Podcasts by Being a Whole Person

Being a Whole Person

A podcast from pianist, composer, and creative wellness coach Rebecca Hass to help you self-compassionately grow your creative practice from a supportive foundation of wellness.

This podcast features honest conversations, resources, inspiration, and tangible tips to help you cultivate more balance and ease in your work and life, follow through on your goals without constant hustle, and also feel like a whole person in the process!

Further podcasts by Rebecca Hass

Podcast on the topic Selbstverwirklichung

All episodes

Being a Whole Person
Coda: Reflections, Endings, and Beginnings from 2023-05-12T19:35:37

A very special episode to celebrate my 40th birthday, in which I am interviewed by my friend Lynn O’Brien about some exciting changes to my business and this podcast! We get reflective, and I sh...

Being a Whole Person
My 2023 Word of the Year + Reflecting on 2022 from 2023-01-14T01:10:53

I still love the practice of choosing a theme word for the year, to help guide new year intentions and goals. It can be a wonderful filter for what feels intuitively right to do and create, whet...

Being a Whole Person
Mini-sode: Being before doing (it's about the process!) from 2022-04-15T09:00

I share a reminder that came up for me recently in my creative process while composing, about slowing down and getting comfortable being in process, even without clarity in logistical details. Listen

Being a Whole Person
8 Common Unrealistic Expectations for Artists to Leave Behind from 2022-04-08T09:00

Many artists tend to be really hard on themselves, and with that often comes setting unrealistic expectations for creativity and artistic success. Here are 8 common unrealistic expectations that...

Being a Whole Person
Mini-sode: Supporters need support, too! from 2022-04-01T09:00

A friendly reminder and validation that everyone needs and is deserving of support, even those of us who do service-based work - we don’t have to be perfect!


Being a Whole Person
Understand Your Creative Motivation Using the 4 Tendencies from 2022-03-25T09:00

The 4 Tendencies framework from Gretchen Rubin can be really helpful for understanding your creative motivation. I explore how each of the tendencies’ reactions to expectations (inner and outer)...

Being a Whole Person
Mini-sode: Working with your spring energy from 2022-03-18T09:00

Spring can be a much-awaited season, but the transition from winter into spring also can be a lot for our nervous systems to adjust to! I share a story about how this year’s transition has been ...

Being a Whole Person
What Does Your Creative Practice Need? from 2022-03-11T10:00

What does it really mean to have a creative practice? In this episode I explore the word “practice” and the basic ingredients for a nourishing art practice. I also offer reflection prompts to he...

Being a Whole Person
Mini-sode: Getting more done by working slowly from 2022-03-04T10:00

We don't always have to work quickly or have a lot of energy in order to get things done, even though that's not what toxic productivity culture wants us to think! I share some examples of compa...

Being a Whole Person
Creative Consistency: How Much Does It Matter? from 2022-02-25T17:50:55

Do you struggle with consistency in your creative practice? There are a lot of common (and rigid) assumptions about what consistency means, but it can be more flexible and self-compassionate. In...

Being a Whole Person
Mini-sode: Grief and so much love 😻 from 2022-02-18T10:00

I'm very sad to share that last Friday we had to say goodbye to my best orange friend and relaxation mentor, Rusty the cat. I share a couple of lessons that are helping me as I grieve, and that ...

Being a Whole Person
Mini-sode: My Weekend Trip, Managing Expectations, and Rest as Creative Fuel from 2022-02-11T10:00

I share about my recent weekend trip, having realistic expectations for how breaks will feel when they finally happen, and how the (overdue) vacation time off affected me. If you're debating tak...

Being a Whole Person
How Social Media Affects Your Creativity from 2022-02-04T10:00

As an artist, social media can be a real double-edged sword - it’s a great place to connect with others and share our work, but can also be a hugely distracting time and energy suck that takes u...

