Is the U.S. Ready for ISIS? Katharine Gorka - a podcast by CBL Women

from 2016-03-02T15:32:57

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Terrorists fervently believe they are being good and faithful Muslims when they follow the 'Wahhabist, Selafist and Jehadist' Islamic teaching to commit acts of jihad. With 2.5 million Muslims in the U.S., this teaching represents a serious threat inside our walls, argues Katharine Gorka, president of the Council on Global Security. And policymakers who fail to grasp this fundamental reality will leave the nation defenseless and unsafe.

Ms Gorka works closely with US government agencies, law enforcement and the intelligence community in understanding the threat posed by Islamic terrorism and radical ideologies. Her remarks were recorded at the February 2016 Conservative Women's Network luncheon in Washington DC.

For a brief outline of the Wahhabist, Selafist and Jihadist teaching, see

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