to keep up this podcast.

Epidemiological Podcasts
Catching up with you on August 13 from 2023-08-13T23:14:43

Just a quick, five minute episode to get you caught up. I’ll do better next time. Promise.

Epidemiological Podcasts
I Don't Believe in Stuff Because I Know Stuff from 2022-12-13T03:05:08

My parents made sure I knew stuff, so I wouldn't fall for stuff. Scammers have to work hard to get me, and they hate that. I can see through the web of lies of antivaxxers and people who try to ...

Epidemiological Podcasts
We Need to Stand Up and Defend LGBTQ+ Rights from 2022-10-22T14:00:42

Experiences in high school led me to understand how LGBTQ+ people needed me to stand with them, defend them, and, most of all, love them. And now, we in public health need to stand up against po...

Epidemiological Podcasts
A Walk On The C&O Trail from 2022-10-16T16:35:10

I went for a walk to clear my head and start thinking of things to do for next week. Here are some of my thoughts.

Epidemiological Podcasts
That Time I Was The Greyhound And She Was The Rabbit from 2021-10-14T21:00

After a bad breakup twenty years ago, I decided to take up running. I met some women and even went on dates because of running. But there was this one race where I made a fool of myself just in tim...

Epidemiological Podcasts
It’s okay to listen to a podcast and cry from 2021-10-08T22:04:42

My culture is kind of weird. We’re not allowed to do the things our bodies and minds ask of us, like crying. If you cry, you’re apparently not a man, or you’re less of a man. Of course, that is not...

Epidemiological Podcasts
Let’s Talk About Walking Away From Arguing from 2021-01-12T23:30

When I was younger, getting into internet arguments was kind of fun, even when said arguments were not productive or had the possibility of becoming violent. As I’ve aged, one of the best things I’...

Epidemiological Podcasts
Let's Talk About Religiosity from 2020-12-31T15:03:17

I'm a scientist, so I get a lot of questions about my religion. Like others have said, many of those questions are more in order to pass judgment or to identify with me than to really get to kno...

Epidemiological Podcasts
Let's Talk About How We Justify Our Actions in This Pandemic from 2020-12-19T03:00

Have you ever wondered why infectious diseases are a thing? I mean, why do people keep giving things like gonorrhea or HIV to each other? Why do we get colds? The reason here is that viruses and...

Epidemiological Podcasts
Let's Talk About Faith With a Lowercase F from 2020-12-10T02:00

Do you take apart your car engine and make sure that it is functioning at 100% before you take a drive? Do you check and double-check to make sure that your airplane pilot went to the proper sch...

Epidemiological Podcasts
A Long Walk in the Woods in the Middle of a Pandemic from 2020-04-22T14:31:33

I finally worked out a schedule whereby I can get more days off and get some rest before long hauls of long days fighting the pandemic. So I went for a long walk and thought about our mortality. Fu...

Epidemiological Podcasts
A Call from the Pandemic to Protect Our Source of Knowledge and Wisdom from 2020-04-04T21:15:54

In which I tell you why it’s hurtful to say it’s okay for older folks to die during the pandemic. When they do, we lose knowledge. We lose wisdom. We lose valuable lessons that we could use right n...

Epidemiological Podcasts
Epidemiological Podcast S0E3: Hi, I’m a Doctor from 2018-07-05T12:00:29

A quick 9-minute story of last Wednesday, the day I successfully defended my doctoral dissertation. It was quite a "day of days," and it ended very well. It brought together five years of hard work...

Epidemiological Podcasts
Epidemiological Podcast S0E2: The Weight of the Evidence from 2017-07-12T10:00:49

On today's podcast, I talk to you about a recent tragedy in our family and how it helped me understand anti-vaccine parents a little more. Not completely, but just enough to realize that there is v...

Epidemiological Podcasts
Epidemiological Podcast S0E1: The Perfect Epidemiological Surveillance System from 2017-07-02T08:20:23

Today, I thought I'd share with you a 15-minute presentation I gave in Mexico City last about two weeks ago. It was on a paper I wrote based off a previous blog post. I talk about what I imagine to...

Epidemiological Podcasts
Talking Tuesday on a Friday: June Update! from 2017-06-02T11:00:19

A few minutes where I catch you up on the craziness around me. Nothing bad, mostly good... Thanks for your time. Hope you enjoy it. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to...

Epidemiological Podcasts
Podcast: October 2016 Update from 2016-10-05T00:16:57

Yeah, yeah… It’s been a while. I missed you too. Here’s 12 minutes of me catching you up on what happened this summer with dad getting cancer, me picking up cycling and swimming, and taking some ex...

Epidemiological Podcasts
Talking Tuesday: Spanish Interview on Flu Edition from 2016-05-24T12:00:01

Back in 2010, right before the flu season started, the bosses at the health department allowed me to do an interview with an AM radio station out of Washington, DC. The interviewer was awesome, and...

Epidemiological Podcasts
Talking Tuesday: Catch-Up Edition from 2016-05-17T12:00:40

The best kinds of friends are those who you can lose contact with for months and then catch-up with quickly over some coffee or hot tea or hot chocolate... Or a beer. In this episode, I try to catc...

Epidemiological Podcasts
Talking Tuesday, On A Saturday, In A Blizzard from 2016-01-23T23:24:11

What else was I going to do while I waited out the great Northeast Blizzard of 2016 but do a podcast? And what is a better way to do it than to invite a couple of friends to chat with? I used a new...

Epidemiological Podcasts
Talking Tuesday: Norovirus from 2015-09-08T12:00

If you have ever had Norovirus, then you will remember it for a while. Let me tell you about it, and tell you to wash your hands once, twice, and three times. Listen to this, then go wash your hand...

Epidemiological Podcasts
Talking Tuesday: My Spanish is not very pretty these days from 2015-07-02T03:00

Growing up, mom used to make me speak English well or Spanish well, but never both. I thought I spoke good Spanish, until I came to Colombia. My Spanish is different, and, in translating a document...
