52 - How To Use Painful Disappointments To Stop Climbing the Corporate Ladder with Kate Erickson - a podcast by Paul Higgins - High-Performance Mentor

from 2018-03-06T01:12:07

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Most people in the Build Live Give community have already discovered that climbing the corporate ladder is not a good plan for building the freedom and lifestyle they really want.


In this podcast conversation, you’re going to hear Kate Erickson recount the painful journey to discovering those truths for herself. Her experience is sadly, a very common one for those who think they will find fulfilment and success by pursuing a corporate career.


The inflexibility and lack of control that come from being employed in a corporate position were things Kate decided she simply could not live with. Sound familiar?


In this conversation, Kate describes how her hunger for true freedom and control over her own destiny grew until she couldn't stand it any longer. That's when she made the decision to leave her job within 6 months. And she did.


Kate’s story will not only demonstrate the frustration that comes from being trapped in a corporate job but also what can happen when bold steps are taken to gain control of your destiny. Be sure to listen.


Kate crushed it for 3 ½ years in corporate. She was never promoted. She got no raises.


One of the most frustrating things about trying to climb the corporate ladder is that those at the top always seem to be adding rungs to it - so those who are still climbing never seem to make progress.


It’s one example of how working in any corporate position puts you in a place where you're not the master of your own destiny. Somebody further up the corporate ladder has the final say over whether you are rewarded for your efforts or not.


For Kate Erickson, it took a painfully disappointing situation to show her how helpless she really was staying in her corporate job.


In this conversation, Kate tells the story of how she was put forward as the ideal candidate for an exciting new position at the company where she worked, was interviewed, and was even told how perfect she was for the position - only to have the new role offered to someone from outside the company.


It was the crushing disappointment that set Kate on an entirely new course in life, one that she has never regretted.


“I had done everything corporate asked me to do and wasn’t getting anywhere.” ~ Kate Erickson


When Kate Erickson was not offered the position that her own hiring manager told her was a perfect fit for her, she began to rethink her definition of success.


She had performed exceptionally in her role within the company. She had done everything that her superiors had asked. But it didn't get her anywhere.


That's when Kate decided she wanted to find a way to live a life of freedom, not one that was controlled by someone who had climbed higher on the corporate ladder than she had.

Within six months she had resigned from her position and started her own marketing business. But it wasn't an immediate success and she went back to another corporate job soon after.


Listen to hear how Kate wound up back trying to climb the corporate ladder and how she eventually learned that corporate life was not the life she was meant to live. It’s on this episode of Corporate Escapees.


If you reach for the life of your dreams it isn't going to come easily


Leaving corporate was definitely the first step in the right direction for Kate. But even after experiencing a good deal of entrepreneurial success, she admits that there were still many difficulties along the way that had to be addressed.


One of the things she mentions as an example of the ongoing hard work required to build the life you want is the difficulty of pulling together an outstanding team. Finding the right people, creating the right environment and team dynamic, and nurturing a healthy team culture are all challenges that entrepreneurs have to face as they scale their business.


But it is the hard work to create those things that enable you to reap rewards of the lifestyle you've always dreamed of. Kate shares both the joys and the struggles of her entrepreneurial journey on this episode.


We all have dreams, but some will never be realized by remaining in a corporate job


Kate Erickson loves to travel… and her corporate job didn’t come close to fulfilling that desire.


She recalls a time when she had planned a special trip to Hawaii while she was still in her corporate career and after much planning and dreaming, her time off request was denied. That’s one of the events that caused her to determine that she was going to set herself up in a way that she'd never have to ask anyone for permission to travel again.


Since 2014 she and her partner John have intentionally taken trips as a part of the lifestyle they have chosen. It's one of the rewards of many years of hard work that have finally put them in a place where they have the time, the resources, and the ability to go where they want, when they want, with who they want. Kate says this is something she would never have been able to experience had she continued trying to climb the corporate ladder.


Kate's story is inspiring and motivating, and it's one you'll want to hear, so be sure you listen.


What you will learn in the podcast

  • [0:36] Paul’s introduction to Kate Erickson of Entrepreneur on Fire
  • [2:55] Something Kate’s family knows about her that you don’t
  • [4:18] Kate’s corporate background & her two escapes from corporate
  • [11:20] First steps out of corporate - 6 months away - going back to corporate
  • [14:42] The thinking that lead Kate back into a corporate job and the importance of support during the transitions
  • [20:11] Kate’s new explanation of what she does and her outlook on the future of podcasting
  • [23:06] How the EOFire team dialed-in on their perfect client avatar and decided to do daily podcast episodes
  • [28:01] The journey from starting the business to profitability
  • [31:02] The non-obvious struggles Kate and John have experienced along the way
  • [33:08] Daily habits that help Kate remain successful
  • [35:26] One goal Kate will achieve this year only because she’s a corporate escapee
  • [37:23] Kate’s gratitude for John, her life partner
  • [38:50] The top 3 productivity tips Kate has learned
  • [42:06] Kate’s parting advice: Trust your gut, you can do it


Links mentioned in the podcast


Connect with Kate Erickson

Connect With Paul and Build Live Give

Further episodes of The Paul Higgins Show

Further podcasts by Paul Higgins - High-Performance Mentor

Website of Paul Higgins - High-Performance Mentor