Getting Past The Big Huge Fat Lies That Our Brains Make Up - a podcast by Alison J. Prince

from 2022-04-22T02:20:23.739525

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You're sitting in your chair, looking at your computer or your phone. You have 10 bajillion things you need to do and you don't even know where to start. And then, these thoughts start to creep in your head, like, "Oh, I have so much to do. I don't even know where to start" or "I'm not smart enough" or "I'm not sure I can even do that," or "I need to go get a Coke Zero" or insert your beverage of choice "before I can even get started". Or "Sure they can do it, but I'm just me and I'm not that good. I don't even really know how to do this. Maybe I should just look into this more and study it a little bit more," or "They can do it better than I can."

Some call them fear or excuses, but I call them big huge fat lies that our brain makes up to keep us comfortable. It's a brilliant way that our brain tricks us into staying safe. It's a lot easier to stay where you are than to move forward. Moving forward, trying new things, can be so risky, and our brain is made to keep us safe.

We know it is so much easier to go get that drink out of the fridge because it's not going to make us feel like a failure. So we push off the hard things and do the safe things. It's almost like these thoughts run rapid in our brains on a daily basis, and it causes us to stop and spiral quickly.

All the same, deep down, you have this feeling inside of you that you can't as shake, that you are not where you want to be in this life. So, how to nudge yourself into moving forward? That’s what I’ll be talking about in this episode. Stay tuned.

Key Takeaways:

  • When our brain takes us to the worst case scenario faster than we realize (5:45)
  • Lies you’re falling back on are much stronger than the promises of hope (6:41)
  • Knowing the truth from a lie: Things that have helped me and my students (7:39)
  • Number one: Recognize it; call that dang thing out (8:05)
  • Number two: Have an answer so you can anticipate it (9:40)
  • Number three: If you give into the lie, be honest with yourself (11:37)
  • Number four: Build your tool belt; embrace the hiccups and the trips (12:38)
  • Number five: Go for a run or a walk (13:22)
  • Allow yourself to step into who you need to be, and to set fear aside (15:03)


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