Being a Whole Person
Mini-sode: My Magic Monday / You Can Restart Anytime from 2022-01-28T10:00

I share how it felt to return to one of my favorite creative rituals, Listen

Being a Whole Person
Simple Reflection Practices to Support Your Creativity + Life from 2022-01-21T10:00

Reflection is an essential part of tapping into your creativity - slowing down is the only way to hear your own inner voice, and what you really desire. In the midst of your busy life, it’s easy...

Being a Whole Person
Mini-sode: Following curiosity to soothe the nervous system from 2022-01-14T10:00

I share a real-life example of how I used curiosity and process-focused creativity to help soothe my nervous system this week, by taking a "sensory walk" around my neighborhood and improvising a...

Being a Whole Person
My Word for 2022 + Planning the New Year Slowly from 2022-01-07T19:14:55

I love the practice of choosing a theme word for a year, as a way of setting new year intentions. It can be a wonderful filter for what feels aligned to do and create, whether in place of or alo...

Being a Whole Person
[REPLAY] Feeding Your Creativity in the Winter Season from 2021-12-31T10:00

We don’t have to expect ourselves to constantly be actively producing creative work - creative projects have seasonal cycles, too. But even in the dormancy of winter (literal or metaphorical), y...

Being a Whole Person
[REPLAY] Finding Magic in Dark Times from 2021-12-24T10:00

In this episode I share where I’ve been finding magic lately, and how a daily walk could be very mundane, but is not...if you choose to make it more interesting. The simple practice of taking a ...

Being a Whole Person
[REPLAY] Moving Forward Creatively in Low Power Mode from 2021-12-17T10:00

Whether your creative energy is depleted after a big event or you’ve been swimming in burnout for a while, this episode will help support you in moving forward at whatever pace feels sustainable...

Being a Whole Person
[REPLAY] Compassionate Productivity Tips to Help You Cope With Being Busier from 2021-12-10T10:00

It’s often challenging to practice compassionate productivity as you’re trying to prioritize your creative practice and other important things in your life, but it can be even harder when you’re...

Being a Whole Person
[REPLAY] Embrace Doing Less During the Darker Season from 2021-12-03T10:00

For many of us, the winter (and holiday) season comes with lower energy but higher expectations, and the dissonance of that can be really challenging. In this episode I invite you to question yo...

Being a Whole Person
Shulamit Ber Levtov on Curiosity, Self Compassion, and Shared Humanity as Tools for Mental Health from 2021-11-26T10:00

I had a wonderful chat with Shulamit Ber Levtov, the “Entrepreneur’s Therapist”, who has been working in the field of mental health and personal growth for more than 21 years, helping hundreds o...

Being a Whole Person
How Boredom Helps Your Creativity + Productivity (Part 2) from 2021-11-19T10:00

I share more takeaways from the excellent book Bored And Brilliant: How Spacing Out Can Unlock Your Most Productive And Creative Self, to help you make more mental space for boredom, which leads...

Being a Whole Person
How Boredom Helps Your Creativity + Productivity (Part 1) from 2021-11-13T01:06:29

I share my takeaways from the excellent book Bored And Brilliant: How Spacing Out Can Unlock Your Most Productive And Creative Self, to help you make more mental space for boredom, which leads t...

Being a Whole Person
Minisode: Do you resist doing less? from 2021-11-05T09:00

Why do we resist doing less? I invite you to non-judgmentally look underneath the busyness and overwhelm to see why it might be rewarding in some ways, and detrimental in other ways, and to make...

Being a Whole Person
Working Through Resistance to Finishing Creative Projects from 2021-10-29T09:00

I answer a listener's question about why panic, stress, and self-hatred can crop up just as you’re right before the deadline trying to finish a creative project - a familiar scenario for many of...

Being a Whole Person
Minisode: Intentionally Clearing Mental Space from 2021-10-22T09:00

I share some ways that I'm helping my brain feel less overstimulated lately, as how I'm creating pockets of time where I'm not doing anything, which has been great in clearing space for creative...

Being a Whole Person
Why You Don’t Have to Worry About Being Lazy from 2021-10-15T17:55:45

If you’re worried that indulging in too much self care might push you into laziness, this episode is for you. I offer up some reflection questions to help you see what’s underneath this fear, an...

