80 如何用英语礼貌结束谈话?英语怎么说? - a podcast by Fly with Lily

from 2018-09-14T16:50:22

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Look at the time! I’ll have to get going. 看时间啊,我得走了。Let’s get together soon! 我们赶快再聚聚。 Bye for now. 再见。当然很多时候我们可以不要急着表示自己要离开,而是说对方可能很忙吧,需要先走了,如

Well, I won’t keep you any longer. You’re very busy. 好,我不留你了,你很忙。

I’ll call you next week. 我下周打给你。

See you/ya! 再见!

在正式的场合你可能会这么说: 接下来这个计划的部分表示礼貌你可以省略(也有可能你和对方并没有这么熟)所以你也可能这么说: 

It’s been a pleasure talking to you. 很高兴和你说到话。

I’ll look forward to talking to you (again). 我期待下次在和你谈话。

Thank you very much. 非常谢谢你。

Reason (原因)Look at the time!(都已经这么晚啦!)

I’m afraid I have another appointment. (我恐怕另外还有约)Well, I won’t keep you any longer. (那我就不留你了)

I’ll let you go. (你先忙)It’s been a pleasure talking to you. (很高兴和你说话)Future Plans (未来计划)Let’s get together soon.(找时间聚聚吧!)Let’s do lunch sometime. (改天一起吃饭!)I’ll call you next week. (我再打给你。)I’ll be in touch. (我会保持联络)

I’ll look forward to talking to you. (期待下次再次和你谈话)Saying Bye (说再见)Bye for now. Take care. (再见了,保重)

See you! Bye now! (再见)Thank you very much.(非常谢谢你)

Further episodes of 第一輯 學英語環遊世界

Further podcasts by Fly with Lily

Website of Fly with Lily