Get Wired for Your Ultimate Success with Brad Bizjack - a podcast by Anthony Trucks

from 2023-05-30T10:00

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In today’s episode, our guest is Brad Bizjack. He is the CEO and Founder of Brad Bizjack, LLC. He's a personal development expert and international inspirational speaker with almost a decade of experience coaching thousands of individuals and teams to maximize performance and elevate their mindset and career to the next level. He's developed online mindset academies sold in multiple countries throughout the world. 

[2:48] Why should I listen to you? 

That's an excellent question. It's intriguing because it's not something I've been asked before. If I were faced with that situation, my approach would be centered around active listening and genuinely understanding your story and current circumstances. Perhaps the key lies in empathy and having a deep understanding of what it feels like to walk in someone else's shoes, coupled with a strong desire to be of service. From a credibility standpoint, my ability to connect with people stems from years of personal struggle. I have experienced the challenges of being overworked, underpaid, and burdened by significant debt. Despite my best efforts, I couldn't seem to break free from that cycle. However, once I embraced the strategies and concepts we'll be discussing today, everything started to change for the better.

[4:18] Do you mind taking us through your journey? 

After college, I pursued a job to overcome my debt and achieve financial freedom. But deep down, I craved more—I wanted to break free from mediocrity and outrun my past. That's when I discovered online business and its promises of success, inspiration, and financial abundance. However, despite my efforts, nothing seemed to work. I found myself trapped in a cycle of toxic positivity, pretending everything was fine while struggling internally. Realizing I needed a mindset shift, I hired a coach despite my mounting debt. During our first call, she opened my eyes to the true path to success: rewiring my mind and finding happiness. This revelation led me to attend a life-changing conference focused on limiting beliefs, where I underwent a transformative experience. From there, I paid off my debt, retired my wife, and built a thriving business serving clients worldwide. I discovered that true success comes from rewiring the mind and prioritizing happiness and appreciation for life. This is where my journey began.

[8:08] How can someone find a moment of happiness? 

It's crucial to examine what people believe will bring them fulfillment, especially when facing financial struggles. Often, individuals associate peace of mind, freedom, or other desired outcomes with having more money. However, it's important to question who took away their peace of mind or freedom. No external factor has the power to strip away these inner qualities. Many individuals find themselves in a mindset of "should"—believing their circumstances should be different, and they should have more money, a bigger business, or a happier life. This mentality can be counterproductive as it prevents them from recognizing the lessons that will help them break through their challenges. Scott Harris introduced the concept of feathers, bricks, and trucks, illustrating how life presents us with lessons. Initially, life gently nudges us with a feather, but often, we brush it off and fail to learn the lesson. In response, life intensifies its efforts, tossing a brick with a message tied to it through our window. Instead of focusing on the shattered glass, we should seek the lesson hidden within the note. Problems, though painful, are gifts that demand our attention. However, if we continue to ignore the lessons, life may resort to drastic measures, like a Mack truck with a note painted in red.

[12:33] What do you have to say about the idea of setting a goal? 

I believe in the old adage that without vision, you shall perish, which holds true even in biblical teachings. Unfortunately, many people make the mistake of lacking a compelling vision for their future. Past failures and disappointments have left them so wounded that they have become attached to specific outcomes, believing that their worth is tied to those results. As a result, they shrink their goals to make them more realistic. However, I share the viewpoint of Will Smith, who said that realism is the quickest path to mediocrity. While it's important to be realistic about the actions and time required to achieve our goals, being realistic about the dreams themselves often fails to ignite excitement. Instead of setting goals based on what we truly desire, we tend to base them on past experiences. We rationalize and convince ourselves that we can only handle a certain amount or that it's all we can take on right now. This mentality is comparable to having multiple plugs connected but neglecting to plug in our health. Many people approach their lives this way, trying to be realistic when setting their dreams. Unfortunately, they find that they don't achieve these smaller goals, leading them to think they should aim even lower.

[18:52] How does someone have this thing that they love that might be in the same direction but not the same thing?

That's a valid concern, and it's essential to approach the pursuit of one's heart's calling with careful consideration and planning. It doesn't always mean making drastic changes or completely upending your life. Here are a few steps to lean into chasing your heart's calling without blowing your life up: Reflect and clarify, set realistic goals, plan and strategize, seek support, manage risks and resources, embrace gradual change, and practice self-care. 

[23:06] How does someone lean into chasing some of their heart's callings without blowing their life up?

Many individuals harbor resentment toward their current circumstances, Let's make note of two important points. Firstly, from a conceptual standpoint, if you are formulating a vision and expecting immediate support from others, you're being unrealistic. As a visionary, you lead the way and initiate the idea. Eventually, people will join in. For instance, when I started my business, my wife initially believed it was the worst idea ever. However, now she is incredibly happy with our successful venture. I hold no judgment against her, as her concern was for our security and stability. She saw my pursuit of a dream as a threat to our safety. Her intention was pure, she aimed to protect us. The key takeaway is that, as a visionary, you must take the leap of faith without immediate support. Now, if you have a family to provide for while chasing your dreams, it may not be the most responsible choice to abandon your sole source of income, risking your children's well-being. I firmly believe in providing for my kids. Now, let's delve into the psychological aspect that can be helpful. Many people have dreams or callings in their hearts, but they bring negative energy to their existing roles or careers because they feel they shouldn't be in those positions. 

[33:20] What do people use nowadays to get from point A to point B that you believe is some useful thing we should think through?

So there's something we discussed earlier, and I'd like to touch upon it. It's about achieving success, which I believe is your forte. I'm eager to talk about the commerce I've been working on for quite some time. It all started during a hiking trip with my friends. Every couple of years, we embark on a two-week hiking adventure, tackling challenging trails like Half Dome and backpacking through the Grand Canyon. On the journey from Grand Canyon National Park to Yosemite, I sat in the front seat with my friend Jim. During our conversation, Jim made a profound statement about getting ideas or insights when we lack a pen to jot them down. We pondered this observation, and Jim compared road trips to success. He said, "If you're not excited about your destination, why would you embark on a cross-country drive?" It struck a chord with me, and I had a realization: success is akin to Google Maps. However, there's another crucial factor at play—the stories we tell ourselves about our present circumstances. Most people, driven by their need for significance, tend to create disempowering narratives about where they currently stand. They undermine their progress, fail to recognize the beauty of their journey and berate themselves for not yet reaching their goals. 

[44:30] What promise did God make to the world when he created you? 

That I will make people smile 

Key Quotes

[10:25-10:28] Your emotions cause you to take action to change your circumstances. 

[11:04-11:09] You can't really learn to shift your life until you learn how to appreciate life. 

How to connect with Brad Bizjack 




Further episodes of Aww Shift

Further podcasts by Anthony Trucks

Website of Anthony Trucks