Being a Whole Person
Minisode: Returning to Ritual from 2021-10-08T19:04:20

I share what ritual I'm returning to recently, and invite you to reflect on what habits, practices, or rituals have been nourishing to you in the past, in hopes that re-introducing it has a posi...

Being a Whole Person
My Favorite Productivity Tools from 2021-10-01T09:00

I share my favorite (mostly free) tools that help me in balancing my creative work, coaching business, and everything else that needs to get done. I’m hoping that one or more might also be helpf...

Being a Whole Person
Minisode: Transitioning Out of Busy Mode with Mindfulness from 2021-09-24T20:44:01

I share a few quick and easy mindfulness practices for transitioning more smoothly out of a busy period when you're trying to return to more relaxation and rest.

I'm tryin...

Being a Whole Person
Building A Sacred Container Around Your Creative Practice from 2021-09-17T09:00

Even when your creative practice is very important to you, there are a million reasons why it can be really hard to carve out the time for it, especially without an urgent deadline. In this epis...

Being a Whole Person
Why We Need Compassionate Accountability from 2021-09-03T20:04:06

Accountability is a common struggle for artists trying to do the work that really matters, because often we have to work alone, and it is not always easy to be self directed. If you struggle wit...

Being a Whole Person
How to Reframe Criticism and Rejection With Self-Compassion from 2021-08-20T17:19:18

It can be devastating to experience failures, rejection, and criticism in your creative career, but they don’t have to haunt you forever. I share my favorite practices and journaling prompts to ...

Being a Whole Person
What I Learned From My Biggest Failure from 2021-08-06T09:00

I get vulnerable and share the story of the biggest failure of my music career! It felt devastating at the time, but I’m actually really glad it happened. I share what I learned from this failur...

Being a Whole Person
When can you call yourself an artist? from 2021-07-23T09:00

Have you ever hesitated to call yourself an artist, even though you do indeed make art? There can be some tricky mindset stuff and loaded expectations wrapped up in creativity as your identity, ...

Being a Whole Person
Compassionate Productivity Tips to Help You Cope With Being Busier from 2021-07-09T09:00

It’s often challenging to practice compassionate productivity as you’re trying to prioritize your creative practice and other important things in your life, but it can be even harder when you’re...

Being a Whole Person
Karen Cubides on Knowing Yourself, Prioritizing Wellness + Disrupting the Music Industry from 2021-06-25T23:28:34

I was thrilled to have this conversation with Karen Cubides, a coach, educator, and CEO of the Karen Cubides Agency, which holistically supports musicians of all backgrounds in their careers and...

Being a Whole Person
Summer update + Join me for free coworking! from 2021-06-18T09:00

I'll be back with a regular episode next week - in order to be kinder to myself during a busy time, this show is going on an every-other-week schedule for the rest of the summer. 


Being a Whole Person
12 Things I Wish I Had Known When Starting My Creative Career (Part 2) from 2021-06-11T09:00

There are many things I wish I had known when I graduated from music school in 2005, and was just starting my creative career, but all life experiences are part of our own personal evolution, an...

Being a Whole Person
12 Things I Wish I Had Known When Starting My Creative Career (Part 1) from 2021-06-04T09:00

There are many things I wish I had known when I graduated from music school and was just starting my creative career, but all life experiences are part of our own personal evolution, and teach u...

Being a Whole Person
10 Reasons Why You Might Not Prioritize Your Creative Practice from 2021-05-28T09:00

There are so many reasons why you might not prioritize creativity, even when it’s really important to you. (Zero judgment here!) I share 10 common obstacles to putting your creative practice fir...

Being a Whole Person
Dacy Gillespie on Letting Go of Shoulds and Choosing Our Own Rules from 2021-05-21T09:00

In this episode I had a great conversation with Dacy Gillespie, a personal stylist who helps women let go of the external messages they’ve been given about what they should wear and discover wha...

Being a Whole Person
5 Types of Support That Fuel Your Creative Work and Life from 2021-05-14T09:00

As ambitious creative people, we often try to hold ourselves to sky-high expectations and unrealistic standards, but there's nothing wrong with not being able to do everything on your own! Somet...

