Podcasts by Cue To Cue: The Performers Podcast

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast

Chelsea Johnson is a performer and lifestyle entrepreneur who has a passion for connecting with people and helping them find their light. Cue to Cue is a space where artists openly share their experiences. The goal of the podcast is to create an environment where people can come to be inspired, encouraged to take risks with their creativity and embrace their authenticity.
Learn more at http://www.thisischelseajohnson.com

Further podcasts by Chelsea Johnson

Podcast on the topic Darstellende Kunst

All episodes

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Bruce Dow: You Are Not What You Do from 2023-12-04T12:00

Have you ever thought of pursuing a different career or craft? Do you want to try something new; but you’re worried that you might lose everything you’ve already worked hard for? Just take a ste...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Divorce, Starting Again, And Freezing My Eggs! Oh My! from 2023-11-20T12:00

It’s been a second! But we are back! 🎙️🙌

There have been some major changes in my life over the past few months in my life. What an adventure life can be… am I right??? #ohboy

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Noah Tremblay: The Art Of Drag from 2023-07-03T11:00

Are you interested in drag but not sure how to get started? Are you a fan of drag shows and want to explore the creative world around it?

In this week’s episode,  Actor/Drag Queen, Noah T...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
David Silverberg: How To Use The Power Of Poetry And Story Telling To Explore Yourself And The World Around You from 2023-06-19T11:00

Do you consider yourself a writer? I mean… we can all write. Right? Right! I think… do I have even anything to say? What if what i write sucks?

Does this sounds like you?  I can certainly...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Live From The AACE Conference 2023: The Art Of Podcasting! from 2023-06-13T15:11

Today I am relasinng a podcast workshop I gave with the wonderful Janet McMordie of Second Act Actors Podcast live from the Association Of Actinf Educators and Coaches Conference.  Listen

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Jamie McRoberts: Learning To Trust Your Journey And The Power Of Your Authenticity from 2023-06-05T11:00

Do you get frustrated when the creative process isn’t going as planned? Do you get impatient when another artist is not going in the same direction as you hoped? 

Patience isn’t easy, it ...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Griffin Hewitt: How To Create With Freedom from 2023-05-22T11:00

 What are your hesitations or thoughts that hinder you from sharing your ideas as an artist? Are you struggling with how much you should share or who to share it to?...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Jennifer Wigmore: AACE Conference And The Art Of Coaching from 2023-05-08T11:00

Are you an acting coach but can’t find a community to guide you? Are you an acting educator who wants to update your teaching skills and knowledge? 

In this week’s episode, Actor/Painter/...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
How To Stay In Alignment With Your Creative Goals When Life Life Throws You Curve Balls from 2023-05-01T11:00

Today we are going for a solo round! Woot! Woot! 

I was going to do an episode about my takeaways from a recent event I went to to hear the winderful Elizabeth Gilbert speak but that'll h...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Vanessa Smythe: How To Honour The Whispers Of Your Creativity from 2023-04-03T11:00

Are you worried that you don’t belong in just one single creative c...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
International Women's Day! from 2023-03-13T11:00

In celebration of International Women's Day this month we are sharing a selection of some of the winderful women that have graced Cue To Cue with their wisdom, strength, vulnerability, and creat...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
You. Are. Cancelled. from 2023-03-06T12:00

I released this episode over a year ago. After watching Chris Rock's comedy special made me want to re release this epsisode. I went back and listened to it and I still feel the same ...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Alana Bridgewater: How To Embrace Your Authenticity And Honour Your Voice from 2023-02-20T12:00

Would you rather perform in front of thousands of people or a handful of strangers? 

Does performing in a small crowd bring out the shy introvert version of you? Surprisingly, many of us ...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
How To Move Through Your Resistance As An Artist from 2023-02-06T12:00

This week on Cue To Cue- The Peroformer's Podcast we are talking resistance!

One of the most important things we can learn as an artist is how to get curious about our  resitance to exlpo...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Julia Juhas: How To Allow The Wisdom Of Your Body To Unlock Your Artist from 2023-01-30T12:43

Are you having a hard time finding the light at the end of the tunnel?

This journey can be full of twists and turns and ups and downs and all arounds. It is inevitable. Our realtionship t...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Troy Sexton: How To Get In Sync With The Rhythm Of Your Artist from 2023-01-16T12:00

What  does your creative process look like?

Do you listen to certain genres of music to get your creative juices running? D you collaborate with other artis...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
2023 Is Here! Now What?! Start Here. from 2023-01-09T12:00

Happy New year!! 2023 is in full swing! This is not a rah- rah! Pump you up! Hype episode of of Cue To Cue. 

