[coaching] Guidance for when the fear of criticism hinders your creative growth - a podcast by Pascale Côté

from 2023-12-12T06:45

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How can I stop being interrupted by self-criticism every time I’m about to create? In this episode, we explore our relationship to criticism— whether it's feedback we receive from someone else, or from ourselves (ie: inner critic). We take a look at what the resistance we feel around it, and discern constructive vs destructive criticism so we can set boundaries (with others and ourselves) to receive and use feedback in a helpful way. 

Some pointers for asking constructive feedback:

  1. Approach feedback with an open-mind, as an opportunity for personal growth. Keep an open mind before seeking any feedback, be it from others or your inner critic.

  2. Select the right source: carefully choose someone whose opinion you value. Seek feedback from individuals who understand your work and can provide valuable insights.

  3. Express your vulnerability: be honest about your apprehensions. Acknowledge your vulnerability by sharing your feelings: "I’m seeking feedback on my work, and it feels vulnerable. I’m looking to enhance my skills and would appreciate specific pointers."

  4. Evaluate the feedback: when you receive feedback, assess its nature. Distinguish between constructive criticism and destructive comments. Set boundaries; if it doesn't benefit you, gently let it go. Seek clarification, ask for examples, and delve deeper to ensure you receive specific feedback.

  5. Detach from self-worth: remember, feedback does not define your self-worth. It is aimed at improving your skills as an artist or business owner. Choose to reflect and respond thoughtfully, instead of reacting emotionally. Embrace feedback as a tool for growth and development.

Loving reminder: You don't have to do anything with the feedback you receive. You're the best person to know how/if it serves you. ;) Setting boundaries around the type of feedback you're open to receive might be helpful.  

Leave your voice notes + questions here: https://www.speakpipe.com/DearCreativeMind

About me

Hello, I'm Pascale! I coach artists, makers and creatives of all kinds because I believe in the cathartic power of art, and the important role you're here to play. Through coaching, we co-create a sacred space to gently untangle the knots on your rebellious path, support your wellbeing and elevate your soulful work. My clients come to me with a heart full of creative ideas... and a mind tangled in self-doubt. My role is to help them find their way back to self-trust so they can fully step into the next level of their creative vision, business and self. Together, we work on softening the inner wars they host, building emotional resilience and stepping away from the cycle of self-betrayal. Curious about working together? You're welcome to ⁠⁠book a complimentary call⁠⁠ so we can meet and explore coaching support options.

About the podcast

The Dear Creative Mind Podcast explores the depths, textures, colours and intricacies of our creative mind. Pascale Cote, coach for artists and creative entrepreneurs shares guidance on untangling the knots that often keeps us stuck in a cycle of burnout and stagnation. You’ll find grounding meditations to soothe your mind, coaching notes to help you find more focus + flow, and conversations with other artists to inspire you… in the hopes of helping you better understand your creative mind, and elevate your creative work.

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Further episodes of Dear Creative Mind - coaching + meditations for artists & creative entrepreneurs

Further podcasts by Pascale Côté

Website of Pascale Côté