Being a Whole Person
How To Be Creative Again from 2021-05-07T09:00

Have you ever taken a break from your creative practice and had a hard time getting back in the habit again? Whether you've taken a long or short break, if it's feeling tough to restart again, o...

Being a Whole Person
Balancing Novelty and Routine in Your Creative Life from 2021-04-30T09:00

Routine and novelty sometimes seem like they're at odds with each other, but sparking our creativity really depends on both of them working together. It can seem like they’re on a continuum that...

Being a Whole Person
D’Ana Joi Spencer on Being a Multi-Passionate Creative Entrepreneur from 2021-04-23T09:00

If you’ve ever been frustrated by the pressure to “choose one thing” in your creative work, this episode is for you! I had a lovely chat with D'Ana Joi Spencer, a multi-passionate, educator, com...

Being a Whole Person
Magic Monday: My Most Important Ritual for Exploring Creativity from 2021-04-16T09:00

It can feel impossible to carve out time for creative rituals, gathering ideas, and big-picture thinking, when they’re important, but not urgent, and you have a million other things to accomplis...

Being a Whole Person
Balancing Scattered Energy: My Favorite Tips for Spring from 2021-04-09T09:00

Spring is a time of rebirth but also a time of big transition - if you often feel scattered, jittery, and unfocused around this time of year, you’re definitely not alone! Even with positive tran...

Being a Whole Person
A Pep Talk for COVID Anniversary Season from 2021-03-05T10:00

Humans are really good at adapting, which is awesome, but that also means we don’t always fully acknowledge our own resilience within big changes. Let’s take a moment to celebrate making it thro...

Being a Whole Person
Shout Outs and Shine Theory from 2021-02-26T10:00

This episode is devoted to appreciating people I've learned from, and whose work has inspired and influenced my creative coaching work. Sometimes it can feel like we're creating in a vacuum if w...

Being a Whole Person
Things I Love (Feel-Good is Not Frivolous) from 2021-02-19T10:00

Feel-good is not frivolous! Searching for and remembering things you love can be a great way to find creative inspiration, and infuse your life with positive energy. In this episode, I share a b...

Being a Whole Person
Audrey Holst on Transforming Perfectionism and Burnout from 2021-02-12T10:00

In this conversation, I’m joined by Audrey Holst, a coach and yoga instructor who helps people reform their perfectionism and break away from burnout through the Fortitude and Flow Process, whic...

Being a Whole Person
Create A Fresh Start Anytime You Need It from 2021-02-05T10:00

If you’re tired of feeling stuck, spinning your wheels, and not moving forward with that creative project you've been planning on starting forever, this episode is for you. Often we wait for “ju...

Being a Whole Person
You're Not Behind from 2021-01-29T10:00

This episode is for anyone who’s ever felt like they were behind, in creative projects or other work. I share some ways to reframe your relationship with time, and shift your mindset away from n...

Being a Whole Person
Moving Forward Creatively in Low Power Mode from 2021-01-22T10:00

Whether your creative energy is depleted after a big event or you’ve been swimming in burnout for a while, this episode will help support you in moving forward at whatever pace feels sustainable...

Being a Whole Person
Lauren Karpinski on Playfulness in Art and Life from 2021-01-15T10:00

In this episode, I had a refreshing conversation with Lauren Karpinski, an abstract artist who also practices many healing modalities (massage, acupunc...

Being a Whole Person
A Gentler Approach to Goals for 2021 from 2021-01-08T10:00

If you feel like you're not quite ready to start making plans for 2021, because things still seem so uncertain, I see you. We can still make goals, but we might just need a different, more flexi...

Being a Whole Person
How I Chose My 2021 Word of the Year from 2021-01-01T10:00

Choosing a word as the theme for a year can be a great invitation to engage in a more active practice with that word, whether in place of or in tandem with goal setting, and a filter for what fe...

