7RREI #29 -- Self-directed IRAs, Webinar Tips, and How to Succeed in Business When You're a Single Parent...with Kaaren Hall - a podcast by Nick Raithel |Featuring top real estate investors...Talking about -- Multifamily (Apartment Building Investing) | Flipping Houses | Wholesaling | Mobile Home Investing | Notes | Cashflow | Financial Independence...& more || >> On Twitter @7RulesREI

from 2018-10-30T07:00

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Need more money for real estate investing? If so, you'll appreciate this episode. Our guest (Kaaren Hall) will explaining self-directed IRAs and how you can use them as a funding source for REI. Along with self-directed IRAs, Kaaren also provides tips on how you can give an effective webinar. And if you're a single parent, you'll definitely want to listen in to this episode. That's because you'll hear Kaaren describe how she succeeded in business, despite being a single parent. >> Click "Play" in iTunes now

Further episodes of 7 Rules For Real Estate Investing with Nick Raithel

Further podcasts by Nick Raithel |Featuring top real estate investors...Talking about -- Multifamily (Apartment Building Investing) | Flipping Houses | Wholesaling | Mobile Home Investing | Notes | Cashflow | Financial Independence...& more || >> On Twitter @7RulesREI

Website of Nick Raithel |Featuring top real estate investors...Talking about -- Multifamily (Apartment Building Investing) | Flipping Houses | Wholesaling | Mobile Home Investing | Notes | Cashflow | Financial Independence...& more || >> On Twitter @7RulesREI