Part 1: Unlocking the Secrets of"Study"and"Desire"in Learning - a podcast by Geraldine Schmid

from 2023-10-30T19:06:24

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  • The podcast explores Leonardo da Vinci's assertion about the relationship between study and desire.
  • Leonardo's definition of "study" during the Renaissance was broad, encompassing observation, experimentation, and reflection beyond just rote learning.
  • In Leonardo's view, studying without genuine interest or curiosity leads to superficial learning that doesn't leave a lasting impact.
  • The word "desire" traces back to Latin "desiderare," suggesting a hopeful expectation or looking to the stars with longing.
  • Modern interpretations of "desire" have a more negative connotation, implying a sense of lack, while the original sentiment was more optimistic.
  • Reinterpreting Leonardo's quote with these definitions suggests that genuine, hopeful desire enriches the act of studying, making knowledge truly internalized and remembered.
  • While today's view of "desire" often relates to passion or emotional highs, the original sentiment emphasizes deeper engagement, trust in the process, and intrinsic motivation.
  • The satisfaction from studying comes not from fleeting pleasure but from deep understanding and discovery.

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