Being a Whole Person
REPLAY: The Power of Intention with Lynn O'Brien from 2020-12-25T10:00

In this episode from Season 2, Lexie and Rebecca had a gem-filled, insightful conversation with speaker, musician, and coach Lynn O’Brien, who does creative, compassionate, and constructive work...

Being a Whole Person
REPLAY: Human-Centered Creative Business with Laura Holway from 2020-12-18T10:00

In this episode, you’ll hear from Laura Holway, a teacher and coach who is here to help heart-centered creative humans make space for what they ...

Being a Whole Person
Embrace Doing Less During the Darker Season from 2020-12-11T10:00

For many of us, the winter (and holiday) season comes with lower energy but higher expectations, and the dissonance of that can be really challenging. In this episode I invite you to question yo...

Being a Whole Person
Susan Shehata on Unsticking Your Story from 2020-12-04T10:00

In this episode I had a lovely conversation with holistic wellness facilitator and educator, writer, speaker, and performer Susan Shehata. All of these identities intertwine around helping peopl...

Being a Whole Person
Feeding Your Creativity in the Winter Season from 2020-11-27T10:00

We don’t have to expect ourselves to constantly be actively producing creative work - creative projects have seasonal cycles, too. But even in the dormancy of winter (literal or metaphorical), y...

Being a Whole Person
Why You Need a Self Care Plan for the Holiday Season from 2020-11-20T10:00

Unusual times call for unusual amounts of self care - the holidays can be tough in a normal year, but in 2020, there’s extra uncertainty and grief piled on top, so we need self care (act...

Being a Whole Person
Why You Should Take More Breaks from 2020-11-13T10:00

It’s easy to get trapped in the idea that productivity means we have to work constantly, and then feeling guilty about breaks and time off, but breaks are essential for replenishing energy and c...

Being a Whole Person
Amy Kuretsky on Self-Compassion and Resilience in Creative Business from 2020-11-06T10:00

In this episode I was joined by Amy Kuretsky, an acupuncturist, breathwork facilitator, and business coach who helps creative entrepreneurs cultivate a deeper relationship with their hea...

Being a Whole Person
The 12 Stages of Burnout from 2020-10-30T09:00

We usually think of burnout as a state of total collapse, but it can be much more subtle and sneak up without you even noticing, especially for those of us in creative fields where our w...

Being a Whole Person
Why We Resist Rest and How It Helps Our Creativity from 2020-10-23T09:00

Even though resting and replenishing is a core part of my message, and what I work on with clients, I still sometimes find myself resisting it - maybe you do, too? Most of us intellectua...

Being a Whole Person
How to Support Your Focus by Filtering Out the Noise from 2020-10-16T09:00

If you’re feeling scattered lately with everything going on, here are many ways to support yourself, so that you have energy and focus to direct toward what really matters in your life a...

Being a Whole Person
Finding Magic in Dark Times from 2020-10-09T09:00

In this episode I share where I’ve been finding magic lately, and how a daily walk could be very mundane, but is not...if you choose to make it more interesting. The simple practice of t...

Being a Whole Person
Showing Up As Your Best Authentic Self with Brianna Christie from 2020-10-02T09:00

Brianna Christie is the owner and founder of Modify Salon in Minneapolis, and has been expertly cutting my hair for 15 years! I look forward to every haircut not just because of her skil...

Being a Whole Person
10 Compassionate Reframes for Limiting Beliefs About Productivity (Part 2) from 2020-09-25T09:00

Part 2 of 2: 

Is your definition of “productivity” working for you? That word can be very loaded, and it has different meanings for all of us - what’s yours?...

Being a Whole Person
10 Compassionate Reframes for Limiting Beliefs About Productivity (Part 1) from 2020-09-18T09:00

Is your definition of “productivity” working for you? That word can be very loaded, and it has different meanings for all of us. If you’re stuck in a more conventional idea of what produ...

Being a Whole Person
Compassionate Productivity in Your Real Life from 2020-09-11T09:00

Do you have a less-than-healthy relationship with productivity? I did, too, for a long time. In this episode I share how I changed that, and how I became more compassionate in my product...