I do not sub...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Heather Christine : You Are Worthy Of The Creative Life You Desire from 2022-12-19T12:00

What is the worst rejection or failure you experienced as an artist? What helped you recover from that undertaking?

Don't let it shut down your passi...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Lucy Russell: How To Embrace The Highs And Lows Of Being An Artist from 2022-12-12T15:05

Was there a role that you really wanted but didn't get? How did you feel about that experience?

 It's ok to have a good cry about it! Actor/Coach/Creative L...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Ali Hassan: How To Use Your Life Experience To Make Meaningful Art from 2022-12-05T12:00

 What are the stories you want to share and why are your and stories and experences important? 

These are questions that Comedian/Actor/Author Ali Hassan has had to ...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
You Do Not Lack Discipline. You May Lack A Dream from 2022-09-19T11:00:49

So, here is the thing. If you have a dream. A goal. A vision. A desire bigger than yourself (However you relate to that feeling inside you that drives you to step ou...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Help! I Hate Promoting Myself And My Work! from 2022-08-29T11:00:47

Do you hate promoting yourself and you work as an artist? I get it....

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Jake Epstein: How To Make Art By Embracing The Lessons Of Your Artistic Journey from 2022-08-22T11:00:17

Is doubt stopping you from starting a new project? Are you worried about the possible consequences to your career? Don’t ignore it! Doubt is normal; you can invite it as part of your creative pr...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Kaylee Harwood: How To Pursue New Passions When You Don't Know Where To Start from 2022-08-15T11:00

Is your creative spirit calling you to pursue a different passion? Are you torn between staying in your comfort zone versus starting a new creative journey? Don’t fret, you’re not alone in this ...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Ali Momen: The Intersection of Arts And Activism from 2022-08-08T11:00:12

What is the biggest issue that is plaguing us as a society?  Is it climate change? COVID?

Actor/Activist, Ali Momen, firmly believes the most significant challenge facing society today is...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Keep Calm And Start Over ;) from 2022-07-25T11:00

On this weeks solo round of Cue To Cue, I am exploring something that keeps coming up for me lately. Starting over. The idea of starting over, frankly, has always scared me. It has al...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Lunar Bloom On Songwriting, Creative Process, And Healing Through Art from 2022-07-18T11:00:07

What are your challenges in songwriting? Do you fear that whatever ...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Pastel Supernova: Let's Talk, Confidence, Sexuality, And Burlesque! from 2022-07-11T10:00:13

Does it feel scary to you share  or express your sexuality in your work? Is it integrated into your creativity or is compartmentalized and ...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Zach Smith: Making Big Brass Sound In The Big Smoke! from 2022-07-04T11:00

Zach Smith, Musician and Founder of Big Smoke Brass is joining the conversation on Cue to Cue This week! 

Get ready to ge...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Let Your Body Lead from 2022-06-27T11:00

Going For a solo round today! 

Today is a little departure in terms of what I explore and talk about on my solo rounds but I have found so much value in this with my students that I wante...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Trevor Copp: How To Build Your Confidence And Develop Your Creative Ideas from 2022-06-20T01:42:05

This week, Theatre Maker, Trevor Copp encourages us to constantly aim to develop our creative ideas over many years. Trevor shares his own journey on how his pursuit of story telling, creativity...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Chris Bridgewater: The Journey From MMA Fighter to Actor And Stuntman from 2022-06-06T11:00

Are you curious how the fascinating stunts in movies are created? Do you want to learn more about the creative world behind fight choreography? You’re in for a treat this week as Actor/ Stuntman...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Podcast Update: Good News! from 2022-05-30T11:00

Hey guys!

Good news! I am back from a bit of a hiatus!

Today I will be sharing with you where I have been, why I took a step back for a bit, and wh...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Your Gold Lies in Your Process from 2022-03-28T12:27:38

We are going for a solo round !


Today we are looking deeper into what it means to having a creative process. How would you describe process and t...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Christina Pitt’s Jazzar On The Significant Role Intimacy Coordinators Play On Set And Stage from 2022-03-07T12:00:52

What are your limits as an artist?  What are your boundaries and how to...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Pamela Demetriou And Lauren McDonald: How To Foster Relationships That Unlock Your Potential from 2022-02-14T12:00

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!!

