Podcasts by Be YOU Bloom Podcast

Be YOU Bloom Podcast

Host Jessica I. Morales, CHt., "The Mind Strategist," makes learning how to speak to and train your brain fun, fascinating, and easy! She covers the latest research, tools, techniques, and advice on renewing your mind to thrive and think on the upside! Jessica is a transformational speaker, EFT Master Practitioner and will help YOU upgrade your mental assets for flourishing. Follow @beyoubloom / visit www.beyoubloom.com

Further podcasts by Jessica I. Morales, C.Ht.

Podcast on the topic Selbstverwirklichung

All episodes

Be YOU Bloom Podcast
Ep. 35 How To Uncover A BS (Belief System) In Your Unconscious Mind from 2023-04-04T13:48:09

Jessica walks you through the steps she took to uncover a BS (belief system) anchored in her unconscious mind that continued to permeate in emotional pain. In this candid session, she reads excerpt...

Be YOU Bloom Podcast
Ep. 34 God Knew Better What You Would Need Later from 2022-08-07T21:34

Are you experiencing a rough season or few seasons and have found yourself feeling isolated and alone? Join the crew! We are with you!! In the episode, Jessica, in true story telling style, transpo...

Be YOU Bloom Podcast
Ep. 33 Upgrade Your Brain With Word Play! from 2022-07-28T13:34:54

The Corporate Mind Strategist challenges you to a fun and spirited exercise that will help you become conscious of unhelpful words you may not be aware that are seeping into your mind and how to pl...

Be YOU Bloom Podcast
Ep. 32 Stress Relief In Minutes With Jin Shin Jyutsu! from 2022-05-16T01:21:54

Like EFT Tapping, Jin Shin Jyutsu rebalances your emotions and energy using your very own hands and fingers! When you feel a negative trigger or emotion, you can disarm that negative charge by rest...

Be YOU Bloom Podcast
Ep 31 Discovering the Hidden Cause of Pain in the Body From the Unconscious Mind Using EFT Tapping from 2022-03-17T14:24:37

Jessica shares a raw tale of the emotional baggage that piles up in the physical body from years of carrying rejection, feeling unheard and unseen. Using Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Ho’op...

Be YOU Bloom Podcast
Ep. 30 Fun Facts on the Science of Changing Your Mind: Activate Now! from 2022-03-13T19:24:23

How do I break repetitive patterns? How can I affect my own biology and biochemistry so that I feel better, have mental clarity, make better decisions, access my heart’s intelligence, boost my heal...

Be YOU Bloom Podcast
Ep. 29 What May Be Blocking You From Hiring A Surprise Fit For the Role! from 2022-02-17T17:12:13

Have you ever taken an assessment test that is designed to identify if you have the traits for the job you applied to? Or are you a hiring team that relies on assessment tests before you’d even con...

Be YOU Bloom Podcast
Ep. 29 What Assessment Tests May Be Missing That Keeps You From Finding A Most Valuable Player from 2022-02-17T17:12:13

Have you ever taken an assessment test that is designed to identify if you have the traits for the job you applied to? Or are you a hiring team that relies on assessment tests before you’d even con...

Be YOU Bloom Podcast
Ep. 28 How To Better Handle Work Triggers from 2022-02-06T21:22:10

Learn what is happening inside your brain and in the physical body when you are in a negative emotional state and how to get in control so that you get to the outcomes you want. Jessica offers tool...

Be YOU Bloom Podcast
Ep. 27 Facing Our Moms' Terminal Illnesses Together from 2022-02-04T05:22:21

Meet Jackie from the Bronx, NY. Jackie and Be YOU Bloom's host, Jessica, came together at the worst time of their lives, as their mothers were at the end stage of Alzheimer's. They met at Calvary H...

Be YOU Bloom Podcast
Ep. 26 How To Analyze Your Dreams: What Is Your Subconscious Telling You? from 2021-11-03T15:44:16

In this episode, Jessica walks you through how to break down your dreams with a specific technique that separates the literal versus the symbolic. Learn why it is also important to self-reflect ...

Be YOU Bloom Podcast
Ep. 25 Becoming One With Self and The Divine from 2021-10-03T15:19:26

Where do you go for answers? Most human beings seek guidance from external resources when their most profound answers lie within the self. It is also where the divine lives. So how does one acce...

