Podcasts by Avoiding Stupidity

Avoiding Stupidity

We often focus on trying to be brilliant, yet many great people get far more success by avoiding making stupid mistakes. Each episode is a short tale of our thinking fallacy. In each episode, you'll learn to improve thinking process by learning through history or through business failure or through daily blunders

Further podcasts by Mandhir Dua

Podcast on the topic Selbstverwirklichung

All episodes

Avoiding Stupidity
Confabulation..Why we make things up unknowingly? from 2020-05-22T15:28:59

Have you ever met a friend after a long time and while discussing early days anecdotes you unknowingly crete a false narrative? Well..You are a story you tell yourself. In this episode, I talked ab...

Avoiding Stupidity
What can the Circus and Fish teach us about the behavior from 2020-05-07T15:18:18

What is Pike syndrome? How can we overcome that? What lesson can a famous Circus group teach us?

Avoiding Stupidity
Troubled librarian, fake surveys and cobra effect from 2020-05-03T17:32:47

What is common between a librarian, a health juice company and a British colonial time in Delhi? Understand the (mis)use of incentives

Avoiding Stupidity
Trailer from 2020-05-01T18:19:04
