Podcasts by Bad Body Bad Skin

Bad Body Bad Skin

Hello ladies and welcome to my lovely show! My name is Es and I help women in business build the confidence they need to be exceptional leaders. Starting and owning a business comes with its challenges but you no longer have to vent about your troubles alone. I am here to complain about them with you =)Each episode I share my challenges and tips that helped me grow into a disciplined leader. It was a long painful journey but I figured out what works and I want to help guide yours.In my Skin Deep Series , I bring guest on who are smarter than me that can explain things in the wellness , beauty and skincare industry . You didn't think this was just about boring confidence right? We gotta look and feel good too. Hope you enjoy the show!

Further podcasts by est.louissaint@gmail.com

Podcast on the topic Selbstverwirklichung

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