Be YOU Bloom Podcast
Ep. 24 Support Your Brain Through Overnight Sleep Therapy from 2021-08-17T13:38:50

Your brain goes through an overnight cleansing of the day's events and what has taken mental inventory when you have restful sleep. But too often, humans get in the way disrupting this natural cycl...

Be YOU Bloom Podcast
Ep. 23: A Spiritual Cutting Cords Journey from 2021-06-21T15:07:35

Have you been overwhelmed by emotional distress or pain that comes from attachments you have to a situation, event, or person? Are you ready to finally cut those cords? In this spiritual cord journ...

Be YOU Bloom Podcast
Ep. 22: Impressions of Early Childhood on Your Career from 2021-05-30T16:17:23

What early childhood impressions seeded your career? If you walk through your past memories, you might be surprised at what anchored itself within your subconscious. It may inform how you view the ...

Be YOU Bloom Podcast
So You Woke Up Feeling Meh? How Using EFT Resulted In This Episode! from 2021-04-20T14:38:23

Have you ever used this simple tool that's so powerful? EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) helps with issues from physical to emotional distress. If you wake up feeling not your best, a simple tappi...

Be YOU Bloom Podcast
Ep. 21: So You Woke Up Feeling Meh? How Using EFT Resulted In This Episode! from 2021-04-20T12:38:23

Have you ever used this simple tool that's so powerful? EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) helps with issues from physical to emotional distress. If you wake up feeling not your best, a simple tappi...

Be YOU Bloom Podcast
When Doing Nothing Is A Wise Choice from 2021-04-18T16:48:08

If you are a doer, executor, a producer of ideas, this is for you! The idea of doing nothing drives you mad. But when is doing nothing your wisest choice? How does this affect the brain? This speci...

Be YOU Bloom Podcast
Ep. 20: When Doing Nothing Is A Wise Choice from 2021-04-18T14:48:08

If you are a doer, executor, a producer of ideas, this is for you! The idea of doing nothing drives you mad. But when is doing nothing your wisest choice? How does this affect the brain? This speci...

Be YOU Bloom Podcast
Are You Struggling With Touch Deprivation? Learn what you can do now! from 2021-03-14T18:37:17

Now more than ever, it is important to learn touch practices to offset the remnants of social distancing. Touch is essential for human life and for healing as it is for flourishing. Hear more from ...

Be YOU Bloom Podcast
Ep. 19: Are You Struggling With Touch Deprivation? Learn what you can do now! from 2021-03-14T17:37:17

Now more than ever, it is important to learn touch practices to offset the remnants of social distancing. Touch is essential for human life and for healing as it is for flourishing. Hear more from ...

Be YOU Bloom Podcast
Ep. 01: How To Reverse An Emotional Spiral for Yourself and for Others from 2021-02-10T12:10:14

In this episode, Jessica shares real life examples of how to pull yourself and others from spiraling into negativity. She discusses what our brain does when focused on "the not" - what is not happe...

Be YOU Bloom Podcast
Ep. 02: Travel with Jessica on Her Own Hypnosis Journey from 2020-12-29T01:34:40

In 2017, Jessica saw a Hypnotherapist regarding releasing pain that still carried a hook in her life. Being a hypnotherapist herself, she was well aware that this "issue" could affect other areas a...

Be YOU Bloom Podcast
Ep. 03: From 32 Years in Prison to Freedom: Mental Resilience with Nick Woodall from 2020-12-06T20:49:12

Would you be able to survive if you lost your freedom? What if you received a life sentence without the possibility of parole? Would your brain adapt? Is it possible to change the life script th...

Be YOU Bloom Podcast
Ep. 04: The Heart's Electromagnetic Field Is Your Superpower! Training Heart-Brain Coherence from 2020-12-02T06:08:05

Thanks to the field of neuro-cardiology, we are learning more about the intuitive nature of the heart and how we can apply this information to the relationship we have with ourselves and others. Le...

Be YOU Bloom Podcast
Ep. 05: The Performer's Mindset and Executing from 2020-11-01T20:53:14

In this episode, Jessica invites performing artist and writer, Adriane Shown, to chat about the performer's mindset and how she applies self-improvement tools to her career and personal flourish...

