Podcasts by Be A Better Human

Be A Better Human

Weekly Inspiration to Be You!
Shine Bright and walk boldly In faith!

Further podcasts by Cynthia Bah

Podcast on the topic Selbstverwirklichung

All episodes

Be A Better Human
The Word of God guarantee for Success! from 2021-02-03T02:26:14

Joshua 1:7-9 Meditate on the Word day and night!

Be A Better Human
Zechariah’s Vision and Interpretation! from 2021-01-26T17:00:37

Zechariah 4:1-14 “ Don’t despise small beginnings!” We read about the mighty work of the Holy Spirit in the life of Zerubbabel and Joshua.

Be A Better Human
His still small voice is Loud and clear! from 2021-01-20T05:30:07

Excerpt from book , “This is War! “. By Apostle Lynne Schulze

Be A Better Human
How Do I hear the voice of God? from 2021-01-20T05:05:20

1 Kings 19 Elijah is discouraged and cries out in despair to the Lord to take his life! The response he receives is unexpected.

Be A Better Human
Season 2 Self-Control qualifies you to be a leader in the kingdom of God from 2021-01-12T13:04:16

Joshua chapter 2: 7-9 Be Courageous and strong for the Lord is with you wherever you go!

Be A Better Human
Where is your faith rooted? from 2021-01-09T14:27:47

Make sure The finished work of Christ is the foundation of your faith and not anything else!

Be A Better Human
Blessings over Children 2021 from 2021-01-09T13:45:11

Declare that your family will stand for Christ in the next generation and those to come! Declare the truth over your children with me.

Be A Better Human
Empowerment Prayer for 2021! from 2021-01-09T12:56:56

Speak over your families and yourself the blessings of the Lord. Join me in agreement that this year we will shine out light in the midst of the darkness.

Be A Better Human
Leadership in the Kingdom of God has standards! from 2021-01-06T03:10:06

Explore in scripture the criteria for being a leader others want to follow!

Be A Better Human
No man can curse what God has blessed! from 2020-06-24T04:46:28

Numbers 23:1-30 Remember that children of God are so blessed that the enemy could not defeat them no matter how much he tried. Remember who we serve! The Lord protects and allows those who are part...

Be A Better Human
How Do I know I’m saved? Part 3 from 2020-05-27T07:38:55

Did the Holy Spirit bear witness to you that you are a child of God? Romans 8:16-18. Galatians 5 :22-23 and 1 Peter 2:8,

Be A Better Human
How Do I know I’m saved? Part 2 from 2020-05-26T12:33:36

Romans 10:1-21 What is your personal testimony?

Be A Better Human
How Do I know I’m saved? from 2020-05-26T11:50:28

Romans 10:1-3 These people have zeal but not according to knowledge!

Be A Better Human
Prayer for you! from 2020-05-01T05:49:42

Time to Thank the Lord for what He has done!

Be A Better Human
Jesus is Coming Back! Part 4 from 2020-04-01T07:22:14

What Did Jesus actually say regarding His return? What is the role of the Holy Spirit? What is the purpose of His second coming ? All this and more are referenced in several places in scripture in ...

Be A Better Human
Jesus is Coming Back! Part 5 from 2020-04-01T07:07:18

Matthew 25:31-46 The sheep will be set on His right hand and the goats on His left. Also quick history of who actually came up with the rapture theology and how it spread.

Be A Better Human
Jesus is Coming Back Part 3 from 2020-04-01T05:19:48

John 14:18-27 Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid!

Be A Better Human
Jesus is Coming Back! Part 2 from 2020-04-01T03:51:26

John 14:1-17 “Don’t let your Heart be troubled .. You believe in God, Believe also in Me.”

Be A Better Human
Jesus is Coming Back! from 2020-04-01T02:42:08

1 Thessalonians 4: 14-18 I talk about the event of The return of Jesus in prophecy!

Be A Better Human
Humble pie Anyone? from 2020-04-01T01:28:36

Proverbs 15

Be A Better Human
Get Out of God’s Way! from 2020-03-24T15:08:39

Genesis 27:1-46 Self centered ambition will not deliver a peaceful blessing. Allow the Lord to work so that our blessings are peaceful and no one can come against us with accusations.

Be A Better Human
Pop up What to Expect! from 2020-03-24T14:04:38

Tune in weekly to Talk of Life with Elma and Be a Better Human podcast

Be A Better Human
Gifted & full of Purpose from 2020-03-09T04:56:12

Anything we ask for is easy for our Heavenly Father. Romans 8;32.

Be A Better Human
I Bet your more wonderful then you think! from 2020-02-15T20:34:57

You get to choose who you are! Nobody else can define you with their labels! I talk about my own life experience with family!

Be A Better Human
The Authority of Jesus Part 3 from 2020-02-12T22:50:11


Be A Better Human
Snippet of Ever learning and never coming to the knowledge of the Truth! from 2020-02-04T21:19:23

2TIMOTHY 3:8-17 stick with the scriptures not your own philosophy or spiritualism!