Let's talk about love, connection, vulnerability, and relationships! On Valentine's Day, I couldn't think of two better people, my best friends, Pamela Demetri...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Michelle Titian: A Journey of Surrendering To Addiction, Healing, And Making Beautiful Music from 2022-01-31T12:00:42

This week, Singer/Songwriter Michelle Titian, shares how her insecurities as an artist,  depression and  personal challenges that lead her to spiral deeper into ad...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Vulnerability, And Self Sabotage, And Winning! Oh My! from 2022-01-10T12:00

Have you ever been in a place in your life where you wanted to achieve the next level of your dream bu there is something holding you back? You know it’s fear. That part is obvious. B...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Ted Sutton: How To Master The Art Of Video Game Voice- Over from 2021-12-27T12:00

Are you planning on joining the creative world of voice-over artists? 

Even if you have already ventured into the craft of  becoming a voice- over artist, we are  honing in on a very spec...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Jennifer Thiessen And Kyla Musselman: Tits And Teeth In The House! from 2021-12-13T12:00

Do you have moments in your journey as artist where you doubted your abilities?

Do you have monsters living in your head?

Don’t let them define who you are! This week, Tits And Tee...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Let's Celebrate! Episode 200!!!!!!!! from 2021-10-25T11:00

Today Cue To Cue is Celebrating it’s 200th episode!

Thank you to all the listeners who have supported the growth of Cue To Cue. ...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Theatre Making Movement: Sarah O’Brecht, Ray Hogg, And Stephanie Graham from 2021-09-20T09:00

Do you want to explore the creative process behind musicals?

Or are you an enthusiast and scared of trying it out yourself?

Learning is within your reach!

You are invited to...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Design And Live Your Most Creative Life! No Permission Needed! from 2021-09-13T11:00

Today, on Cue To Cue, we are talking about permission and the role it plays in our creative journey. 

When we are younger, permission is a very necessary function to keep us safe, help us...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Charlie David: How To Unleash Your Creative Impulses When Moving In Uncharted Territory from 2021-08-30T11:18:44

Do you wear many hats as a creative artist? How has time management been for you? Are you struggling to keep up trying to be...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
David Connolly: How To Infuse Advocacy And Activism Into Your Creative Journey And Achieve Your Creative Goals from 2021-08-16T11:00

Share this episode >>> Https://thisischelseajohnson.com/197

How do you want to impact the world as an artist?

You are making wav...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Darryl Hogan: How To Become A Voice Over Actor from 2021-08-02T11:00

Have you been thinking of venturing into the creative world of voice-over acting but don't know where to start? Have you been submitting audio clips for auditions but struggling to get hired? Listen

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Paul Soles : “Talk About Good Luck?! You Betcha!” from 2021-05-31T11:00

Today, in honour of the late Paul Soles, I re-release this conversation I had with him 3 years ago just on the heels of him winning best actor for his role in My 90-Y...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Help! I Can't Feel My Gratitude! from 2021-04-26T11:00

Today we are talking about the BIG G! Gratitude!

Why it's so important. How as an artist a gratitude practice can help in your life and work! 

I am sharing my experience of how I d...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Clare Blackwood: Creating A Late Night Talk Show And Everything That Comes With it! from 2021-04-12T11:00

Are you planning on creating a show or learning something new? Are you afraid to bother people and ask for help? Don’t! Be a bother and reach out! It’s normal not to know everything.
Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Colin Mochrie&Brad Sherwood: How To Create Something Spectacular Out Of Nothing from 2021-03-22T11:00

As the trend of virtual performances continue, do you fear that your knowledge of technology limits your creativity? Are you worried about how you can transition from live shows to online acts? ...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
International Women's Day: A Celebration! from 2021-03-08T12:00

In honour of International Women's Day, we are celebrating some of the inspiring and powerful women that have chatted with us on Cue To Cue- the performer's podcast! 

Get ready to be insp...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Don't Wait To Create Confidence! from 2021-03-01T13:32:15

What does it mean to be confident?

The word confident comes from the root word Con and fid.

With fidelity. With Fidelity to oneself.

Today, we are exploring what it means to...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Yaw Attuah: Creative Risk-Taking, Comedy Writing, And Building from 2021-02-15T12:00

Is there a passion that you have always want to explore? Is it too late for you? Will you be successful? Should you just stick to what you know? What will people think?

Sound familiar?  T...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Valerie Stanois: Rock Your Spotlight from 2021-02-08T10:00

Do you fear having to sing popular music? Do you have an upcoming audition, but you're still trying to figure out the right pop music material for you? Start with learning more about it. 

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Hillary Tuck&Eric Hunicutt: Unlocking The Performer’s Mindset from 2021-01-25T12:00

Are you sitting in your comfort zone? Or are you intentionally working at the edge of your growth?

