Podcasts by AstroGnosis: Esoteric Talk

AstroGnosis: Esoteric Talk

Welcome to Astrognosis: Esoteric talk, where we cover everything within the realm of Spiritual Mystery.
Join Astrologer, Psychic Medium, & Frequency healer Lydia Chiarenza and Hypnotherapist, Intuitive, & Energy Practitioner Rachel Talia as we talk about all things within the realm of spiritual mystery.

Find us on Facebook via our joint business venture: facebook.com/AstroGnosisPLR/

Follow our Podcast Page: facebook.com/AstroGnosis-Esoteric-Talk-107692714371969/

Or find us individually:
Lydia: facebook.com/Astropieces/
Rachel: facebook.com/rthhypnotherapy/

Further podcasts by AstroGnosis PLR

Podcast on the topic Religion und Spiritualität

All episodes

AstroGnosis: Esoteric Talk
AstroGnosis, Esoteric Talk: SIMULATION THEORY from 2022-07-18T06:35:46

👁 AstroGnosis Esoteric Talk: SIMULATION THEORY, TECHNOLOGY & AI.

In today’s episode we discussed simulation theory, artificial intelligence, and the quest for the love affair for spirit...

AstroGnosis: Esoteric Talk
AstroGnosis, Esoteric Talk: Deciphering the Lions Gate Impact from 2021-08-08T14:59:32

👁 AstroGnosis Esoteric Talk: Deciphering the Lions Gate

In today’s episode we discussed the Lions gate Portal. We approached it from the stand point of mythology, esoteric astrology, an...

AstroGnosis: Esoteric Talk
AstroGnosis, Esoteric Talk: Individuation from 2021-07-24T05:22:17

👁 AstroGnosis Esoteric Talk: The Quest For Individuation

In today’s episode we discussed the upcoming Aquarius Full Moon. We talked about individuation, being weird, embracing rebellion...

AstroGnosis: Esoteric Talk
AstroGnosis, Esoteric Talk: Chiron in Aries, The Wounds of the War Vet Generation from 2020-09-30T03:22:21

🐏 AstroGnosis Esoteric Talk:
Chiron in Aries, The Wounds of The War Vet Generation

Welcome to Astrognosis: Esoteric talk, where we cover everything within the realm of Spiritual M...

AstroGnosis: Esoteric Talk
AstroGnosis Esoteric Talk: Debunking the Libra Myth, With Rosette Torres from 2020-09-24T16:55:24

👁 AstroGnosis Esoteric Talk: EP 9 Debunking the Libra Myth, With Rosette Torres

Welcome to Astrognosis: Esoteric talk, where we cover everything within the realm of Spiritual Mystery. Listen

AstroGnosis: Esoteric Talk
AstroGnosis: Esoteric Talk, The Evolution of Spiritual Initiation from 2020-09-16T03:12:04

Welcome to Astrognosis: Esoteric talk, where we cover everything within the realm of Spiritual Mystery.
Join Astrologer, Psychic Medium, & Frequency healer Lydia Chiarenza and Hypnotherapist, ...

AstroGnosis: Esoteric Talk
AstroGnosis: Esoteric Talk, Navigating Mars Retrograde — It All Begins With YOU from 2020-09-10T15:14:10

Welcome to Astrognosis: Esoteric talk, where we cover everything within the realm of Spiritual Mystery.

Join Astrologer, Psychic Medium, & Frequency healer Lydia Chiarenza and Hypnothera...