Being a Whole Person
Un-Burnout + Imagining New Possibilities with Christy Tending from 2020-09-04T09:00

What could a truly just, equitable, sustainable, and healthy world look like? In this episode, I talk with Christy Tending, an activist, teacher, writer, and self-care mentor for rebelli...

Being a Whole Person
How to Nurture Your Relationship With Creativity from 2020-08-28T09:00

If your relationship with your creativity has been rocky lately, this episode is for you. Maybe you’ve drifted apart and you’re not close buddies anymore, maybe it’s kind of a love-hate ...

Being a Whole Person
My Relationship With Creativity in 2020 (Part 2) from 2020-08-21T09:00

I share what my relationship with creativity was like from April to August 2020 (continued from last week, so if you missed that one, start there first), and the many ups and downs of tr...

Being a Whole Person
My Relationship With Creativity in 2020 (Part 1) from 2020-08-14T10:00

In this episode, I share what my relationship with creativity was like during the first few months of 2020 (to be continued in part 2 next week), and how I struggled with some aspects of...

Being a Whole Person
Support Through Transition with Shana Dewitt from 2020-08-07T10:00

In this episode, I had a lovely chat with Shana Dewitt, who is a business coach and strategist for women. She especially helps women through transitions, which I felt excited to talk about, beca...

Being a Whole Person
What Being A Whole Person Means from 2020-07-31T10:00

Welcome to Season 3 of the newly reimagined Being A Whole Person! In this episode, I introduce you to the format of this new season, share what “being a whole person” means to me, and ho...

Being a Whole Person
Welcome to the reimagined Being A Whole Person podcast! from 2020-07-25T02:15:59

Hello and welcome to the reimagined Being a Whole Person podcast!

I’m Rebecca Hass, a pianist, composer, and creative wellness coach, and my job is to help you self-compassionately grow y...

Being a Whole Person
Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes with Lexie and Rebecca from 2020-06-25T11:00

Welcome to a very special episode of Being A Whole Person. In this episode, that wraps up Season 2, we recap the season, each do a little life update, and explain some big changes afoot ...

Being a Whole Person
New Paradigm of Business with Pilar Marie Lesko from 2020-06-11T12:00

In this episode, Lexie and Rebecca have a potent conversation with Pilar Marie Lesko, a New-Paradigm Business Guide, bridge-builder, and modern-day Medicine Woman. Pilar shares her thoughts on a...

Being a Whole Person
The Power of Intention with Lynn O'Brien from 2020-05-28T11:00

In this episode, Lexie and Rebecca had a gem-filled, insightful conversation with speaker, musician, and coach Lynn O’Brien, who does creative, compassionate, and constructive work with ...

Being a Whole Person
Boosting Your Money Mindset with Sarah von Bargen from 2020-05-14T11:00

In this episode, Lexie and Rebecca speak with Sarah von Bargen of the blog, yesandyes.org. Much of Sarah’s work revolves around the intersection of money and happiness. We get into some meaty co...

Being a Whole Person
Rewilding business and alignment with Natalie Brite from 2020-04-30T09:00

In this episode, Lexie and Rebecca speak with Natalie Brite, a business rewilding mentor who helps creative entrepreneurs in impact-based businesses find authentic approaches to business...

Being a Whole Person
Self-Love in an Uncertain Time with Mary Hodges from 2020-04-16T11:00

In this episode, Lexie and Rebecca speak with Mary Hodges of Abundantly Being. It was this conversation during COVID-19 that inspired Rebecca and Lexie to finally hit publish on Season 2 and we ...

Being a Whole Person
Catch Up With Lexie and Rebecca from 2020-04-02T10:00

In this catch up episode recorded in December, Lexie and Rebecca catch up on the many life changes that occured in the rest of 2019 after Season 1 wrapped up in June (which now feels lik...

Being a Whole Person
REPLAY // Authenticity and Trusting Your Own Process with Lucia Hawley from 2019-07-26T15:39:27

In this episode, Rebecca and Lexie talk with Lucia Hawley, NTP, of Essential Omnivore, whose mission is “taking the fear out of food, one ...

