Podcasts by All Stories Are Fiction

All Stories Are Fiction

Stories from the renowned monologist Mike Daisey. He’s been hailed as “the master storyteller” by the New York Times, and compared to a modern-day Mark Twain for his provocative monologues that combine the personal and the political, weaving secret histories with hilarity and heart. His stories include ALL THE FACES OF THE MOON, a 29-night, 40-hour monologue that is a living theatrical novel performed at the Public Theater in NYC. Find out more at mikedaisey.com.

Further podcasts by Mike Daisey

Podcast on the topic Darstellende Kunst

All episodes

All Stories Are Fiction
Yes, We're All Going To Spa Castle from 2017-04-04T16:52:43

A short piece performed at Rattlestick Playwright’s Theater wherein the passing of an old friend is mourned, the essential horror of relationships is dealt with, the wonders and ecstasies of Spa Ca...

All Stories Are Fiction
How A Frame Defines A Picture from 2017-03-06T20:56:04

These are brief comments made during an art opening on March 2nd, 2017 at the St. Ann's School in Brooklyn. It was an opening featuring the work of Larissa Tokmakova, who was the painter who helped...

All Stories Are Fiction
The Day and Night after the Election from 2016-11-10T16:02:06

The day after the election, Mike travelled to Burlington, Vermont to perform his remixed version of Moby Dick, which combines Melville’s classic with STAR TREK II: THE WRATH OF KHAN. This the is th...
