Batman: No Man's Land - Episode 3 - a podcast by

from 2009-11-03T01:50

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90 days of No Man's Land, and the citizens of what used to be Gotham City are slowly adapting to their harsh new way of life. No one has seen hide nor hair of Batman, but someone has begun to put up Bat Tags across the NML. Whispers of a Caped Crusader helping those in need are beginning to spread, but if he really were back, why hasn't he contacted those closest to him?

Batman - No Man's Land - Episode 3

Download(12:09, 22.4 MB, released 2009.11.02)

Featured in the cast were:

Pat McCarthy as Paolo
Amby Leigh as Batgirl
TamTu Bui as Andy DeFillipis
R James as Commissioner Gordon
Cassandra Morgan as Sarah Essen
Ryan H. Nelson as Harvey Bullock
Dylan Nagel as Bill Pettit
Jared J. Lee as Hugh Foley
Liana Walsh as Renee Montoya

This is a production of Darker Projects.

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