Brachos 6 - How to see Demons, Synagogue is God's presence, Tefillin of God, Charity on a Fast Day - a podcast by Eran Netkin

from 2020-01-09T20:47:05

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Daf 6

1. Makom Kavua One who has a set place for davening is considered a talmid of Avraham Avinu and will receive similar help from Hashem. 

2. Hashem’s Tefillin Hashem wears tefillin with parshios that proclaim the uniqueness of klal Yisroel, such as ...כעמך מי. 

3. Being misameah a Choson One who benefits from a wedding banquet without being חתן משמח violates five קולות ) .וקול ששון קול ...שמחה (If he does gladden the חתן ,then he merits the Torah which was given with five “sounds”. 

Siman - Sword A person takes out a sword that was in his קבוע מקום next to a very special pair of tefillin and dances with it to be mesameach a choson so he merits the Torah and not violate the five קולות.

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