Try something new, be uncomfortable and drive your own artist!

Hillary Tuck & Eri...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Setting Goals In Times Of Uncertainty from 2021-01-18T12:00

The entertainment industry is one of the industries to be hit the hardest due to its collaborative nature; both in its creation and consumption.


Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Laura Adamo: How To Use Your Failures, Criticisms, And Vulnerability To Hone Your Creative Process from 2021-01-11T12:00

What is your biggest failure in life? Did it stop or help your art?

Actor/Writer/Director Laura Adamo is joining the conversation on Cue to Cue this week to share how the failures and pai...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Siobhan Richardson: How To Succeed When You Have More Than One Passion from 2021-01-04T11:00

How do you juggle multiple skillsets? How do you keep your skills sharp?

Joining the conversation on Cue To Cue this week is Performer/Fight Director/Intimacy Professional Siobhan Richard...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Duff MacDonald: How To Confidently Trust Your Creative Instinct from 2020-12-28T10:00

Did you ever feel that you needed to prove yourself as an artist?  To your parents?  Teachers? Directors? Castmates? Critics?

You are not alone!

Joining the conversation on Cue To ...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Joe Towne On The Performer's Mindset from 2020-10-05T09:00

Have you ever feel that your performance was compromised because you got too nervous?
Don't worry, you're not alone. Most of us seek to avoid nervousness. 

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Rosie Callaghan&Matt Lacas: How to Create Opportunity Out Of Thin Air from 2020-09-07T09:00

Are you struggling to find the balance in using social media? Do yo...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Thom Allison: How To Overcome A Negative Mindset And Manifest Joyful Career from 2020-08-10T09:00

Are you stuck in a negative pattern loop? Are you having trouble finding joy? Take baby steps! Joining the conversation on Cue To Cue today is Actor/Singer/Director T...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
You. Are. Canceled. from 2020-07-13T09:00

I am not certain of many things these days but there is one thing that has become very clear to me. That the pervasive cancel culture that has become prevalent in our...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Omari Newton On Sustainable Anti-Racist Policies And Practices In The Arts, The Power of Financial Literacy, And Mastering Self-Tapes from 2020-07-06T09:00

Joining the conversation on Cue To Cue today is Artist and Educator Omari Newton! I came to know of Omari while attending a self-tape webinar hosted by Casting Workbo...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Mark Cassius: How To Keep Your Creativity And Career Moving Forward! from 2020-06-01T09:00

I am elated that Mark and I were finall...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Does Shame Have Your Artist In A Chokehold?! from 2020-05-25T09:00

The performances I find most compelling t watch are truthful. Not only to me but I can see that this is how the artist feels too.

They are born out of the uninhibited expression and allow...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Rob Preuss: Allow Your Curiosity To Fuel Your Passion from 2020-05-11T09:00

This week I had the pleasure of sitting down with Musician/Composer Rob Preuss. Rob has had an incredibly diverse career and believes that part of the reason is due t...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Julia Juhas: How To Take Care Of Your Artist Through Mindful Movement Practice from 2020-05-04T09:00

Have you ever had an injury? How did you deal with the pain? Did you panic?
This week, Performing Artist and Mindful Movement Facilitator Julia Juhas will take us...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Are You Ready For A Breakthrough? from 2020-04-27T09:00

What is keeping you from moving forward? Taking the Next step (other than being in the middle of a global pandemic... haha)? 

I had a conversation with a mentor of mine this week. I often...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Lisa Brescia: Creativity Thrives Under Gentle Encouragement from 2020-04-20T09:00

How are you dealing with the impact of COVID and everything going on around you? Do you think you're not doing enough?
It's ok! This week, Lisa Brescia wil...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Dani Kind: How To Be Brave And Tell Your Truth In Your Work from 2020-04-06T09:00

Exciting news for anyone who missed or wants to look back on our interview with the talented Dani Kind; we're releasing it again!

Actor Dani Kind from the hit ...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Christopher Wilson: BIG GIRL&FRIENDS Concert To Raise Money For The AFC and Entertain The World During Social Distancing from 2020-03-23T09:00

Joining the conversation on Cue To Cue today is the Artistic Producer of Toronto Musical Concerts, Christopher Wilson.

Chris is not one to sit around watch things happen. He is a mover an...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Ben Kunder: How To Find Your Unique Songwriting Voice from 2020-03-16T11:45:48

Have you figured out your own voice? That unique sound and message that only you have? If so, you are not alone!! So many artists struggle to find the courage and co...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Have Your Superpowers Become Your Kryptonite? from 2020-03-02T10:00

I believe we all have superpowers. Not like superheroes where we can shoot lasers out of our eyes. Well, at least I don't.

