Podcasts by Education Futures

Education Futures

Dr. Rob Reynolds of TEL Education discusses the future of higher education.

Further podcasts by TEL Education

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Education Futures
A Discussion with TEL's Director of Curriculum, Brooke Heard from 2021-10-11T12:00

Careers often take a winding path. TEL's Director of Curriculum knows this first-hand. Brooke Heard took the helm of TEL’s Curriculum department earlier this year and is helping the non-pro...

Education Futures
A Discussion With Dr. DeWayne Frazier from Iowa Wesleyan University from 2021-09-20T12:00

Being poor should not be a barrier to education. 

Dr. DeWayne Frazier grew up in rural Appalachia. He was the first in his family to graduate from high school, much less go to college. Eve...

Education Futures
A Discussion with Dr. Dalene Fisher of Oklahoma Wesleyan University from 2021-09-06T00:00

“This is directly from [OKWU President] Dr. Dunn: 'Educating the head, but also the heart, the hands, and the habits.' So this is the thought of educating the whole person. That can&ap...

Education Futures
A Discussion with Dr. John Morrison of TEL Education from 2021-08-09T00:00

"That's exactly where I see asynchronous learning going. It's not necessarily capital A asynchronous. It's maybe lowercase a [asynchronous] with some support from the institu...

Education Futures
A Discussion with Don Kassner of MonitorEdu from 2021-07-20T00:00

“Our goal really from the beginning was to administer the test, to make sure it is a fair test and that all students were operating under the same ruleset. It wasn't about catching cheaters...

Education Futures
A Discussion with Sada Knowles of Oklahoma Christian University from 2021-03-23T04:00

"We have some people that come to us that maybe they tried college 20 years ago, and life happened, or it didn't go well, or they made some bad decisions, whatever it is, but just resp...

Education Futures
TEL's Student Learning Dashboard from 2021-03-05T00:00

"On top of this learning that you are doing about content that you are also learning this layer about being a better learner, being connected, gathering tools that you will use for the rest...

Education Futures
A Discussion with Dr. Cat Jackson of TEL Education from 2021-01-19T00:00

"That's where backward design is really valuable because it's not starting with, 'What textbook are we going to read?' or 'What assignments are we going to do?&apos...

Education Futures
A Discussion with Stacy Zemke of TEL Education from 2021-01-05T00:00

"The whole idea of the dashboard is to make all of those invisible things visible. To give them a place where they can see, 'Oh, okay, I took these classes and these classes are tied t...

Education Futures
A Discussion with Mark Fabian of Evangel University from 2020-12-21T00:00

"I'm starting to see [the non-traditional students and traditional students], they've been blended together in a significant way through this whole pandemic and I don't know ...

Education Futures
A Discussion with Macy Johnson, Instructor for TEL's Introduction to Christianity Course from 2020-12-03T00:00

"A lot of passages have a progression of thought, a train of thought, that you can't just take a car out of the middle and expect it to be of any value. You've got to have the eng...

Education Futures
A Discussion with Jon Tomlinson, Dean of Business and the Online School for Ohio Christian University from 2020-11-24T00:00

"When you are a "non-traditional" student, you're an adult, you have family, a job, other responsibilities, online learning is almost a necessity. You don't have the tim...

Education Futures
A Discussion with Zulean Cruz-Diaz and Ayla Dehghanpoor from Families Empowered from 2020-10-13T05:00

"We're teaching parents the rules of a game they didn't even know they were playing."

Families Empowered, a non-profit organization in Texas, helps families understand ...

Education Futures
A Discussion with Sandra Powell, Graduation Coach at Oklahoma Virtual Charter Academy from 2020-09-22T04:00

"In the past, there were a lot of things that students get to do simply because of where they lived. That to me, I think, is probably the most exciting thing about education is that the doo...

Education Futures
A Discussion with Monica Epperson, Director of Academic Enhancement at Oklahoma Wesleyan from 2020-09-15T05:00

"I tell my incoming freshman, when you find what you love, you are going to apply it with your whole heart and soul. But until then, know that you need to keep cranking it out so that you c...

Education Futures
A Discussion with Brandon Tatum, CEO of ConnectEDU from 2020-08-25T06:00

"We are missing the boat on how we do online education. We are taking the worst aspects of traditional pedagogy and we're just transposing it to online."

Brandon Tatum ad...

Education Futures
A Discussion with Jamie Maloney, President of Dream Academy Schools from 2020-07-20T05:00

"One of the worst things I’ve ever seen is a 13-year-old [who is] hopeless. They’ve given up. And 99% of the time it’s because they didn’t get the support. They just get pushed aside or pus...

Education Futures
A Discussion with ELocker CEO Nick Hathaway from 2020-05-06T08:00

Recently, I had the opportunity to sit down with Nick Hathaway, the CEO of ELocker. Nick is a passionate innovator in the education space and, through ELocker, is working to connect learners and...

Education Futures
A Discussion with York College Provost Shane Mountjoy from 2020-04-10T06:00

Recently, I had the opportunity to sit down with Dr. Shane Mountjoy, Provost at York College. Shane is an innovative leader and provided great insights into the importance of identity, mission, ...

Education Futures
Constraints, Disruption, and Innovation from 2020-03-13T14:00

Catastrophic events like the COVID-19 virus are incredibly disruptive in education but they also provide the necessary constraints for positive, systemic change in the future.


Education Futures
Equitable Access and Innovation in Education from 2020-03-06T10:00

Seeing how Sherpa guides have begun disrupting the lucrative Mount Everest climbing business should make us wonder what would happen in education if others in the traditional supply chain decide...

Education Futures
Disruptions to Education in the Coming Decade from 2020-02-21T00:00

In the coming decade, advancements in AI will make it difficult to know whether you are talking to a real person or an AI, in what language a video was originally recorded,  or who or what actua...

Education Futures
Obstacles and Opportunities for Disruption in Education from 2020-02-14T17:00

What can education learn from online dating and e-commerce platforms? Simplicity and reduced friction. Making education easy to access and easy to use is an important key to success in the comin...

Education Futures
Things Aren't Always What They Seem to Be from 2020-01-31T15:00

These days, any popular apparatus or device is a good candidate to become a content and services channel. We’ve seen it with computers, smartphones, and cars. Not surprisingly, we’re seeing the ...

Education Futures
The Challenge of Equitable Access to College Education from 2020-01-24T00:00

Welcome to "Education and Technology Futures," a podcast that highlights interesting trends and connections in the worlds of education, technology, and culture. In this inaugural episo...

Education Futures
How Will U.S. Higher Education Respond to the Next Recession? from 2020-01-23T14:00

There is a growing number of financial analysis saying that 2020 is looking better and better for a good old fashioned recession.

Full Transcript

Further Reading on AI and AI in Educ...

Education Futures
Short Term Growth of AI in Education from 2019-01-16T00:00

Full Transcript

Further Reading on AI and AI in Educ...

Education Futures
Short Term Growth of AI in Education from 2019-01-16T00:00

Full Transcript

Further Reading on AI and AI in Educ...