Being a Whole Person
Presence and Holding Space with Sara Garnier from 2019-06-27T11:00

Today’s episode is with Sara Garnier, a massage therapist focused on craniosacral therapy. Her business is called Presence Bodywork, which, once...

Being a Whole Person
Radical Generosity with Maggie Gentry from 2019-06-20T10:00

Today’s episode is with Maggie Gentry, founder of Own Your Why. She is a thought partner and business coach that helps creatives who are deeply craving support and space to make the pivotal tran...

Being a Whole Person
Trusting Your Own Authority with Kourtney Thomas from 2019-06-13T11:00

In this episode, we chat with Kourtney Thomas, a conquer-the-world life coach for women who want to know what the hell they’re doing. Kourtney is no-bullshit; that will be apparent right from th...

Being a Whole Person
Down to Earth + Spiritually Nourished with Lisa Dolan from 2019-06-06T11:00

This episode is such a delight! We talk with Lisa Dolan, owner and creator of Lark Skin Co in St. Louis, Missouri. Listen in to hear her story about how she went from making skin care products f...

Being a Whole Person
Having an Intentional Mindset with Amanda Dennelly from 2019-05-30T11:00

Today’s episode is with Amanda Dennelly, a Mindset Coach who helps creatives and entrepreneurs stop feeling stressed and overwhelmed so they can grow their business and create more time to do what ...

Being a Whole Person
Listening to What's Best For You with Amanda Green from 2019-05-23T10:00

Today’s interview is with Amanda Green, a Human Design Chart reader and owner of Intuitive Galaxy. If you’ve never heard of Human Design bef...

Being a Whole Person
Human-Centered Creative Business with Laura Holway from 2019-05-16T10:00

In this episode, you’ll hear from writer, small business advisor, and artist Laura Holway, who provides Small Art Advising: business coaching fo...

Being a Whole Person
Intuitive Life + Business with Erin Lowndes from 2019-05-09T12:28:29

In this episode, you’ll hear from Erin Lowndes, a wedding planner and the owner of Plain With Sprinkles Events. Hear her story about how ...

Being a Whole Person
Bravery and Creativity with Emily Ann Peterson from 2019-05-02T10:00

In this episode, you’ll hear singer-songwriter, speaker, creative consultant, and author Emily Ann Peterson share her journey through the m...

Being a Whole Person
Doing the Damn Thing with Raven Marin from 2019-04-25T12:36:08

In this episode, you’ll hear Raven of Love and Local Business talk very candidly about her entrepreneurial journey, reaching a state of burnout, and how deeply connected her and her family are t...

Being a Whole Person
Living in Alignment with Ambi Kavanagh from 2019-04-18T13:00

In this episode, you’ll hear from Ambi Kavanagh. If you don’t know who she is, Ambi is an astrologer and spiritual teacher. You’ll hear how she went from a lawyer in England to an astrologer in ...

Being a Whole Person
Building a Dream Life with Shaun Delgado-Harris from 2019-04-11T10:00

In this episode, Rebecca and Lexie chat with Shaun Delgado-Harris, wedding planner and owner of Rogue Wedding Co. Tune in to hear about Shaun’s journ...

Being a Whole Person
Authenticity and Trusting Your Own Process with Lucia Hawley from 2019-04-04T10:00

In this episode, Rebecca and Lexie talk with Lucia Hawley, NTP, of Essential Omnivore, whose mission is “taking the fear out of food, one bite at a ti...


Being a Whole Person
Intro with Lexie + Rebecca from 2019-03-28T10:00

In this episode, Lexie and Rebecca talk about what inspired the creation of this podcast. It is also an episode about introductions: themselves, their businesses, their self-care rituals, and t...


Being a Whole Person
Welcome to Being A Whole Person from 2019-03-12T02:27:11

Welcome to Being A Whole Person, a podcast all about creative entrepreneurship, self-care, and spirituality and how they integrate in our lives. Pianist and composer Rebecca Hass and astrologer ...