But we all have unique attributes that we have honed, sometimes ...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Jully Black: Embrace Your Unique Voice And Stop Chasing The High Notes from 2020-02-24T10:00

Are there people who doubt your skills? How do you deal with it? Or do you live in fear? This week on Cue to Cue, Canada's Queen of R&B, Jully Black, opens up about ...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Ugh! I Hate Promoting Myself from 2020-02-03T10:00

Do you hate promoting yourself and you work as an artist? I get it. I used to have all sorts of “head junk” around self-promotion. I used to have all of the thoughts “I don't want to bother anyo...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Matthew Bradley: Canada Loves Australia: An Evening To Help Our Neighbours Down Under from 2020-01-27T10:00

Have you are ever thought that you are not doing enough to address social issues? That simply "clicking to donate" was no longer going to cut it?


Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Bruce Dow: How To Overcome The Desire To Seek Validation Through Your Craft from 2020-01-20T10:00

This week Actor/Director/Theatre Educator is joining the conversation on Cue To Cue! Bruce reminds us that there are things we can't control and we need to focus on the things that we can. He ...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Gary Borden: Bring Your Heart To The Hustle from 2020-01-13T10:00

Gary Borden is in the house!! I knew Ga...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
I Loved It!... And I Wanted To Cry The Whole Time from 2020-01-06T10:00

Today we are shaking things up on Cue To Cue! I am bringing the creative team from Songs Songs For A New World on To do a post mortem of the process of putting up the...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Top 6 Most Powerful Lessons Of 2019! from 2019-12-30T10:00

What a year!! Lots a growth over here!! You?!

I am sharing with you the BIGGEST things that were lessons for me in 2019 in my professional and personal development! What kicked my butt, w...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Charlotte Moore: Make Practicing Gratitude A Part Of Your Craft from 2019-12-16T10:00

Has anyone ever affected your ability to believe in yourself as an artist? Singer/Actor Charlotte Moore is joining the conversati...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Mitchell Marcus on Building A Theatre Company , Honouring Your Mandate, And Distinguishing Your Artistic Path from 2019-12-09T10:00

I am elated to bring this episode of Cue To Cue with Founder/ Artistic and Managing Director of The Musical Stage Company, Mitchell Marcus! Mitchell has become an inf...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Jenn Kee: What To Do When You Suffer From a Vocal Injury And How To Prevent it from 2019-12-02T15:27:43

Joining our conversation on Cue To Cue today is multi-talented Jenn Kee, a performer, voice coach, and yoga instructor. She  Listen

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Songs For A New World To Benefit The Canadian Women's Foundation! from 2019-11-25T10:00

Today I sit down with Andrea Ginraj, the Vice President of the Canadian Women's Foundation! 

If you have been following along with Cue To Cue you would know that I have been co-producing/...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Tim Leyes: How To Secure A Successful Photo Shoot And Ensure A Great Headshot! from 2019-11-18T10:00

Tim Leyes is joining me on Cue To Cue Today! Tim is a highly sought after, Toronto based, photographer who has shot some of biggest names in show biz. When you land o...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Jenni Burke: How To Believe In The Power of your Magic! from 2019-11-11T10:00

Actor/Songstress/Performer Jenni Burke is joining the conversation on Cue To Cue today! Jenni Burke will unravel the strides she is taking to continuously find happin...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Part 2- What To Do When You Have Bitten Off More Than You Can Chew from 2019-11-04T10:00

This is a follow-up episode of What To Do When You've Bitten Off More Than You Can Chew! Before You Listen go get caught up! 

I am keeping myself accountable and checking in with you guys...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Sharron Matthews: How To Become a Powerful Storyteller In Your Work And Life from 2019-10-28T09:00


Get ready! Actor/Writer/Producer, Sharron MatthewsJoins the conversation on Cue To Cue! Sharron takes us on a journey today of expanding what we p...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Elec Simon: Turn Your Challenges Into Your Artisitc Purpose from 2019-10-21T09:00

Percussionist/Motivational Speaker/Emcee Elec Simon is joining the conversation on Cue To Cue! Prepared to be blown away with Elec’s love of life and his passion for ...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
What To Do When You Have Bitten Off More Than You Can Chew! from 2019-10-07T09:00

We have all had it. That feeling of how am I going to get everything done? You have so many things all the go you don't know where to start?

