Are You Holding On To THESE Limiting Beliefs | In Pursuing Your Dreams and Calling in this Life? - a podcast by Brandi Lea

from 2023-07-25T14:31

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In this episode, Brandi is talking about how to identify major limiting beliefs when it comes to pursuing your dreams and calling in this life!


She is going over several limiting beliefs she has seen within herself and working with her clients. 


Limiting Beliefs 


  1. I am not ready…. Let me tell you, you will never be ready. But lets approach it with this empowerment belief instead

Empowering Belief- “I am just a few chapters ahead of where my ideal client is, and that's all I need to do, I am not claiming to be perfect or to know it all, but I am willing to just get started and keep going.”

If I start heading there, I will be more ready. The only way to get ready is to get in the game!


  1. I am not qualified enough …. I love to ask , how many degrees or certifications do you need to finally believe you are qualified enough.

Empowering Belief- I am getting better every single day as I take the best next step forward, I don’t need another external validation/ certification /degree/ or to learn more, I can start with what I have and do what I can with what I have. AND THEN as I learn from doing, I can take that right next action.


  1. Who am I to ____________ (Fill in the blank Ex. Launch a podcast, start a blog, ask to be paid more etc.)

Empowerment Belief- Who are you NOT to do those things… we have this one precious life that is really short, we are not guaranteed our next breath, the only person that qualifies you is YOU!!! 




  1. Imposter Syndrome…The inability to know how to experience your success internally. I’ll never be_________________ ( fill in the blank, smart, capable, organized ETC.) It is chasing external validations.


Brandi challenges you when you face imposter syndrome to ask yourself this question… Have you gone within, are you placing your validation on external circumstances, chasing likes, paychecks or clients… OR …are you going within and are you aligned. It's time to get still and SILENT and listen in.


Once you are doing the work you would do even if it failed, that is when you know you are aligned.


Empowering Belief- I am enough as I am and every day and in every way I am getting better.


Fact of the day!

Did you know that the subconscious mind does not know the difference between what is real and imagined, if you tell your conscious mind what it is that you already have, the subconscious already believes it.


At the end of the day, it is about progress not perfection. Some of us are goal chasing. Life is about enjoying the journey. Our brain is seeking progress. When we are making progress, it gives us that dopamine hit that causes us to feel fulfilled.  


Think about the big desires you want, now, think about the feeling you want from that and embody that NOW… it's not WHEN I make 6 figures or do xyz, I will be happy… It's feeling it NOW... That's how you are creating momentum, confidence and clarity.

Aligned action will give you the clarity and confidence that you deeply desire, but the only way to do that is to START.


Grab a piece of paper, Write on the left side- the limiting beliefs you are going through and on the right side - write down an empowering belief for each limiting beliefs that came up through this podcast episode.

Knowledge is not power, it is the execution and implementation of knowledge that is actual power. So take this knowledge I am giving you and implement it.


Mastermind-  I discuss a little on what we are covering, we are diving in deep and working from the bottom up!

We are talking: Nervous system regulation | Breath work | Sound healing | Reiki | Thought work| Thought models | Conscious vs Subconscious | Identifying your beliefs 



If you got value from this episode, I would love it if you left a review & shared this with someone who needs to hear it!!


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I will always be here to support you, if you need me, you know where to find me. 

Further episodes of Becoming Wildly Well with Brandi Lea

Further podcasts by Brandi Lea

Website of Brandi Lea