Are There Other Options? - a podcast by Alison J. Prince

from 2022-04-22T02:20:23.594671

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In this episode, I am joined by Ayelet Shipley, the 23-year-old founder of, and the host of the Get Out of Bed, Out of Your Head podcast where she shares her journey of overcoming anxiety, going into entrepreneurship, and thriving at it. She also does interviews on her podcast with subject matters experts and other people within her age group who have achieved similar milestones.

The story of how she got into entrepreneurship is really quite fascinating. It all started when she attended ClickFunnels’ Unlock the Secrets conference in Denver with her dad. She was getting her graduate degree in social work and was not really interested in business, but she just went to the event to spend time with her dad. There her dad introduced her to Ryan Lee of Cashflow Tactics who was there with his 12-year-old daughter. Ryan told her that he and his daughter had the idea of doing something to help kids with anxiety and depression, and she shared with them how she had struggled with anxiety and depression almost all her life, and how important it was to talk about it. Ryan looked down at his daughter and said, “See. You're not alone.”

That was the defining moment for Ayelet, where she realized that she could help so many people by being vulnerable, sharing her story, and using all her knowledge to build the tools that would help people, especially young people, overcome anxiety and become the best version of themselves. So she started her podcast and the Anxiety Secrets Toolbox, and six months into it, she has already impacted so many lives and aims at impacting one million people. Ayelet’s story will be super inspirational for any young person, or a parent to a young person. So if you’re in any of those two categories, you should tune in to this episode, because it will change your life for the better. 

Key Takeaways:

  • Running your future versus your future running you: Teaching our kids that there are other options besides going to college (02:55)
  • From clinical social work Masters student to entrepreneur within 6 months (05:25)
  • How she overcame a lot of fears, nerves, and anxiety to start her podcast and business (09:29)
  • Advice for young people on starting a business versus going for the typical nine to five job (14:11)
  • What her parents did to open up the relevant doors that led her into entrepreneurship (18:41)
  • How a non-entrepreneur parent can still help their child pursue entrepreneurship (22:06)
  • The future, the program she’s creating, and the lives that she’s changing (25:50)

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Further episodes of How to Sell Online

Further podcasts by Alison J. Prince

Website of Alison J. Prince