Today, I am opening up about the discovery I h...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Debra McGrath: Learning To Celebrate The Process, Cultivating New Ideas And Putting Your Work Online from 2019-09-30T15:00:48

It was so lovely to have Debra McGrath on the show. Deb seems to me like someone who has gotten good at living in the moment. That is something I continue to work on ...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Jennifer Walls: Learning to Love Your Body, Honing Your Audition, And How To Pursue A New Skillset from 2019-09-23T09:00

Performer/Producer/Director, Jennifer Walls is coming on for round two of Cue To Cue! we wasted no time digging and getting real about matters of the heart in Jeni’s ...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Elisa Paloschi: Cultivating Your Creativity, Telling Stories With Purpose, And Making A Documentary from 2019-09-16T17:14:57

Director/Producer/Cinematographer Elisa Paloschi is on Cue To Cue today!! I am so excited to be able to bring this interview to you. Elisa has spent the past ten year...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Ryan Stiles: Love What Your Do, Work For Your Success, And Get A Dog! from 2019-09-09T16:25:09

I am elated to be bringing you this con...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Denise Donlon: Fearless As Possible (Under The Circumstances) from 2019-09-02T09:00

All I have to say about my conversation...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Rachel Beau: How To Turn Your Passion Into A Business And Thrive As An Artist from 2019-08-26T09:00

Joining the conversation on Cue To Cue Today is Artist/Performer/Entrepreneur, Rachel Beau! Rachel’s passion and energy is infectious Rachel is a perfect example of w...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
How To Stop Procrastinating On Your Big Ideas! from 2019-08-12T09:00

Have a great idea? Ya! You and everybody else! BUT... Here is the difference between the successful and the unsuccessful. 

They move on their ideas and they fail at double the rate! They ...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Jeigh Madjus: Finding Success As An Artist By Being Your True Self from 2019-07-29T09:00

How do we find the strength to be ourselves as artists? To go wth the flow of how other people see us yet still remain true to who we are and our own vision for ourse...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Jay Davis On Dear Evan Hansen, Creative Process, And How To Create Momentum In Your Career from 2019-07-22T09:00

I had such a great time with Actor Jay Davis on Cue To Cue! This is Jay’s second time the show and I couldn’t wait to get into what he has been up to over the past co...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Creativity vs. Readiness from 2019-07-15T09:00

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Michelle Leduc- Gather Your Inner Wit And Wisdom from 2019-07-08T09:00

Creator/Writer/Host Michelle Leduc is joining the conversation today on Cue To Cue! Michelle is bringing her whole heart to the conversation today. She is opening up ...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Brad Lyons: The Journey To Artists United (Part 2) from 2019-07-01T13:46

Musician, Artist, and Artist Advocate, Brad Lyons is joining the conversation on Cue To Cue Today!  Today is part is the second half of a two-part conversation. Listen

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Brad Lyons: The Journey To Artists United ( Part 1) from 2019-06-24T09:00

Musician, Artist, and Artist Advocate, Brad Lyons is joining the conversation on Cue T...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
You Are Ever Evolving from 2019-06-17T09:00

Have you ever felt stuck? Like you were meant for more or perhaps something different or maybe it's that you have more to contribute?

What do you do when everything you have worked toward...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Dani Kind: Be Brave Enough To Tell Your Truth In Your Work from 2019-06-10T09:00

Actor Dani Kind from the hit TV Show Workin’ Moms is joining the conversation on Cue To Cue today!  I absolutely love my ti...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Christian Howes: How To Define Your Vision, Set Goals As An Artist, And Get Paid! from 2019-06-03T09:00

Violinist/Composer/Educator/Producer Christian Howes is joining the conversation Cue To Cue today! Christian is bringing his wealth of knowledge as an artist in this ...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Matt Lacas: How To Use Your Creativity To Serve Others from 2019-05-20T09:00

Matt Lacas is a performer with a gigantic heart and he is sharing it in a big away on Cue To Cue! Matt is one of those individuals who inspires me to take action. He ...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Steve Czarnecki: Take Ownership Of Your Creative Career from 2019-05-13T09:00

How do we, as artists, not only accept our experiences but take ownership of our experience and use them to deepen our understanding of ourselves and propel us furthe...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Neil Crone: Acting, Improv, and Who Farted? from 2019-05-06T16:29:28


Today I get to drop this wonderful conversation I had with Neil Crone. I don’t think I was prepared for how relaxed and fun it was going to be to ...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Kaylee Harwood: How To Cultivate Patience On Your Creative Journey from 2019-04-29T09:00