Be A Better Human
Authority of Jesus/P2 Which of the Two did the will of His Father? from 2020-02-04T19:55:26

Jesus has always had supreme authority over all creation. Looking at the parable of the Master and His sons, we can learn that intention without obedience is worthless. Only true repentance leads t...

Be A Better Human
Part 2 Of Ever learning yet never coming to the knowledge of the truth! from 2020-01-28T13:00:33

2 Timothy 3:8-17 Everything we need is found in the Word of God. The only book written under the guidance of the Most High Himself.

Be A Better Human
Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the Truth. Part 1 from 2020-01-21T03:22:46

2Timothy 3:1-8 Reflections of those that will endure the end times. Prophecy being fulfilled.

Be A Better Human
Inspirational Mom at Cooks Children’s Hospital! from 2020-01-20T22:20:18

Meet JaKatie mother of twins Kameryn and Kamora born at 22 weeks! She is a Warrior Mom!

Be A Better Human
The Authority of Jesus Christ! from 2020-01-14T14:00:40

Matthew 21:23-27 Jesus is confronted by the religious elite after He turned over the tables in the temple saying it was a den of thieves.

Be A Better Human
Playing God! A liberating true story from 2020-01-13T12:24:36

Children who were rescued from sweat shops and a life of slavery by world vision, went back to save other children and helped several escape!

Be A Better Human
Prayer Pop up from 2020-01-13T10:13:02

Be encouraged to seek out Divine assistance to help you become a better human!

Be A Better Human
Highlights of 2019! from 2020-01-11T14:08:42

My reflections from January to December 2019! I see the Lord developed me in some major areas!

Be A Better Human
I’m on my Way! from 2020-01-10T14:40:59

Daily inspiration.... live your joy, goodness and Favor now! You are in the process of being all that the Lord has granted in His word! Be inspired, your on your way there if you are not there alre...

Be A Better Human
2020 Events/weekly episodes on Tuesdays and bonus pop up! from 2020-01-07T19:42

Please join in on the Zoom topics every first Sunday of the month, beginning February 2nd. This month will be January 26th! Also Dance Showcase will be April 17th,

Be A Better Human
“I will Honor those who Honor Me.” from 2020-01-07T08:40:25

1 Samuel chapter 2:27-36 Generations of Eli became cursed instead of blessed because his sons did not honor the Lord ! To much is given , much is required.

Be A Better Human
To whom much is given, much is required! from 2020-01-02T08:10:12

1Samuel 2 Judgement comes to the house of Eli. Samuel becomes the man that will honor the work of the Lord!

Be A Better Human
Every Hour, Every Second! from 2019-12-19T20:22:26

Share some clips of worship music! Enjoy praises to King Jesus Christ!

Be A Better Human
Be A Better Human from 2019-12-18T20:20:38

The theme of this channel

Be A Better Human
Samuel.... Walking Testimony of Answered Prayer from 2019-12-18T18:01:07

I Samuel 2 verses 7-9. Hannah celebrates how the Lord may not work on our time table , but He always blesses and shows favor to those who serve Him and Honor His name! We can appreciate that trusti...

Be A Better Human
The Lord maketh poor and maketh rich! from 2019-12-12T22:48:19

1Samuel 2 Famous words of Hannah! Job also understood that Our Creator has the final say about any matter or circumstance. We can trust in only His sovereignty! Nothing else is certain from day to ...

Be A Better Human
Are you a peacemaker? Holidays offer plenty of opportunity to practice this virtue from 2019-11-30T18:16:16

Matthew 5; Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called Children of God!

Be A Better Human
Teach us to number Our Days! from 2019-11-07T18:25:16

Psalm 90:12 Live like you understand that today is a gift from the Lord! Don’t waste it worrying or complaining.

Be A Better Human
Power to cast out evil spirits is available through the finished work of Christ! from 2019-10-29T13:16:20

Matthew 17 . What was the instruction given from Jesus to deal with evil spirits ?

Be A Better Human
Updates about Non Profit, Prison Ministry and More! from 2019-10-22T06:25:17

I share my current activities so that listeners know more about my life and involvement in the community!

Be A Better Human
Prayer from 2019-10-09T13:33:08

The Father is jealous for us!!!

Be A Better Human
The Glory of Jesus! from 2019-09-25T14:44:51

John chapter 12. A voice from heaven testified of Jesus Glory! Encouraging word for September 24th, 2019

Be A Better Human
Isaiah chapter 1:1-11 Zion, false worship, and hindered prayers from 2019-09-11T20:19:07

Are people just going through the motions and expecting results in prayer? Are people repenting from the heart or just putting on a show in church ? The people of Judah were guilty of this and the ...

Be A Better Human
Revelation 22 : 1-11 “Let them that are unjust be unjust still.” from 2019-09-06T18:47:10

The prophecy of the righteous being rewarded for their life is faithful and true!

