Podcasts by Bitches Get Riches

Bitches Get Riches

Finance. Feminism. No fucks given. Piggy and Kitty are the reclusive geniuses behind the popular blog Bitches Get Riches. They're teaching young people how to become competent freaking adults in their finances, careers, and personal lives.

Further podcasts by Kitty & Piggy

Podcast on the topic Selbstverwirklichung

All episodes

Bitches Get Riches
S3 E11"People treat me like a child just because I'm femme. How do I command the respect I deserve?" from 2021-12-23T09:00

How do I get people to take me seriously? I (24f) have a bubbly personality. I’m kind, I do well with children and babies, and I like to have fun. I throw themed parti...

Bitches Get Riches
S3 E10"I want to break into a new field. How do I make employers see past my lack of direct experience?" from 2021-12-16T09:00

I'm considering changing my job/career. How do I identify transferable skills from seemingly unrelated jobs and frame them as advantages?


Bitches Get Riches
S3 E9:"My partner and I want kids in a few years. How do we financially prepare for a baby?" from 2021-12-09T10:00

I am lucky to finally be getting paid what I'm worth. I’m making progress on basic financial goals like a robust emergency fund, funding my future retirement acco...

Bitches Get Riches
S3 E8:"Should I get married for tax purposes? My boyfriend swears we'd save money, but I'm not so sure..." from 2021-12-02T09:00

For long term partners, what are the financial benefits of getting married? Why not just continue to live with my significant other and not legally tie the knot? My pa...

Bitches Get Riches
S3 E7:"I'm finished with the basic shit! What're the advanced financial steps that only rich people know?" from 2021-11-19T09:00

What do you do when you finally have money for the first time? 

I don't have consumer debt, I’ve paid off my student loans, I have an emergency fund, I’m ma...

Bitches Get Riches
S3 E6:"I'm going through a long hiring process. Is it a red flag when an employer demands too many interviews?" from 2021-11-11T09:00

My dream organization recently posted an open position. I knew I had to apply or I'd regret it and to my delight, I've now done a phone interview and a Zoom ...

Bitches Get Riches
S3 E5: “I really hate one of my tasks at work. Is there a way to escape it without quitting my job?” from 2021-11-04T09:00

I'm a project manager for a dumpster fire of a project. Our contract is only $70K but they give our company $50M of work, so we're stuck with them. We are al...

Bitches Get Riches
S3 E4: “The more money I save, the more I’m scared to lose it. Can I break the cycle of financial anxiety?” from 2021-10-28T09:00

How do I stop feeling scared about money all the time? I'm objectively in a great financial situation. Despite that, every time I hit a new financial milestone, t...

Bitches Get Riches
S3 E3: “I want to hire a financial advisor. Can they be trusted, or are they full of shit?” from 2021-10-22T09:00

Do you have any advice for little boos about what to look for in a financial advisor, what to expect from one, when and if it makes sense to hire one?...

Bitches Get Riches
S3 E2:"I inherited money. Should I pay off debt, invest it, or blow it all on a car?" from 2021-10-14T10:00

I’m about to turn 18 and I’ve really appreciated seeing all your advice and resources. I was unlucky enough to have a family member die a few years back, and they left...

Bitches Get Riches
S3 E1:"I worry paying for my kids'college will spoil them. Don't student loans build character?" from 2021-10-05T13:00

My spouse and I are disagreeing about paying for college for our children, ages 4 and 1. I paid my own way through college and scraped by without loans through scholar...

Bitches Get Riches
BONUS: Season 2 Wrap-Up + an Announcement about Our Future from 2020-10-07T10:00

Like this show and want us to keep doing it?
Show your love by becoming a patron. We're trying really hard not to do the wh...

Bitches Get Riches
S2 E12:"I work for everything while my peers lead carefree lives. How do I control my raging resentment?" from 2020-09-25T10:00

Today's Question
How do you guys keep from getting discouraged?

One of my coworkers has a daughter my age, and he's always talking about how she's go...

Bitches Get Riches
S2 E11:"I ended up in a career I don’t like. Is it possible to reinvent myself? Or am I too late?" from 2020-09-18T11:00

Today's Question
I’m writing in hope of some advice, or probably just to get out of my own head and get an outsider’s perspective, because I’ve thought about this WAY too muc...

Bitches Get Riches
S2 E10:"Which is smarter: getting a loan, or saving up to pay cash?" from 2020-09-11T09:00

Today's Question
How do you know when it’s the right decision to get a loan rather than paying for something with cash on hand? My dad always tells me to “compare the interes...

Bitches Get Riches
S2 E9:"I use my free time to volunteer. Should I focus on making money instead?" from 2020-09-04T10:00

Today's Question
Hello Bitches. I currently have a full-time job that doesn’t pay the best but it’s enough to support my lifestyle. I also volunteer around twenty hours a wee...

Bitches Get Riches
S2 E8:"A fancy restaurant totally misled me! Was I right to refuse to pay an unfair bill?" from 2020-08-28T10:00

Today's Question
Am I the asshole for refusing to pay at a restaurant that was false advertising?

So my girlfriend (her 27, me 28) wants to go to this fancy ne...

Bitches Get Riches
S2 E7: “My coworkers are incompetent. How do I tactfully throw them under the bus?" from 2020-08-21T11:00

Today's Question
Hey Bitches & Community! Any tips on throwing incompetent coworkers under the bus with grace and poise? Some friends in my former workplace (event planni...

Bitches Get Riches
S2 E6:"Someone offered to mentor me! How do I be a non-sucky mentee?" from 2020-08-14T10:00

Today's Question
I have been offered a mentorship opportunity at my place of employment, and I am looking for advice on how to make the most of it as the mentee. I am activel...