Singer/Actor/Dancer, Kaylee Harwood is joining the conversation on this weeks episode of Cue To Cue! I am so glad I was able to grab Kaylee for an interview while she...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
How To Bounce Back From A Bad Audition from 2019-04-22T04:00

Have you ever had an audition experience that made you cringe? Recalling it makes yours shudder? We have all been there. How do we not allow these auditions experienc...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Bruce Dow: Turn What Makes You Different Into Your Greatest Gift from 2019-04-08T15:27:12

Actor/Director/Composer Bruce Dow is joining the conversation on Cue To Cue Today! Today’s episode gets unclose in personal with Bruce as we explore everything from c...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Nigel Downer: Go In Hot And Burn The Place Down! from 2019-04-01T12:02:05

Improvisor/Actor Nigel Downer is joining the conversation on Cue To Cue! Nigel Energy and passion is off the charts! Anyone who comes into contact with Nigel will fee...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Kat Stefankiewicz: How To Share Your Authentic Artist On Social Media And Build Your Influence from 2019-03-18T05:00

TV Host/Personality, Actor and Content Creator is joining the conversation on Cue To Cue! Kat have known teacher for over a decade. We started out in our careers at t...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
That's It! I'm Quitting! from 2019-03-11T04:00

When do you know that it is time to quit? I have discovered the truth is that I have discovered on you can determine when it is time to quit.Listen

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Anthony Caputo: How To Conquer Your Anxiety from 2019-03-04T05:00

Get ready!

Actor and Life Coach Anthony joins the conversation on Cue To Cue! Anthony takes us on a journey today. He is ope...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Josh Shultz: Developing A Web Series and Completing Creative Ideas from 2019-02-25T14:34:44

Today I get to release this episode with a good friend of mine, Josh Shultz! Josh is a Writer/Filmmaker/Teacher and has some pretty exciting things happening at the m...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Peter Kadar: How To Be A Working Artist from 2019-02-18T10:00

Keyboard player/Singer/Musical Director Peter Kadar is joining the conversation on Cue To Cue!! Peter has worked with some of the biggest names in music. Peter is bri...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Jayne Eastwood: How To Show Up And Keep Moving Forward from 2019-02-11T11:45:29

Actor, Jayne Eastwood joining the conversation on Cue To Cue Today!! What a blast I had with Jayne! She made me guffaw a few times during our conversation. Don’t be f...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Help! I Hate Promoting Myself! from 2019-01-28T05:00

This episode is for the artist who hates promoting their work!

I am sharing how to change your thinking about promoting yourself and your work on this episode of Cue To Cue- the performer...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Rachel Cairns: How To Fall In Love With The Process. from 2019-01-21T17:24:06

Actor and Content Creator, Rachel Cairns is a badass creative force. There is just no denying it folks. I gotta call it as I see it. She is not waiting for anyone to ...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Tony Nappo: Vulnerability Is Your Greatest Strength from 2019-01-14T05:00

We are going for round two with actor, Tony Nappo on Cue To Cue! I loved having the opportunity to dig a little deeper and get caught up with Tony since our first con...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
David Reale- Start Being Passionate And Stop Trying To Be Unique from 2019-01-07T05:00

Actor, David Reale is joining the conversation on Cut To Cue!! David’s passion, insight-fullness, and playful spirit cut through all the noise. David has spent thousa...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Cara Connors: “Let Them Tell Me No! I Am Not Going To Tell Myself No!” from 2018-12-03T05:00

Comedian/Writer/Actor Cara Connors brought so much passion for her vision and what she wants to accomplish to the show. I love being around people who are passionate ...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
5 Simple Ways To Reduce Stress During The Holidays! from 2018-11-26T05:00

It’s almost December. I really don’t share this with many people but I used to dread the holidays. Like, seriously dread it. I would stress!!!!!


Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Brad Sherwood: The Importance Of Having A Sense Of Humour In Everything You Do from 2018-11-19T05:00

Improviser/Actor Brad Sherwood is joining the conversation on Cue To Cue today! I was so glad I was able to catch Brad before he left for Australia to meet up with Co...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Britta Johnson: Challenge Yourself To Tell The Truth And Dare To Be Dreadful from 2018-11-12T05:00

Straight off the heels of Dr. Silver: A Celebration Of Life, Britta Johnson is sitting joining the conversation on Cue To Cue and is opening up about the won...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Tony Nappo: Working From The Inside-Out from 2018-11-05T05:00

Actor, Tony Nappo is joining me on Cue To Cue Today! I think it is safe to say that Tony is an outspoken person who is definitely not afraid to express his feelings a...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Steve Smith: Magic Belongs To Those Who Dare To Be Authentic from 2018-10-29T11:56:54

Performer / Teaching Artist / Creative Consultant Steve Smith is joining the conversation today! I am so excited to bring this episode to you today! Steve has such a ...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Celebrate Other Artists!! Your Soul And Career Will Thank You! from 2018-10-22T04:00

Do you have trouble celebrating others success or sharing the limelight? No judgment here. I think we have all been there from time to time but I will tell you I now ...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Julia Baxter: How To Create A World Class Brand- The Artist's Secret To More Influence, Impact & Income from 2018-10-15T04:00

Branding expert Julia Baxter is joining the conversation on Cue To Cue today!! Get your notebooks and pens out folks! You are going to school!


Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Jeff Dimitriou: Live In the Heart Of Your Art from 2018-10-08T05:00

The ever creative Choreographer/Director/Producer/Abstract Artist Jeff Dimitriou is back in the house! Jeff has such a wonderfully huge heart and he is sharing it all...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
No More Waiting! It's Time To Play Big! from 2018-10-01T09:00

“There is no passion to be found playing small in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”<...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Gary Borden: Learn To Bring Your Heart To The Hustle from 2018-09-17T04:00

Gary Borden is in the house!! I knew Gary was an amazing talented musician with a hustle like no other. What I didn’t know about Gary was what an incredibly kind soul...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
It's Time To Stop Judging Freelance Creatives For Not Having Steady Work from 2018-09-10T04:00

Like most artists last week, I woke up to the public shaming on my Facebook feed of Geoffrey Owens working at Trader Joes. The post made my blood boil! I was elated t...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Colin Mochrie: Overcoming Shyness, Learning To Say “No” And Whose Line Is It Anyway? from 2018-08-13T09:00

I loved this conversation with Colin Mochrie so much that I thought it needed another go around!! Please excuse my goonish laugh as I fail to contain myself! Colin Dropped some pretty...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Let Go Of Your Ego, Get Grateful And Learn To Take A Compliment! from 2018-08-06T09:00

Joining the conversation on Cue To Cue today is Singer/Actor Patricia Phillips and current member of the Broadway cast of The Phantom Of The Opera! Patricia is sh...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Brian Vollmer : Set Your Own Course from 2018-07-23T09:00

Lead Singer from Canadian Rock band Helix, Brian Vollmer is joining the conversation on Cue To Cue today! Brian is opening up about his artist’s journey and relaying ...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
George Masswohl: Follow The Signs from 2018-07-16T09:00

Joining the conversation on Cue To Cue today is Actor/Singer/Producer and current member of the Toronto cast of hit Musical Come From Away! To say I enjoyed my time w...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
2 Reasons Why Talking Aloud To Yourself Could Make You A Better Artist! from 2018-07-09T09:00

Ya, That’s Right! I talk to myself. Aloud. Some people may think it’s a little strange or silly but I am telling you talking to myself is kind of my secret weapon to ...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Russ Wilson: " If It's A Good Song You Can't Go Wrong!" from 2018-07-02T09:00

Juno Award-Winning Musician/Songwriter/ProducerTeacher Ross Wilson is joining the conversation on Cue To Cue!

Sitting down w...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Celebrating 100 Episodes Of Creativity!!! from 2018-06-25T09:00

It’s the 100th episode of Cue To Cue! Today we are celebrating some impactful moments with past guests and celebrating this amazing creative community!


Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Ryan G. Hinds: Your Creativity. Your Career. Your Terms. from 2018-06-11T11:00

So often as performers we look at our careers as if it is in someone else hands. Waiting to book the job, to be validated, to receive a glowing review to help raise o...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Cue To Cue Live! At SINGular Sensations! (Part 2) from 2018-06-04T11:00

This week we bring Part 2 of Cue To Cue Live! in partnership with SINGular Sensations: A Musical Theatre Open Stage! 

Cue to...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Cue To Cue Live At SINGular Sensations! (Part 1) from 2018-05-28T11:00

Today on Cue To Cue we are switching it up! Cue to Cue is all about collaboration, taking creative risks and learning from others journeys. I could think of a better ...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Kritty Uranowski: Learn To Express Your Creativity Unconditionally from 2018-05-14T11:00

To tailor your own unique creative lifestyle as an artist is a task that requires patience, courage, and passion. It will possibly require you to reject a path that e...

Cue To Cue: The Performers' Podcast
Trish Adams: Back In The Limelight from 2018-05-07T11:00


Singer/Actor/Dancer Trish Adams is joining the conversation on Cue To Cue! Trish is opening up about why she decided to leave the life of a perfor...