Be A Better Human
You Inspire Me Part 1 from 2019-08-27T15:19:26

Every day should have Inspiration in it! When was the last time you felt inspired?

Be A Better Human
You Inspire Me from 2019-08-27T15:14:27

What keeps you inspired? What takes you to your mountain top? Have you been there lately? Live each moment to the fullest !

Be A Better Human
Can’t play games with God! from 2019-05-17T20:53:47

Can’t fool God

Be A Better Human
Fasting Day 32 from 2019-05-08T04:46:19

My experience with fasting

Be A Better Human
Fasting and Praying from 2019-05-08T03:28:26

Responding to question what would be a good method for fasting and praying to build my relationship with God?

Be A Better Human
Prison Visit Topic : Nature of Our Creator from 2019-04-04T10:13:15

The Lord revealed so many characteristics of love before judgment in His decision to show mercy instead of punishment to humanity In His first journey to earth. His second coming will be totally di...

Be A Better Human
“I wonder” by Cynthia Bah-Traore from 2019-03-09T07:01:44

Poetry about bible characters/ journey with me in this original poem

Be A Better Human
Place of possibilities from 2019-03-09T05:53:36

Close your eyes and see something you haven’t seen before ! Wonder and explore your deepest longings

Be A Better Human
Memories are precious moments that occurred in the past from 2019-03-08T16:38:21

Philippians 3:13 Press Forward The Lord is always doing a new thing!

Be A Better Human
Encouragement for Today! from 2019-03-07T17:44:45

We are peculiar and in a perpetual state of Joy... according to the Word !

Be A Better Human
Proverbs 23:6-8 from 2019-03-06T03:34:24

So a man thinks in his heart, so is he.

Be A Better Human
Vision for the rest of the year! from 2019-02-27T21:54:31

What do you plan to accomplish improbable probable and impossible goals!

Be A Better Human
Jesus we know, Paul we know , but who are you? from 2019-02-26T23:00:06

Don’t surrender in your darkest hour! Keep fighting and wait on the Lord. We need the Spirit of Most High to defeat the enemy.

Be A Better Human
Parable of the Vineyard from 2019-02-25T22:28:22

Luke 20 verse 9 Bible study over the significance of Who Jesus was and His mission here on earth!

Be A Better Human
Another Chance for the Devil? from 2019-02-25T21:14:41

The great deceiver and accuser deserves the judgement he has coming .

Be A Better Human
The Favor of God! from 2019-02-25T18:35:44

Luke 2:52 Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and favor with God and man.

Be A Better Human
Self Love from 2019-02-25T17:58:46

What is the Lord going to do through my life?

Be A Better Human
You Owe Me! from 2019-02-24T21:46:39

Matthew 6:14-15

Be A Better Human
On earth as it is in heaven from 2019-02-24T21:19:24

Thank you for your presence Lord!

Be A Better Human
Your more beautiful without Make-Up from 2019-02-24T20:21:18

Consider why you are so concerned with outer appearances ! Some of you really should begin some self acceptance!

Be A Better Human
Church or Not? from 2019-02-24T15:53:51

I discuss pros and cons for attending organized religion

Be A Better Human
Am I Enough? from 2019-02-24T15:29:52

Can you breath without help? Attention from someone else is not a need! Be Free!

Be A Better Human
Love yourself in this moment! from 2019-02-24T15:01:53

Think of yourself as someone who is loved and made on purpose for a purpose!

Be A Better Human
Do all church devils go to heaven? from 2019-02-24T14:11:42

Wolves in sheep clothing is no excuse for you to give up on the Truth of the Gospel. Those people are not a part of the Real Kingdom of God!

Be A Better Human
Anxiety and Stress Must Go! from 2019-02-24T11:36:39

I give 3 tips on how to stop obsessing over your issues and have peace ! Matthew 6:25 “Take no thought for your life, what you will eat or drink...”

Be A Better Human
Light of the eye! What do you see? from 2019-02-24T10:29:01

Matthew 6:22-23 Do you have vision?

Be A Better Human
I think God Can Handle You Part 2 from 2019-02-23T16:12:06

Jude chapter 1- 23-25 This is a bible study podcast . I read over this chapter and put emphasis on building up your most Holy Faith.

Be A Better Human
Enlighten! What is Truth? from 2019-02-23T15:11:47

What is the ultimate Truth? Can everyone have their own truth really?

Be A Better Human
Wilderness verses Truth / Truth is Greater than Facts! from 2019-02-23T14:28:41

Stand on the Truth of the Word of God/ Despite the Facts . Excerpt from Turning Point church

Be A Better Human
I Think God is Able to Handle you! from 2019-02-16T11:30:56

He can Handle the ex gang member , the the outspoken black woman, and the divorced man. He doesn’t define us that way any way. He calls us His children!Guess what He loves each of us just like we a...