Be YOU Bloom Podcast
Ep. 06: Why Family/Friends May Not Be Your First Supporters from 2020-09-19T22:07:42

In this episode, Jessica invites Ydaiber Orozco, a self-driven chameleon, to talk about why family or friends may not be your first supporters when it comes to launching your dream business. Ydaibe...

Be YOU Bloom Podcast
Ep. 07: How to Wake Up Great! from 2020-09-07T02:02:01

Jessica shares tips to improve and boost your mind power before you take on your day. It begins even before you open your eyes! She explains what makes you easily influenced in the mornings and wha...

Be YOU Bloom Podcast
Ep. 08: When You Are Hurting From Losing A Loved One from 2020-07-25T20:41:50

Jessica takes you on a spiritual journey of healing while at Pine Mountain, connecting with God through nature.

Be YOU Bloom Podcast
Ep. 09: Which Way Does Your Head Lean Towards - The Negative or The Positive? from 2020-04-11T02:37:08

Ready to be honest with yourself? Learn if you are more of an upside or a downside thinker. Is your brain deficit or asset focused? Don't worry! Jessica will help you optimize your mind to the upsi...

Be YOU Bloom Podcast
Ep. 10: A message for Be YOU Bloom's Facebook Community & New Friends, Thank YOU! from 2020-04-11T01:04:43

Help grow our virtual positive community by sharing the following: Facebook/Instagram/Twitter: @beyoubloom YouTube: beyoubloom ...

Be YOU Bloom Podcast
Ep. 11: How Hypnotherapy Works: Career & Personal Goals, Part 2 from 2020-04-05T23:22:32

What is hypnotherapy really? How does the brain respond to positive suggestions? Learn the optimal state for learning, accessing higher wisdom to assess, explore, and create. Mental rehearsal of ne...

Be YOU Bloom Podcast
Ep. 12: How Hypnotherapy Works: Career & Personal Goals, Part 1 from 2020-04-05T21:45:45

Hypnotherapy is a tool by which a person's is able to be physically relaxed while the mind becomes highly focused and alert. Clients are able to quiet the white noise and stresses around them while...

Be YOU Bloom Podcast
Ep. 13: Building Challenging Habits Like Exercise and Healthy Eating from 2020-04-03T17:00:08

As a Certified Hypnotherapist and Mind Strategist, Jessica covers how to understand and connect with your brain to reduce self sabotage and improve habit training. Learn the emotional value of the ...

Be YOU Bloom Podcast
Ep. 14: Boost Motivation to Get That Thing Done! from 2020-03-31T00:33:43

What does it take to get the brain motivated? Debunk the myth and learn tips to complete tasks and achieve dreams. Learn the body's physiological response needed to incite motivation and the power ...

Be YOU Bloom Podcast
Ep. 15: Why It's Not Always Good To Quickly "Get Over It!" Become a better listener. from 2020-03-28T17:55:13

As a certified hypnotherapist, Jessica has serviced clients dealing with difficult emotions and feeling unheard by family or friends. In this episode, we cover the value of "negative emotions" and ...

Be YOU Bloom Podcast
Ep. 16: People fear public speaking more than death. Effective tips for performance! from 2020-03-26T18:51:44

Jessica shares tips to get you out of your head and into your whole body for a more enjoyable performance. Let's talk confidence building techniques, how to optimally learn content, transforming fe...

Be YOU Bloom Podcast
Ep. 17: The Two Personality Types to Know for Better Workplace Communication from 2020-03-26T17:51:56

This is one of Jessica's most popular business training topics because immediately, coworkers understand how to approach one another, managers "get" what their teams need, and no one takes things p...

Be YOU Bloom Podcast
Ep. 18: Can Passion Cost You? Which passion is best in the long run? from 2020-03-23T04:50:29

According to the latest research, what are the two types of passion, and which leads to greater life satisfaction, well-being, adaptability, resilience, and happiness? On this episode, hear from yo...

Be YOU Bloom Podcast
Be YOU Bloom Podcast (Trailer) from 2020-03-22T04:50:29