Bitches Get Riches
S2 E5:"I'm ready for my first apartment! What are your best tips for a first-time renter?" from 2020-08-07T13:00

Today's Question
Hello. I have been a longtime follower of your blog, but now I'm in need of financial advice so here I am. I have been researching throughout the intern...

Bitches Get Riches
S2 E4:"I can't imagine'loving'any job. Does my career have to define me?" from 2020-07-31T10:00

Today's Question
Bitches, halp. I don't want to do amazing shit for my job. I just want a steady 9-5 with routine, white-collar work I can drop and forget the second my ...

Bitches Get Riches
S2 E3:"I'm financially generous with friends and family. Why does it piss my girlfriend off?" from 2020-07-24T11:00

Today's Question
My girlfriend and I are sort of fighting over money. When we first met, I had NOTHING. Like, sleeping-in-my-car nothing. But in the last three years my caree...

Bitches Get Riches
S2 E2:"I want to own a house someday. What steps can I take now to get ready faster?" from 2020-07-17T17:00

Today's Question
Hi Bitches! I’m only twenty years old, so I know this is unrealistic, but my greatest wish in life is to own a teeny tiny cottage somewhere with a garden.  Listen

Bitches Get Riches
S2 E1:"I'm financially stable, but my friends aren't. How do I handle the guilt?" from 2020-07-10T10:00

Today's Question
Hi Bitches! You guys have been so helpful to me. I graduated last year with no student loans thanks to my parents, I got a job in that field with a pretty go...

Bitches Get Riches
S1 E12:"Everyone says another recession is coming. Are they right? Should I be afraid?" from 2020-01-31T10:00

Today's Question
Should I believe the fear-mongering about a possible recession?

Like this show and want us to keep doing it?
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Bitches Get Riches
S1 E11:"I feel cornered by a friend who keeps asking to borrow money. How do I escape?" from 2020-01-23T16:00

Today's Question
How do I handle a friend whom I've lessened contact with because I'm afraid they'll ask me for money?

I let him borrow some whe...

Bitches Get Riches
S1 E10:"I want a pedigreed dog. She wants a rescue mutt. It turned into a fight... and the fight got ugly." from 2020-01-17T15:00

Today's Question
My girlfriend and I are in our mid twenties, and have been seeing each other for four years now. We moved in together last spring and things have been going ...

Bitches Get Riches
S1 E9:"I've given up on my dream career. Where do I go from here?" from 2020-01-09T15:00

Today's Question
I'm 21 years old and I was in college majoring in biology, but I was just miserable and had to leave. But all I ever wanted to do was science, and now I...

Bitches Get Riches
Merry Bitchmas! The 2019 Star-Studded Holiday Spectacular from 2019-12-20T15:00

We're off for the next two weeks! We plan to have a restful winter holiday, and we hope you do as well. Please enjoy this extremely stupid episode featuring (gasp) SANTA?!

Like thi...

Bitches Get Riches
S1 E8:"My mother demands information about my sex life. How do I get her to back off?" from 2019-12-12T15:00

Today's Question
I [22F] have been having some one night stands, and I recently decided it’d be best to keep my mother [56F] uninvolved in my love life. I let her know when I...

Bitches Get Riches
S1 E7:"I'm terrible at budgeting. Do I suck it up—or is there another way?" from 2019-12-05T15:00

Today's Question
"How the HELL does someone stick to a budget? I have ADHD and self control and budgeting is already hard as is, so if you have any tips or tricks to hel...

Bitches Get Riches
S1 E6:"I lent my boyfriend money. He took it to a casino, and lied to my face about it." from 2019-11-21T15:00

Today's Question
“My [21F] boyfriend [28M] owes me over $100 and I found out he went gambling last night.

My boyfriend never really has money and still lives w...

Bitches Get Riches
S1 E5:"I don’t love my job, but it pays well. Do I quit—or tough it out?" from 2019-11-14T15:00

Today's Question
“I’m an engineer, I’ve been working for five years, and I don’t think it’s something I’ve ever truly been passionate about. My experiences have made me reali...

Bitches Get Riches
S1 E4:"Capitalism is working for me. So how could I hate it?" from 2019-11-07T15:00

Today's Question
"As a progressive person, and someone who is starting to get into a pretty good place financially (have an emergency fund, bought a home a few years ago...

Bitches Get Riches
S1 E3:"My parents have bad credit. Should I help by co-signing their mortgage?" from 2019-10-31T15:00

Today's Question
"I currently live with my parents (22) and they want to sell our house and move into another. My dad can't be on [the mortgage] because his credit ...

Bitches Get Riches
S1 E2:"I'm starting a new job tomorrow. How the heck should I behave on my first day?!" from 2019-10-24T15:00

Today's Question
Hey Bitches! I hope you can help me on time. I recently accepted a job offer after 6+ months of being unemployed!! I start this Monday and I want to know: wh...

Bitches Get Riches
S1 E1:"I've decided to look for a new job. Is it a bad idea to tell my current coworkers?" from 2019-10-02T17:00

Today's Question
When, if ever, is it good/OK to tell people you’re job hunting in your current place of employment? For example, is it ever a good/OK idea to: tell a friendl...

Bitches Get Riches
S1 E1:"I've decided to look for a new job. Is it a bad idea to tell my current coworkers?" from 2019-10-02T17:00

Today's Question
When, if ever, is it good/OK to tell people you’re job hunting in your current place of employment? For example, is it ever a good/OK idea to: tell a friendl...

Bitches Get Riches
S1 E1:"I've decided to look for a new job. Is it a bad idea to tell my current coworkers?" from 2019-10-02T17:00

Today's Question
When, if ever, is it good/OK to tell people you’re job hunting in your current place of employment? For example, is it ever a good/OK idea to: tell a friendl...
