14: Home VPN Server, JACK Audio, DigitalOcean Sponsorship, AppImageLauncher Dev Feedback, PinePhone Testing, FreeCAD, KDE Plasma 5.18, PC Cooling, ProtonCalendar | DLN Xtend - a podcast by Destination Linux Network

from 2020-02-18T13:00

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Welcome back to DLN Xtend. In this 14th episode, Eric talks about setting up a VPN to connect to his home network as well as more experimentation with JACK audio (https://jackaudio.org/). Nate discusses transferring his domain to a new registrar and the upcoming move to self hosting his website.
That leads nicely into our announcement this week of DigitalOcean (https://do.co/dln) becoming a network-wide sponsor of DLN. All Destination Linux Network (https://destinationlinux.network) shows, including ours, will be taking part. We discuss their introductory offer and how and why we are happy customers.In Listener Feedback this week, Leviticus suggests (https://discourse.destinationlinux.network/t/dln-xtend-episode-9/1153/2?u=ericadams) we use video for the podcast and we hear from TheAssasin, developer of AppImageLauncher, who answers our questions from episode 11 (https://dlnxtend.com/11).
The DLN community has been discussing the PinePhone (https://www.pine64.org/pinephone/) Braveheart edition over on the Discourse forum, testing UBPorts and other distros as well as some software. Many have shared their experiences. Did you buy a PinePhone? How has it been? Come share your thoughts in this thread (https://discourse.destinationlinux.network/t/pinephone/1416).A recent Software Spotlight on Destination Linux (https://destinationlinux.network/shows/destination-linux/) covered FreeCAD (https://www.freecadweb.org/), a free and open-source general-purpose parametric 3D CAD application. It just so happens Nate is a long time user of FreeCAD and gives us some reasons why he is such a fan.
KDE's Plasma desktop version 5.18 was recently released and we talk about what's new and why we like Plasma in general.Hardware Addicts (https://destinationlinux.network/shows/hardware-addicts/), a new DLN podcast covering all things hardware, discussed the various cooling solutions and the virtues of each. We discuss our own experiences having both recently built AMD workstations. There is a new segment lead by Wendy Hill (https://destinationlinux.network/creators/wendy-hill/) covering photography. This week she dives into the different types of cameras (i.e. Point and Shoot, DSLR) and explains what each does.
And finally, Michael Tunnell (https://destinationlinux.network/creators/michael-tunnell/) covers many. many things on each episode of This Week in Linux (https://destinationlinux.network/shows/this-week-in-linux/). He recently brought up ProtonCalendar (https://protonmail.com/blog/protoncalendar-beta-announcement/) from ProtonMail (https://protonmail.com/). This fills a gap we've previously had with using ProtonMail as a true alternative to other mail services that include this functionality.That's all for this week. Be sure to stop by DLN's Discourse (https://discourse.destinationlinux.network/), Telegram (https://destinationlinux.org/telegram), Mumble (https://destinationlinux.network/mumble/) and Discord (https://destinationlinux.org/discord) servers to continue the discussion. More information about this show and other Destination Linux Network shows (https://destinationlinux.network/shows/) and creators (https://destinationlinux.network/creators/) (like Eric (https://destinationlinux.network/creators/eric-adams/) and Nate (https://destinationlinux.network/creators/nathan-wolf/) for example) is available at destinationlinux.network (https://destinationlinux.network).
Until next time, see yas!

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