Brachos 2 - It's 2 a.m., can I still say Shema?! - a podcast by Eran Netkin

from 2020-01-06T03:36:13

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Daf 2

1. Krias Shema at Night

The opening Mishna discusses the time to recite Krias Shema at night.

2. Time Kohen Can Eat Terumah

A Kohen who was a tevul yom (he was tamei and went to the mikvah earlier in the day) can

begin to eat his terumah at tzais, and does not have to wait until the next day until after he brings

a korban.

3. Six Opinions For Earliest Time for Shema

The Gemara introduces six opinions regarding the earliest time to recite Shema at night. One of

them is when a poor person begins to eat his dinner.

Siman – House

A man rushes into his house exactly at Tzais to recite the evening Krias Shema so he can join the Kohen

and poor person who just sat down in the dining room to eat their terumah and dinner respectively.

5 way machlokes on when zman Krias Shema starts and Final Halacha

Further episodes of Daf Highlights

Further podcasts by Eran Netkin

Website of Eran Netkin