Podcasts by BSU Science On Sphere Podcast

BSU Science On Sphere Podcast

BSU Science On Sphere Podcast is an audio versions of our Universities iGlobe. Our goal is to make an educational tool to help illustrate Earth Science to people of all ages. In the absence of iGlobe due to CoVID-19 this podcast aims to make students feel they’re back to a welcoming environment that’s found on our campus.

Further podcasts by Jesse Scopa

Podcast on the topic Selbstverwirklichung

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BSU Science On Sphere Podcast
Agriculture: Food vs Feed from 2020-04-27T15:26:02

2050 projected population is expected to surpass 9.5 Billion! What does that mean for conventional farming and agriculture?

BSU Science On Sphere Podcast
Episode one! BSU Science on Sphere Podcast from 2020-04-27T15:04:36

Thank you for tuning into the first episode of the BSU SOS Podcast. This episode gives you a brief introduction to me your host then we go over a global 2000-2015 Fixed scale Carbon dioxide dataset.
